Luke [Spoilers from S2E2]
Maybe it's just the way I interpreted things, but I got some small...'hints,' I guess you could say, of Luke being somewhat bad or maybe even possibly mentally unstable in some way. First, there was a bit when Luke mentioned (before he and Clementine took out the two lurkers right at the bridge) that killing [the lurkers] was fun. I thought, 'Okay, I guess I can kind of see it. Been living like this for two years or so, and people are bound to go a little nutty, or at least try to find fun in the little things.'
It wasn't until Carver said something about how he warned Carlos and the group not to let Luke lead that I started to get a little suspicious. I don't think that Kenny shot Luke whenever they went out to the woods. I think Kenny was telling the truth, Luke was complaining about something and left. Maybe he's part of an entirely different faction, or maybe he's a super-psycho-guy that Carver 'let' go because he didn't want him around anymore. I don't know. All I know is that I'm suspicious of Luke, even if it's only just a little.
Was wondering if I'm the only one and I'm just paranoid.
I should also mention that if you give yourself up, Carver mentions that Alvin killed one of Carver's friends in cold blood. That could show that the cabin group aren't entirely as nice as they seem.
Ah, thanks for telling me. I didn't give myself up in my playthrough, so I didn't know about this.
"Luke always used to push me. I never wanted to go into business with him..." (Nick)
As you said only time will tell if Luke is bad, but so far i'm leaning towards Carver just BSing stuff. I mean the guy was popping heads and breaking fingers like noting during the stand off.
Yeah, Carver definitely isn't a saint himself, hahaha.
I also think its possible that Luke is allied with a different faction. Possibly even the guys that attacked Clem and Crista in episode 1. "Think about it your Carver what do you do?" (Nick) Wish we could ask about those guys that were attacked and what their relation was to the cabin group those lines are too strange.
The scene between Clem and Carver in the cabin definitely proves he's capable of being a manipulative SOB, so it's best to take everything he says about the group with a grain of of right now, anyway.
I really like Luke. He seems to be a genuinely nice guy, and that is rare in that world. However, given the nature of this game, I am fully expecting him to also have a dark secret. I don't think he will be the 'big bad' or anything, but I think it may be a game changing when it comes to Clem and his relationship arc.
I don't know. Those guys struck me more or less as typical bandits - that the three of them were by themselves. But who knows, really? Maybe Luke actually had Christa locked up somewhere the entire time and is playing a sick game with Clem, or getting some kind of pleasure from keeping them separated.
...and this made me realize just how paranoid I am of these new characters.