If A**** checks out in episode 3...
...how do you want him to go?
Alvin's been established as something of a teddy bear since episode 1, which makes Carver's talk about him murdering someone called George all the more perplexing. But it's pretty much a safe bet that Alvin doesn't have much time left now - assuming you saved his life in HOUSE DIVIDED.
So, if you knew that Alvin was going to kick the bucket one way or another in episode 3, but had some control over how it happens, what would you want to see occur?
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Bullet to the head. Quick and painless.
I doubt Alvin literally killed George, it could be as little as refusing to save him when a walker got too close.
Btw doea Alvin definately definately die when he gets shot? Do you see a bullet hole in his head? TTG have pulled bigger copouts afterall
Public execution. Throat slitting or head shooting, I don't care, but I'd want Carver to make an example of him in front of the community, as Alvin has killed a community member before/during the group's escape from Carver.
Public execution? Damn, and I thought Telltale was harsh.
Keep in mind we've only heard Carver's version of what happened, and Alvin also had a gun pressed to his head. He was in no position to contradict Carver at that moment.
He might try to fight Carver and end up dying, after all Rebecca's baby is not Alvin's.
I said I didnt see the scene, my post even associated a headshot with killsho, nice reading comprehension (im being sarcastic
..I know thats obvious but not to someo of your preschool level reading ability ▲-▲. wow in your desire to make a stab at me over an internet comment you ended up making yourself look even more stupid than before, that takes skill haha so pathetic. Wait, seeing as you went this far over an indirect comment I hope you dont cut yourself over this direct one. Lol
I think there's more to the situation than just Alvin hauling off and killing some guy, but Carver isn't likely to make that distinction, so he could potentially kill Alvin for it, regardless of any reasons Alvin may have had for doing it. I'm not saying I want Alvin to die for this, I'm saying if he did die, this is how I'd like to see him go out, because we could learn something new about Carver and how he runs his community.
Plus, it would make me hate him even more, which is always good for a villain.
Why are you being such a jackass? The way you wrote your comment sounded like you didn't think a headshot would kill Alvin.
Understood. It wouldn't exactly give Alvin a heroic send-off, but it would definitely be a memorable scene for episode 3. With determinant characters, that sort of thing is vital.
Guess you're not alone afterall goust, I might have a billy goats gruff in my attic somewhere, you two could share it.
Almost too nice
I would make sure he goes quick and painless
alvin is already dead in my playthrough
If he survived episode 2 you see him in the preview and he looks beaten up
Maybe Carver beats him so some reason or to get revenge for George.
I'd like him to go down while beating the shit out of Carver.
He's already dead in my game but I saw this preview on my sisters playthrough and assumed, because he doesn't move at all, that this was an image of him dead.
I honestly think if he did kill someone than it was in self defense, and im not saying he will die in episode 3 but he could possibly make it to episode 4 or 5
If he was dead, he wouldn't be sitting upright in his chair like that.
I don't want him to die at all.
Though I'd prefer Alvin surviving Ep. 3 in the first place, if I had to choose, I'd let him die quick and painless, having some lasts words with Rebecca before that.
I think Carver will kill him and Nick straight away. The others are useful to him. Carlos is a doctor, which Carver needs when Rebecca goes into labour, and he can use Sarah to force Carlos to work for him. He needs Rebecca for his baby, and he will use Clementine to get to Luke and lure him in. Kenny and Sarita will probably be put to work straight away, and be forgiven for Johnny's death.
nvm. Seen the rest now.
I still hope it ends up being Alvin, then Carver can flip the fuck out. TellTale are heavily implying that it's Carver's baby, which makes me believe it's going to be Alvin's.