The true nature of Carver...

MagaracMagarac Banned
edited March 2014 in The Walking Dead

My theory about Carver:
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1) Carver is a pedophile, the way he looks Clementine speaks a lot.
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2) Clem is affraid of his love.
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3) Its really hard for Clem in Carvers camp.
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4) Carver gets really pissed when Kenny says that he is sick pedophile.
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5) Carver threatens Clem that she will be eaten by walkers if she doesnt accept his love.
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  • As I wrote on the other thread I find this theory interesting. He could hurt Sarah before and in my opinion it fits the title - "In Harm's Way". I want you to be right.

  • Carver is a complete nutjob, but I don't think he is a pedophile

  • I think Carver is just a control freak like Roman was in 400 days....or he Could be a pedafile, thats why Rebecca dont want him in her kids life, and Why Carlos wanted to get Sarah out of there, and also, why carlos would not tell Clem why they had to leave...

  • Me too.

    Carver is a complete nutjob, but I don't think he is a pedophile

  • You're right. He just tells her "We had to". What else could he say to a little girl? He knew Clem isn't a child. If it was some murdering stuff or something like that, he probably would tell her. But THIS is different.

    I think Carver is just a control freak like Roman was in 400 days....or he Could be a pedafile, thats why Rebecca dont want him in her kids

  • edited March 2014

    It kind of seems like Carver is all about procreation and the growth of his community. Perhaps Carver forced Rebecca to have his baby after he realized Alvin was shooting blanks.

  • Im thinking that may be a bit dark for a company that produce such games as Sam and Max and wallace and Gromit though! lol

    I just think he is another Crawford oberson, Negan, Governor, Roman......mad with power. His community looks kinda like a forced labour camp ( but he may just be making the prisoners work )

    GF1115 posted: »

    You're right. He just tells her "We had to". What else could he say to a little girl? He knew Clem isn't a child. If it was some murdering stuff or something like that, he probably would tell her. But THIS is different.

  • If this is the case then I really will have to sit out the next episode. I really don't like the subject of child rape. Even the notion of it in fictional stories makes me uneasy. Still don't think TTG would go this far.

    Also if Carver was a pedo-bear why didnt he just take advantage of Clem and Sarah when they were alone in the house? The cabin group would of also went all court case pulling out a doll asking "So where did he touch you"?

  • He was alone and didnt know when others will return.

    If this is the case then I really will have to sit out the next episode. I really don't like the subject of child rape. Even the notion of

  • I hope Clem will marry Carver and they will be the most feared dictators in the zombie apocalypse. Something like Bonnie and Clyde, but in the zombie apocalypse.

  • He already has a Bonnie though lol

    Hector13 posted: »

    I hope Clem will marry Carver and they will be the most feared dictators in the zombie apocalypse. Something like Bonnie and Clyde, but in the zombie apocalypse.

  • I disagree with the OP, but I do think Carver raped Rebecca.

  • i dont think carver raped rebecca, if he did why would she be worried about alvin finding out and getting mad at her??? I think he did something to Sarah.

    Gorthaur posted: »

    I disagree with the OP, but I do think Carver raped Rebecca.

  • edited March 2014

    The cabin group would of still asked if he touched Clem or Sarah in any way if that was the case.

    Magarac posted: »

    He was alone and didnt know when others will return.

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    I don't think he's a pedo but i do think he likes Clementine (who doesn't) maybe he is going to try and get her on his side or get her to betray the group and stay in his settlement.

    In the comics Negan has a similar relationship with Carl so that could have inspired Telltale.

  • People on the Steam forums and on these forums seem quite obsessed with the idea of Telltale introducing phedophelia into their game...

  • MagaracMagarac Banned
    edited March 2014

    If something happened, they wouldnt need to ask because clem would probably be verry upset and tell them if something like that happened the moment they came back to cabin...

    The cabin group would of still asked if he touched Clem or Sarah in any way if that was the case.

  • Who isnt?

    ackwell posted: »

    People on the Steam forums and on these forums seem quite obsessed with the idea of Telltale introducing phedophelia into their game...

  • Well, screw Carver.
    Such dick. Very pedo.

