Should I snop in the files?



  • Senhor how about lilly or molly or christa in the cheat engine?

  • Use telltale speech extractor

    remember to name them into a different filetype, .vox

    Do you know how to play the sound files? i was able to extract them but they all sound glitched or dont work. They're in .wav

  • Please no. I wasn't surprised when she met Kenny because of you!

  • well you go in a thread with spoilers from episode 2, so I wouldn't say anything

    stitch123 posted: »

    Please no. I wasn't surprised when she met Kenny because of you!

  • What do you say?

    Fuckin "Kenny confirmed" gifs were here before E2 was relased. And that's why I wasn't surprised.

    well you go in a thread with spoilers from episode 2, so I wouldn't say anything

  • can u look for luke files for ep3, cause i really want to know if he got out

  • edited March 2014

    Snooping around 202's files has taught me one thing so far- some of the filenames can be really strange until you figure out what they mean. Example: sk55_action_sarahComesUpToHurtCarlos.anm

  • edited March 2014

    Found some Kenny200 stuff that hasn't been used yet in the Ep2 files.

    Alt text

    Alt text

    So, he's going to get drunk and cry. Maybe not in that order. Either way, it's not looking good for Kenny, and if this was Season 1 stuff it wouldn't have the 200.

  • edited March 2014

    "Shit, if now's not the time to drink... When is?


    Found some Kenny200 stuff that hasn't been used yet in the Ep2 files. So, he's going to get drunk and cry. Maybe not in that order. Either way, it's not looking good for Kenny, and if this was Season 1 stuff it wouldn't have the 200.

  • Found Kenny for episode 5 but didn't find Clementine for Episode 5...I'm worried about Clem D:

  • edited March 2014

    Is him a HU3 Br?

    BR é foda

  • K0t0K0t0 Banned

    Are you asking us or are you telling us how cool you are for having a skillno one cares about? How sad

  • edited March 2014

    keep looking man,a lot of people here are curious with the clues you've found

  • edited March 2014

    if people found this before the release of episode 2,they will assume she's a total nutjob

    Snooping around 202's files has taught me one thing so far- some of the filenames can be really strange until you figure out what they mean. Example: sk55_action_sarahComesUpToHurtCarlos.anm

  • Snooping as usual, I see.

  • Wait, when in the episode did she hurt Carlos?

    Snooping around 202's files has taught me one thing so far- some of the filenames can be really strange until you figure out what they mean. Example: sk55_action_sarahComesUpToHurtCarlos.anm

  • Yeah, "for having a skillno one cares about" to the point of the fans sending the video I made about it to Kenny's Voice Actor. (Did I even say this is a skill?)

    Also nothing yet guys, lets keep searching

    K0t0 posted: »

    Are you asking us or are you telling us how cool you are for having a skillno one cares about? How sad

  • Damn people are asking so much of you...

  • Don't worry they probably forgot to put it in, Telltale will not pull a stunt like that and suddenly switch to another character.

    Found Kenny for episode 5 but didn't find Clementine for Episode 5...I'm worried about Clem

  • Alt text
    expressions says hes angry,
    I saw theorys that kenny killed luke, I really dunno

  • Dont hate.

    K0t0 posted: »

    Are you asking us or are you telling us how cool you are for having a skillno one cares about? How sad

  • Oh I get it now! derp

    Rigtail posted: »

    Wait, when in the episode did she hurt Carlos?


    shit,maybe he really did it

    expressions says hes angry, I saw theorys that kenny killed luke, I really dunno


    i gotta to admit, u are a magician

    expressions says hes angry, I saw theorys that kenny killed luke, I really dunno

  • Sorry if it seems like I'm trying to take Senhor's place to be known as "the guy who finds stuff in the files", but I've found something. Carver's name is William, or Will for short. I've just found a sound file called vox_zomb_Will_death.

    Alt text

    The actual sound:

  • Nah man, its fine, I appreciate help.

    ..what is...that..

    I think in episode 3, you will get in carver's group, and clem will probally do something so carver gets bitten

    Sorry if it seems like I'm trying to take Senhor's place to be known as "the guy who finds stuff in the files", but I've found something. Ca



  • The death of Will the Zombie...

    I actually hope it's not Carver,because that would be kinda lame...

    Sorry if it seems like I'm trying to take Senhor's place to be known as "the guy who finds stuff in the files", but I've found something. Ca

  • edited March 2014

    For a simple gasp, it certainly sounds like Carver. I don't see Carver living past episode 3, but it seems a bit odd that he'd go out as a zombie. If the group killed him, you'd think they'd know to shoot him in the head.

    Sorry if it seems like I'm trying to take Senhor's place to be known as "the guy who finds stuff in the files", but I've found something. Ca

  • expressions says hes angry, I saw theorys that kenny killed luke, I really dunno

  • I have a theory that Adam (Campman's son) might appear in ep. 3. Could you look for something that mentions Adam, please? I'd rather not have to wait, honestly. Pretty please? :)

  • That sound is just so retarded,i can't NOT laugh...I still hope Carver at least doesn't go out as a zombie,at least kill the man FOR GOOD,shoot 'im in the head.

    Sorry if it seems like I'm trying to take Senhor's place to be known as "the guy who finds stuff in the files", but I've found something. Ca

  • Isn't all this gonna spoil some things for you? I mean, c'mon, one thing is to speculate and another different is to look into files.

  • You never know....

    Put yeah, most likely not.

    Don't worry they probably forgot to put it in, Telltale will not pull a stunt like that and suddenly switch to another character.

  • Well that's not really a surprise, I mean, I didn't really figure that Carver would live past the end of the Season.

    Then again, people have so far only called him Carver, William, or Bill, no one has yet called him Will that I can think of.

    Sorry if it seems like I'm trying to take Senhor's place to be known as "the guy who finds stuff in the files", but I've found something. Ca

  • So.... Carver doesn't make it past episode 3?

    Nah man, its fine, I appreciate help. ..what is...that.. I think in episode 3, you will get in carver's group, and clem will probally do something so carver gets bitten

  • Great work keep it up! :)

  • thats probably for Nick, they can just use the animations for other characters, Nick seems to have the same body structure as Ken and can use the same animations kenny uses without a worry about model deformation

    Found some Kenny200 stuff that hasn't been used yet in the Ep2 files. So, he's going to get drunk and cry. Maybe not in that order. Either way, it's not looking good for Kenny, and if this was Season 1 stuff it wouldn't have the 200.

  • Just because that was posted, doesn't mean it's fucking true. Of course spoilers in "Kenny possibly confirmed for E2" so why even bother clicking it? You just spoiled it for yourself.

    stitch123 posted: »

    What do you say? Fuckin "Kenny confirmed" gifs were here before E2 was relased. And that's why I wasn't surprised.

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