You've heard of BOOMBOX CHEETOS, well prepare yourself for new advancements in medical scie- cough sorry, BOOMBOX technology. Dramatic music starts BOOMBOX M&MS.
You've heard of BOOMBOX CHEETOS, well prepare yourself for new advancements in medical scie- cough sorry, BOOMBOX technology. Dramatic music starts BOOMBOX M&MS.
You've heard of BOOMBOX CHEETOS, well prepare yourself for new advancements in medical scie- cough sorry, BOOMBOX technology. Dramatic music starts BOOMBOX M&MS.
Fuck Carley, Marry Molly, Kill Michelle.
Uh oh...we need another troll alert thread.
He is not a warrior anymore, Now he is "Ohyoufuckedme"
Gonna have to call Homey the Clown again...
That "BOOMBOX CHEETOS" line is pretty catchy though... Wonder what people will think of me if i randomly shout that out on the street.
Boombox Cheetos is the future haha :P
Fuck Shel, marry Carley, kill Brenda St John.
I know,right?! Wait.... What is wrong with us....?
The Troll did his job Now everyone is repeating this everywhere Lol, Boombox Cheetos is the team of the rac.. Shit I ain't saying that :P
Ok, here's my list lol. 1. Nate 2. Marry Nick 3. Kill Stranger
No! We must eliminate the boombox cheetos!
Lol thats so fucking Awesome..
Yeah,i know.That's why my bullshit detector is off the charts.
BOOM.. Nah seriously lets drop that Bullshit if we really want more BOOMBOX CHEETOS lets just wait im convinced he is gonna come back anyway
You've heard of BOOMBOX CHEETOS, well prepare yourself for new advancements in medical scie- cough sorry, BOOMBOX technology. Dramatic music starts BOOMBOX M&MS.
BOOMBOX M&MS would rock !
'Course i know.I'm Jesus.
How the hell are you findig these pictures ? Lol I never thought i would see all thos shit :P
Neither did I lol, I just Google Imaged it and found them.
No that is Patrick. XD
The world has gone to shit lol its the Boombox Revolution
-Fuck: Ben
-Marry: Omid
-Kill: Stranger
-Fuck: Becca
-Marry: Shel
-Kill: Molly
Fuck shel marry carley kill rebecca
Truly a low point in human history lol.
1.Nick 2.Luke 3.Danny st jhons
"Fuck one, Marry one Kill one" a little juvenline don't you think.
Bang everyone, kill everyone, marry no one cuz monogamy is lame.
So are you bi?
Fuck Omid, Marry Omid, Kill the girl who killed my Omid!