Kenny Fans Are Ruining His Character
Now don't get me wrong, I love Kenny and I consider him as one of my "bros." The thing is, Kenny fans are ruining his character for me. I've been seeing the "Kenny confirmed for season 2" gif so many times now. There are even fanboys who are threatening Telltale that if he doesn't come back then they will stop playing/want a refund. You want them to change the story just for you Kenny fanboys? It's quite strange because when I was around in season 1, when anybody spoke ill-willed towards Kenny. I would engage them in keyboard combat because I loved Kenny. Now these fanboys are making me wish that Kenny died in that alley/building so I wouldn't have to deal with their antagonism. I have a feeling that if Kenny doesn't come back in episode 2 then these forums are going to hell.
Tell me about it...
Kenny is the king of all awesome.
Most of it is just absurd over-exaggeration for the sake of absurd over-exaggeration honestly. Long waits between episodes breed strange things, a lot of which are funny at first, but like you said, after so many times it does get old.
Well you can always take a break from the forums like I did when it seems everyone has Kenny Fever...
There is a diffrent between beeing a Kenny-fan and being one of Kennys bitches who posted the whole day pictures like "KENNY CONFIRMED!"
Or maybe if you don't think it's absurd over-exaggeration then you're not a true Kenny fan.
Seems to me that you aren't.
Yes, you are ruining him.
Oh god, what have you done, all those rinky dink pissin' fans are gonna riot you !
They're already here!
OP, I agree about the Kenny spam. It's been old for over a month. I want Kenny to come back more than any other character, but the people who are spamming that gif everywhere and going crazy over him are annoying and make actual GOOD Kenny fans look bad.
Oh for fuck sakes. This. I hate this. Okay, so the fans (Not all of them, but there's plenty examples) are annoying yeah, we got that point across. But how does that affect the character itself? There's a difference between fiction and real life, and real life has the fans, fiction has Kenny. I hate when people say things like that, Kenny fans aren't ruining Kenny, Kenny fans are ruining their own intelligence. And don't you forget it.
You know, we Kenny fans like to post the same pics thousends of times and annoy others by making predictions, but at least we don't insult other people for their favourite characters.
Priorities don't enter into it. You are not a true Kenny fan, and you know it. No reason to press this further; mystery solved.
this thread should be hammered by actual hammers.
I mean Hammers. Not BanHammers....Just hammers. y'know..
Hammer. Because This thread was pretty much asking for spam. sorry whoever made this thread.
To the OP:
You sure do like to insult when someone has a bad opinion about Kenny though...
We've arrived to the point that even if Kenny shows up and is shot in the head multiple times by Nate or Carver, his fans will still be there saying that he survived. Using their not funny "godlike moustache" meme. It's getting fucking old. Get over it.
I hope Kenny burns
On another note, I never understood the love for this character. Why don't people like Lee as much? Lee could kick that two faced prick any day!
I'm even starting to like Rebecca more than Kenny. I think I've arrived to the point that if Rebecca kills Kenny I would be happy and she would redeem herself for what she did to Clem.
i agree with you, but i wouldn't mind a little kenny fun here and there it's just some people take the joke to a whole new level (almost every post above me) :P
lol that's a pretty bold statement, prepare for hate. I agree, while I don't see Rebecca killing Kenny, I wouldn't give two shits if Kenny died, in fact, I'd be happy. I tried to help him, time and time again, and I was so upset when Katjaa and Duck died. But when he started punching me I was done, I was so sick of his shit. If the opportunity came, I would leave Kenny to die.
Oh and then Kenny gave me the bro speech and I was like, shut up, no thank you don't come with me lol
Getting so many downvotes doesn't make something go BOOM in your mind? Something telling you to stop your spam? If not then it's way past being stubborn, and if you're doing it on purpose then you'd take the stupidity to a whole new level.
Kenny weboo
You know you wouldn't, you don't even like Kenny. Besides, Kenny wouldn't want you to kill someone he considers to be the only family he has left to prove that you love him. If you actually loved him you would do your best to protect that which he considers family, just like he always tried to.
Well I know I will get hate because Kenny fanboys are SO predictable and childish. If they can't accept the fact that I don't like them (they even make me dislike Kenny), then it's NMFP. Not my fucking problem. They've gone so far that I don't even care about what they can tell me.
If Christa and Kenny returns and we have to chose somebody to save, I'd choose Christa over Kenny anytime.
And yeah, that bastard didn't even side with me even when I was always on his side in Episode 5.
I agree, although I am a Kenny fan, and I am hoping he turns up alive.