What if Nate was Clementine's caretaker instead of Lee?

What if Nate was Clementine's caretaker instead of Lee? Do you think Nate can protect her better then Lee? Do you think Nate and Clem would have a love relationship or would they would have a Lee-Clem type relationship?
Do you think Nate is better in terms of survival then Lee?
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Not Nate, but i think this video should be able to answer your question:D
Clementine would probably be like Lizzie.
Love realitionship.. That is kind of pedophile.. Also this thread is already Been posted over month ago.
Waiting for Telltale releases makes people repeat themselves! Waiting for Telltale releases make people repeat themselves!
I see what you did there.
The other thread was about Nate. This one is about Nate and Clementine if Clem never meet Lee.
The other thread had exactly same name; "what if Nate was clementine's caretaker instead of Lee", there was also that same picture. It was also about Nate and clementine if clementine never met Lee.
http://www.telltalegames.com/community/discussion/comment/929910#Comment_929910 This is the other thread, we already went through this.
It would be cool to see Clem's reaction when she realizes how nuts that guy is.
I don't think she would be the Sweet Girl we've all come to love
Nates a monster never killed that old couple and showed no remorse never let clem near him. Lee the perfect choice natural leader has morals but also willing to make hard choices to help clem or his friends and always show remorse. Also a killer in normal world thats bad thing but in this world is essential to survive to be able to kill or be killed. Also can handle a weapon mature and good in fist fights. Very smart and is willing to sarifice himself for clem. Nate would kill clem for pancake the mans insane and very overrated
If Nate really was Clem's caretaker, one thing different about Clem is she would be fine with killing folks and taking all their stuff.
Saltlick my friend...the Clem i played in Season2 isn't a sweet little girl at all anymore:D
I hope i get the choice to Saltlick that bitch Rebbeca in episode 3 i would definitely do it!
Nate's a drunktard and a hypersexual, wouldn't surprise me if he ever did it with a zombie girl.
Hence I think he would have had Clementine do "special services" for him in exchange for protection and some teachings.
Clem gorked 24/7.
Yeah man I agree, Now she is that way because she was forced to grow up the worst way possible losing everyone she cares for but If we had played as Nate instead Of Lee in Season 1 she would be a fucking psychopath right know lol
Your god damn right man!
Beeeing a psychopath isn't good and i would hate Clem for it, but in this cruel world beeing a " Nate " is something that can come in handy!
To be honest with you i think I would be a "Nate" if there was a zombie apocalypse, But im not sure I want Clem to be one
Nate may have been a normal, nice person before the apocalypse. Had he met Clementine instead of Lee, he may not have become the kind of nuts person we know of. Since Clementine was Lee's moral compass, maybe she could have also been a moral compass for Nate.
Nate & Clem? Dunno, if he could take care then there is no danger walking or living alive out there to hurt her. Guy is unstoppable force of human engineering.
Nate was one sick bastard.
Nate's the kind of guy we try to protect our kids from!
While playing as Russell, if shooting Nate had been an option, I'd have shot him.
Lee was perfect to care for her.
If not Lee, then Kenny, as Kenny had experience being a father, and was fiercely protective.
Same here. I would have shot Nate. He was a psycho!
So Nate being Clem's caretaker? Hell no!
He does not need to be. If you're hypersexual you want to put your dick in all kinds of things, men/women/animals/corpses/transvestites..., so him molesting Clementine is expected.
I think something like that would make an interesting storyline if we were playing from Clementine's point of view. Do you stick with the guy who is protecting you despite the fact that he's a thoroughly unpleasant bastard?
Srsly. I saw your theory many times on this community. WHY do you want that Clem and nate have a love relationship?! She is a little girl and he is a crazy rapist. Am I'm the only one whos confused about this question?
Nate's secretly trying to make people get used to the idea. There's no other explanation.
Nate was one sick fuck!
You don't need to have someone like Nate around to survive.
Nor do you need to become like him to survive.
Ofcourse you don't have to be, i just said he has some skills that could come in handy:D
You know if you think that Nate is a good Caretaker for Clem, then HE is it too
No offence, but that's not at all what hypersexuality is...
Hypersexuality is an alternate term for sex addiction. People have an abnormally high sex drive (even this in itself isn't considered an illness; only when it causes "clinically significant discomfort/trouble functioning [ie marriage/job in jeopardy") and/or low impulse control. People with low impulse control may take advantage of vulnerablility (hence molestation may be an issue), but that's usually not the case.
Well...it seems you know a lot about sex^^
I'm glad someone agrees.
Fuck Nate!