Possible zombie Carver sound file?
I think I may have found something... Carver's name is William, or Will for short. I've just found a sound file called vox_zomb_Will_death.
The actual sound: http://vocaroo.com/i/s0NFCCcvWOAQ
What do you guys think of this? It doesn't really sound much like Carver, but then again, if it is Carver then it's zombie Carver. Then again, it could just be a voice actor named Will who voiced a zombie.
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Well, if i'm not mistaken 202 means s2 ep2, which is out and Carver hasn't died in that one. (Maybe I'm wrong, just a guess)
That's what he named the folder
202-all is just the folder I extracted the Episode 2 files to. TellTale sometimes leave future things in Episode files, like lots of future TWAU stuff that people aren't allowed to talk about in detail on here because of some contract TellTale have with DC comics.
How do you get those names for the sounds? mine are like 3958305835.wav
Most of the sound files are just random numbers like that, but there are some that actually have words in the titles. I'm quite sure the ones with words are found in the Episode's ms(misc sound) file, not the voice file.
Ah i see, I'll have to check those out later. Right now i'm trying to find unused voice files. So far i only found Kenny talking about gators biting your arm off or something, dont remember that one being used in game.
i don't remember any place where you can die by drowning.
what the hell?
Probably from the start of All That Remains where she falls in the river.
or maybe when she falls of the bridge in episode 2
I tried that, she doesn't make that sound.
The Kenny thing about gators happened in the episode. It's the last thing he says when you sit with him and have to decide what to say about Luke.
Nice find! I did think it sounded a bit like Carver.
Clem can drown during the bridge scene if you fail to do a certain action. And Kenny says that when he is talking about the other group (if you choose to sit next to him).