Kenny From Salt-Lick To Riffle Gun etc.
Kenny seems to be the same person as before. Only thing that changed was his beard. He's still that person who would do anything to protect the group. He started from Salt-Lick killing Larry and now Riffles shooting Johnny which killed Walter. Kenny seems to change to jealous depending on if you side with Luke. It's just another Lily/Kenny moment lol. Kenny doesn't think Luke is a person to be trusted just like he thought Lily wasn't a good leader. Maybe he did kill Luke and maybe he didn't. Maybe Luke went to the bridge to see if he can try to find Mathew. Now I find it funny that TT gave Kenny a urban wife XD. After asking Lee if he can pick locks because he's Urban I kind of laughed. Maybe he chose Sanita because she's Urban and knows how too cook, clean, and shoot, and knows how to pick locks lol. I hope Carver doesn't kill of Kenny in the next episode...
I'm sorry, but this is a horrible theory. Luke went to the bridge to find Matthew? What a great plan to free the group from Carver. Matthew will provide the backup that Luke needs to extract everyone.
Btw Sarita is not urban, she's Indian.
This isn't a theory lol. And Indian is still Urban which is black
is this you?