TWD Forum Comic Series (Icarus Mines Chapter 1-2 Released in Comments Below)



  • Yeah, you have a point there.

    well...we are your friends

  • edited March 2014

    oh im an idiot

    There's a link on the top of the discussion.

  • Nope, it's just because I have a shitload at the top XD

    oh im an idiot

  • Aww,DAYUM,i was so sure mine was done :(

    It's okay,tho,because they're all so


    That i'm okay just looking at them.You're really talented.Tobi,good job!

    One question,though...

    Is my character too hard for you to draw?I could make it easier for you,make it more simple,if you want.

  • Nah you don't need to, besides I haven't even drew myself yet too.

    Azlyn posted: »

    Aww,DAYUM,i was so sure mine was done It's okay,tho,because they're all so AWESOME That i'm okay just looking at them.You're reall

  • Wooo!High five!

    Nah you don't need to, besides I haven't even drew myself yet too.

  • Alt text

    Azlyn posted: »

    Wooo!High five!

  • Spoiler



    Tell me one thing,tho...

    Did you cry when Fried died?

    I can't believe it... Did Twilight win anything? If it did, I'm going to take my baseball bat and go kill some walkers, and by walkers, I mean Twitards.(Twi - retards! Get it? Like Twihards? #AHarryPotHeadAndProud)


    thank ya! So did my design meet your expectations? I mean since you're a Kenny fan I thought you wanted some kind of "godly" mustache like his.

  • I'm really happy with the way you drew me! I look like a really interesting character and I'm really excited for the actual comics now. Just a thing: It seems there aren't any ''bad'' characters when I look at these allegiances, aren't there supposed to be villains?. This'll probably change later, but I was just a little confused about that.

  • Actually there are, I've just hidden some to prevent spoilers.

    That_1_Guy posted: »

    I'm really happy with the way you drew me! I look like a really interesting character and I'm really excited for the actual comics now. Just

  • Ah, that clears up my questions. Good job!

    Actually there are, I've just hidden some to prevent spoilers.


  • Be patient

    papai46 posted: »


  • But...ok.

    Be patient

  • Thank you Tobi just saw my character i had high expectations but you surpassed them honestly blew me away thank you and for taking time to do my character your very talented

  • I don't see my character either but all we can do is wait

    papai46 posted: »


  • Same here...Hi there...

    I don't see my character either but all we can do is wait

  • We're ALL here for you, man! WE are your friends! :D

    Yeah, you have a point there.

  • Have my like for the fabulous emoji.Here.Take it,random sir.

    Rafoli posted: »

    ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ GIVE EPISODE 3

  • hi

    Azlyn posted: »

    Same here...Hi there...

  • Spoiler

    YES. OMG, YES!!!! And Sirius. And Remus. And Tonks. I don't like Ginny, though for some reason.

  • edited March 2014

    Alt text

    Seriously,tho,i fucking showered those pages in my salty tears.A rainfall of feels.A scar forever-implanted on that paper feel-generator,a mark of my sorrow...

    Sorry,too deep?Anyway,i cried when Fred died,when Dumbledore died(Or DID HE?DUN DUN DUN),when Sirius died,when Lupin and Tonks died(OMG,TEDDY!!!MY FEELS HAVE BEEN RAPED!!!!),when Snape died(At least he died with fabulous hair),and almost every fucking else.Almost.

    Oh,Harry Potter...My feels...I wish i could erase my memory and read the series again...My parents couldn't even separate me from the book,NOPE,MINE,ALL MINE,NO TOUCHY,MOM!

  • I feel the same way!!!!! JESUS!!! At least we have fanfiction. :D Though, I read this TERRIBLE fanfic yesterday. OMG. It was called Olivia vs. Voldemort or something along those lines. And :P I don't like Ginny. I like LUNA.

  • Hmm I haven't been drawn yet. Would like to see what you come up with.

  • I like Walking Dead fanfictions that are done good, I think those are the best!

    I feel the same way!!!!! JESUS!!! At least we have fanfiction. Though, I read this TERRIBLE fanfic yesterday. OMG. It was called Olivia vs. Voldemort or something along those lines. And :P I don't like Ginny. I like LUNA.

  • How do you post pictures? o.O

  • What happened to my character Tobi-Is-A-Good-Boy? Here's my traits
    **Appearence- he looks actually like cloud from FF7
    Weapons- gun blade and buster sword(ff9 and ff7)
    Personality- Not irrational, very calm unless annoyed, then all his anger breaks loose
    Powers- regenerate limbs and hidden blade in hand

  • My head looks a little big, but other than that, I look AWESOME! Thanks! Just shrink the head, do something with the neck, or make my body a bit more bulkier!

    Oh, man this is gunn' b' GUD!

  • :3 X 2

    papai46 posted: »


  • OMG may i ask for permission to call you my virtual friend? :P

    P.S.I LOVE LUNA,TOO,SHE'S SO AWESOME AND UNIQUE AND I SHIP HER WITH NEVILLE!!!!!And yeah,i know those terrible fanfics,beleve ME.When did you finish the books?

    I feel the same way!!!!! JESUS!!! At least we have fanfiction. Though, I read this TERRIBLE fanfic yesterday. OMG. It was called Olivia vs. Voldemort or something along those lines. And :P I don't like Ginny. I like LUNA.

  • Maybe,but this is now a virtual potterhead convention.HATERS GONNA HATE.

    Deceptio posted: »

    I like Walking Dead fanfictions that are done good, I think those are the best!

  • Your body "a bit bulkier"?XD

    I dunno why i laughed so much at this.

    I always imagined you as slim as that,one does not simply "make your body bulkier".Maybe shrink the head,that'd be okay.

    My head looks a little big, but other than that, I look AWESOME! Thanks! Just shrink the head, do something with the neck, or make my body a bit more bulkier! Oh, man this is gunn' b' GUD!

  • edited March 2014

    When you're writing your comment,there's this row on the upper side with tiny icons.You click the one with the picture,like,literally the one with the little mountain and the sun and shit(i'm really bad at this,at explaining) and you click that and you paste the URL of the picture you want in the tiny window that appears.

    I know you understood nothing.Sorry,i am really bad at this.But you can at least try...

    Rafoli posted: »

    How do you post pictures? o.O

  • I already figured that out, hehe. Well, thanks for replying anyway :)

    Azlyn posted: »

    When you're writing your comment,there's this row on the upper side with tiny icons.You click the one with the picture,like,literally the on

  • GUYS GUYS GUYS I know we are all excited and cant wait for our characters to be finished and for the comic itself but...i dont know the pictures you all post i find a bit overwhelming. I mean we're dragging 14 pages filled with 10% info from Tobi and 90% random pictures from Azlyn. No offense intended but keep the discussion centered around the comic. Also a small reminder for Tobi, if you introduce my character, you should use some of Pete's lines for reference.

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