Predictions on future EPs [+400 days crew!]
"This is a good thing. I know it."
Boy , did seeing Bonnie acting like such a bitch feel weird to me. I was like "why?!?" the whole time!
I had a gut feeling that having everyone come with Tavia was actually the "bad ending" to the DLC. Telltale just loves these kinds of twists.
I'm thinking that now that Luke took off on his own, he's gonna run into Eddie's group [since he's in the EP4 slider] and somehow that group is going to be the one that saves us from Carver.
I also have a feeling that along with Eddie, the characters that didn't go with Tavia will be in his group, as well as Christa.
Their reason for listening to Luke and wanting to take down Carver?
Well,Christa would most definitely want to try and save Clementine without a doubt. Eddie seemed like a really good guy judging from 400 days,risking his life to save the ran over cop and all, I'm sure his group will be good people. Furthermore, if Wyatt went with Tavia, he'd have all the more reason to want to go there , right? I can almost imagine Eddie teasing Wyatt over saving him from that community ;p
There's so many possibilities depending on our past choices. Should be interesting seeing the 400 days crew reunited if they got separated in the DLC's ending.
So what are your predictions?
I think Luke is going to meet up with the 400 days people that didnt go with Tavia and come back to try to save the people captured, while the people that went with Tavia are going to be with Carver, though with varying levels of dedication to his group. I also think Christa was probably captured and is at Carver's camp now.
Any Molly or Lilly predictions now?
Without a doubt, Eddie is DEFINITELY not in the same group as Carver so I hope that Luke convinces the other group to try and rescue Clementine and the others. Honestly.. I predict Eddie's demise won't be from a walker but from Wyatt himself. They'll probably be in a firefight and Wyatt will kill him accidentally because he was wearing a hoodie and couldn't see him. This leaves Nate, however. I wonder where he's at right now. He would go along with Carver but not with Wyatt around and I highly doubt he will forgive Eddie so I'm not sure where he comes into play in S2 but damn... Episode 3 is gonna be interesting.
I hope he does too! I think they will at least show him because he is too good of a character to waste.
Thus far, we've had a lot of characters whose fate/status is determinant, depending on what we say/do. 3 in this sole episode. Still counting. Remember how Sarah wanted Clem to teach her how to use a gun? What if, depending on whether she learned how to use one or not, she (or someone else) either lives or dies (e.g. stuck in the woods with walkers surrounding her/having to shoot someone to protect another person, like her father, etc.). I'm just making wild guesses here, but that decision will once again come back and bite us in the arse.
I also think that Luke is a spy for Carver. He's way too nice for Clementine not to be a traitor. He's gained everyone's trust, even Clem's. I wouldn't be surprised to see him on Carver's side in the next episode.
Rebecca will probably have her baby and die while giving birth, because I don't see Carver killing her. He'll act all nice to her, until the end. Could be a touching scene. She's actually starting to (SLIGHTLY) grow in me. Stress and all that don't excuse the way she talked to Clem. I won't shed a tear if she dies.
Well, obviously, you can get Carlos, Alvin and Nick to live, but for how long? They're goners for sure. I doubt they ever live to see episode 4 and, with probably (almost) everyone else from the new group dying within the next episode, it's going to get tougher for Clem. I also think Sarita will die, just to make Kenny go nuts once again (I can already see him say: "No! No! Sarita, no!" as Carver shoots her or something crazy like that).
I think it's going to be unpredictable above all! What if Telltale is trying to make these characters whose fate is determinant last longer than we think they will? It would make up for varied playthroughs. I'm excited. That was, in my opinion, TWD's best episode thus far.
Luke is a spy for Carver? That doesn't make any sense. Carver refers to Luke as the leader of the group who left Carver's compound.
Maybe not a spy for Carver, but he probably knew that he was coming, so he ditched the whole group (further information in that thread:
Episode 4 will have a big ass war i predict
What a twist would it be if Nate became one of the good guys after all this time, huh?