  • Alt text

    He already has a Bonnie though lol

  • KunnyKunny Banned

    Carver's a dick.

    Kill him first chance i have.

    In my Playtrough Kenny almost did it... (R.I.P Alvin)

  • edited March 2014

    The governor raped Michonne to nearly death and cut off Rick's hand, beheaded Tyrees, Shot Hershel.....

    Negan smashed in Glenn's head with a baseball bat and gutted Spencer.....

    All Carver has done is shoot a gay guy so far........

  • One sloth is not enough.

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  • [removed]

    One sloth is not enough.

  • Agree with you. Carver it's my enemy now, when Kenny shot him I thought that he had killed him. I clapped. But no, Carver was only hurt. And Alvin died.

    Carver gonna pay for sure. Sooner or later.

  • [removed]

    The governor raped Michonne to nearly death and cut off Rick's hand, beheaded Tyrees, Shot Hershel..... Negan smashed in Glenn's head with a baseball bat and gutted Spencer..... All Carver has done is shoot a gay guy so far........

  • MagaracMagarac Banned
    edited March 2014
  • Spoiler

    Don't forget that Carver may have killed Roman and that group in episode 1. He also broke Carlos's fingers and determinately killed Alvin.

    The governor raped Michonne to nearly death and cut off Rick's hand, beheaded Tyrees, Shot Hershel..... Negan smashed in Glenn's head with a baseball bat and gutted Spencer..... All Carver has done is shoot a gay guy so far........

  • Oh ok you should remember that, If you ever have a little girl and shes comes into contact alone with a pedophile if she seems fine then just assume he didnt try anything, smart guy you are ya... -.-

    Magarac posted: »

    If something happened, they wouldnt need to ask because clem would probably be verry upset and tell them if something like that happened the moment they came back to cabin...

  • wow

    Well, screw Carver. Such dick. Very pedo.

  • I thought the Stranger was a pedo.

    Carver is a complete nutjob, but I don't think he is a pedophile

  • Woah, woah, woah man. How bout a fuckin spoiler warnin there? I know it aint about the game but fuck dude, i'm on issue 98 and talk about ruining shit for me. Asshole.

    The governor raped Michonne to nearly death and cut off Rick's hand, beheaded Tyrees, Shot Hershel..... Negan smashed in Glenn's head with a baseball bat and gutted Spencer..... All Carver has done is shoot a gay guy so far........

  • That would be sick if he was, I don't think so...

  • I won't say who it was, but this idiot posted a picture of the I thought you were dead person before the game was out on Steam and I was mad. -.-

    Blacko posted: »

    Woah, woah, woah man. How bout a fuckin spoiler warnin there? I know it aint about the game but fuck dude, i'm on issue 98 and talk about ruining shit for me. Asshole.

  • If he threatens her that if she tells anyone he will kill her then she wouldn't seem upset.

    Magarac posted: »

    If something happened, they wouldnt need to ask because clem would probably be verry upset and tell them if something like that happened the moment they came back to cabin...

  • Well:
    1) clem has 11 years.
    2) its zombie apocalypse, she is ready to defend from anything that can happen to her...

    Oh ok you should remember that, If you ever have a little girl and shes comes into contact alone with a pedophile if she seems fine then just assume he didnt try anything, smart guy you are ya... -.-

  • Your theory is wrong. No way the look that Carver gives Clem in the picture is one of a pedophile. He might like her,sure. But not in that way, he will try to convince her to join his side most likely. Negan has a similar relationship with Carl in the comics.

  • He's having a baby with Rebecca, and refers to her as pretty. Indeed he's followed them for many miles over many days to get the woman pregnant with 'his' child back. This does not a pedophile make.

  • MagaracMagarac Banned
    edited March 2014


    uberbyford posted: »

    He's having a baby with Rebecca, and refers to her as pretty. Indeed he's followed them for many miles over many days to get the woman pregnant with 'his' child back. This does not a pedophile make.

  • [removed]

    Your theory is wrong. No way the look that Carver gives Clem in the picture is one of a pedophile. He might like her,sure. But not in that w

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