Why so Many Dislikes ?
Ok so Im new here and I noticed every comment around here has several dislikes ir this normal or what sorry im not used to it
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Ok so Im new here and I noticed every comment around here has several dislikes ir this normal or what sorry im not used to it
Another meaningless Thread about Trolls and Downvotes, To hell with it Welcome to the Forum Harry Potter :P
Not like they matter anyway. Hell, I actually like getting downvoted. Helps me sleep at night knowing somewhere out there, I managed to piss someone off.
Finally I come across someone who loves getting downvoted as well, Since they don't mean anything I try my best to give them some importance :P
Who wouldn't ? Oh shit My comments got downvotes, What is my life ? :P
That one specially
You all are masochists.
Only if the money is good.
GOUSTTTT. I'm a huge fan. I model myself after you the best I can.
That just earned you a thumbs up.
Get used to it, friend. It happens a lot here. You'll get used to it.
Well, That scalated quickly
The best thing to do is just ignore the downvotes. Both upvotes and downvotes really don't do anything anyway, and most profiles don't even show downvotes, so don't let it get to you.
Since the question has been answered, and this topic doesn't really have anything to do with The Walking Dead (for future reference, General Chat is used for discussing forum matters or anything else not related to Telltale's games), I'm going to go ahead and close this thread.