Like, good guy Eddie saves him from certain death somehow and he joins his group and all that, and they work out their differences. Then perhaps his time with Eddie would make him see things differently and become a better person. Who knows?
I think Nate is too much of a wild card to be afraid and bossed around by Carver. If he's anywhere, he's with Eddie and the people who stayed behind in 400 days.
I'm sure he'll be back somehow. He was too much of a popular character for Telltale to just discard him...
Imagine him storming in Carver's community to save "his boy" Russel? haha
Exactly what I was thinking, Clem's group would consist of 400 Days characters who didn't go with Tavia as well as others while the ones who did end up on Carver's side.
Considering the names of the next two episodes "In Harms Way" and "Amid the Ruins" plus the Ep. 4 Slider of Clem and others in the darkness, I predict ep. 3 will either end with a huge herd attacking Carver's base, or some kind of battle or uprising at the base with Luke and maybe other survivors, then Ep. 4 will be whoever survives working together to rebuild.
I wonder if really everyone that went with Tavia gonna be there. I mean, when Bonnie was begging for food she told that she has a girl Clem's age... Shel's sister, Rebecca? Maybe
I never played 400 Days but I have watched playthroughs. To people that did, were the people that went with Tavia part of Carver's group, or was it only Bonnie?
Looking forward, the people that didn't go with Tavia should definitely be making an appearance soon, and I'm guessing that Luke and Christa will be with them too.
Your choices effect who joins Tavia's group at the end. But Bonnie always joins Tavia no matter what. Now in this episode, Bonnie is the first 400 Days character we see as part of Carver's group. So they wouldn't have to account for the different 400 days choices yet. I guess the easy way to find out would be for someone who didn't get Shel to join Tavia to confirm whether or not they still heard Bonnie talk about the little girl back at her camp.
Damn, in my playthrough of 400 days, nearly all of the characters went with Tavia. If they really turn out to be the bad guys now, I'll have to rewind my safe file...
I am so curious to see how making everyone from 400 days go with Tavia is going to plan out... I mean, I definitely didn't see Bonnie being part of Carvers group but I'm hoping we can save her from them.
Love the idea of Luke finding Eddie and Christa to help save Clem and the gang. I just refuse to believe these predictions that he's a traitor.
I think it would be really neat if Eddie, Wyatt and Russell ran into Nate again so they'd all realize the physco Russell hitched a ride with was the same guy that was chasing Eddie and Wyatt. Not sure if we will see Nate again though but I'm looking forward to seeing more of Eddie whatever happens.
I also wonder if that "beat up truck" Danny mentions to Justin, was Nates too xD
Oh man... I could just imagine Carver bossing around Russell and suddenly Nate comes in from behind and BAM!
"What's up Russ, miss me?"
episode 3: Luke finds 400 days survivors tries to take on Carvers group and release the prisoners, on the way out lots of people die including 400 days people some of the Cabin survivors and maybe Kenny.
Episode 4: Basicly Amid the ruins means "Surrounded by Ruins" so lots of people dead the survivors saying their good byes etc... Now Everyone is making their way to Wellington everything is getting colder walkers slower, the remaining survivors dont have the proper tools to live jackets heat etc. so people are going to start dying and Clem looks like she might be alone or with only 4 survivors maybe.
Episode 5: They're up in Wellington find a shelter and a place to stay, Clem meets up with Christa finaly and we will have to do something horrible to end off the episode maybe kill one of her close group.
Episode 5 might be like Season 1 episode 5 who thinks?
All of my people went with Tavia..
9/10, he looks slamming.
Heh, you're lucky. ALL of the idiots went with Tavia. I hope that Telltale WANT you to think that it's a bad choice and it's actually a good one. Who am I kidding? I am retarded -.-
Nate is my favourite character from 400 Days.
And if no one stayed behind?