Kenny really pissed me off in Starved for help

He clearly dont trust the St Johns and tells me about it, gets me to investigate, so i rush down the stairs and into the room and yell DONT EAT THAT in dramatic fashion and kennys all like
Obviously he didnt say that but thats what it felt like at the time ............
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He just cares about the kids...he's a good man!
he just wanted to protect his familly
By wasting time question Lee about the dangerous situation at hand? Giving the St Johns time? If i was Kenny, and Lee came running into the room shouting that, i would have jumped up from my chair like Jacki chan on cocain and laid the smack down on some candy ass's, maybe gave Andy the peoples elbow right there in the dinner hall! then Larry and Mark would have still been alive....we we woulda had to put Mark down, but screw mark!
And out of all the things, you decide this is what pisses you off about Kenny?
He knew they were hiding something but he never knew it was to do with killing and eating people.
And that was the idea of telltale's. To see how people would react to Kenny overreacting and going a bit mad but truth be told, he was right all a long, except for Larry but still, Some people chose to stay with him and some decided against him. That's what choices are for.
He just didn't want his kids to feel scared.
Angry #TeamStache
I was expecting something about his bad attitude if you try to save Larry. As others have said, he didn't want the kids to panic.
even still... telling lee to investigate the back room, and when lee finally comes in and has something to say, kenny downplays it and acts like lee's lost it. it takes being told to go for the gun for kenny to even think of doing anything. sure, it's a little sudden and surprising, but hey, clem was smart enough to take lee seriously from the start, and she knew nothing about the back room...
Clementine is easily led by Lee, even when it's in the wrong direction. She's just a child, or she was in season 1.
she still listened. she didn't argue, debate, or keep eating (duck). he came runnin in, all panicked, told 'em to stop, and she put the fork down and waited. the rest either squabbled or kept right on going up until mark came falling down the stairs. aside from their own egos getting in the way, there was no reason for Lee to lie or joke about such a thing, and yet none but clem took him at his word. if they had, they might have acted sooner, instead of getting held up and thrown in the locker. it just kind of feels like a plot hole. something like a pop up of "kenny/lilly believes you" and they react, only to get shut down might have made the scene flow a little better than everyone acting like Lee is nuts up until he tells 'em to do something and then it's too late.
True. Clem stopped eating right away. Duck keeps on chowin' Mark legs like it's going out of style. Lol.