Not the gun...The knife

edited March 2014 in The Walking Dead

People say that they think Kenny killed Luke. Something brought my attention though. Somebody mentioned that if Kenny shot Luke then the shot would of course be heard...But.... What about the knife? Yup that's right. The knife. Now I'm not saying that yes, Kenny killed Luke, but all I'm saying is watch Telltale trying to give you clues. So when Walter threw Mathew's knife to the ground, it wasn't seen or heard of again (i think until Clementine tried to kill the walker). But that knife was very important through out the episode and it gave Walter a clue about his friend's it probably gives us a clue about possibly Luke's death...The knife was also thrown on the floor outside not inside..where was Luke and Kenny? OUTSIDE! ALSO WHY WOULD LUKE AND KENNY BE TOGETHER AS IF CHATTING OR SOMETHING WHEN THEY HAD A FIGHT AND PRACTICALLY HATE EACHOTHER! (sorry for caps) thanks for reading. What do you guys think of this?


  • If Kenny would have taken the knife it wouldn't have been there when Clementine gets attacked

  • His name was Pete...he taught me how to avoid being knocked on my ass by a rifle

  • plus it would have had blood on it when clem took it so yea i doubt kenny killed him still

    JonGon posted: »

    If Kenny would have taken the knife it wouldn't have been there when Clementine gets attacked

  • Clem got attacked before this happened so possibly Kenny got it after the attack

    JonGon posted: »

    If Kenny would have taken the knife it wouldn't have been there when Clementine gets attacked

  • I think there's no way that Telltale would kill a major character off-screen

  • omg haha

    His name was Pete...he taught me how to avoid being knocked on my ass by a rifle

  • Actually Luke and Kenny leave to fix the generator and then they don't get seen till after the attack

    nasmadoodle posted: »

    Clem got attacked before this happened so possibly Kenny got it after the attack

  • He is the reason I have god like accuracy with a rifle

    nasmadoodle posted: »

    omg haha

  • Chuck doesn't agree.

    iorek21 posted: »

    I think there's no way that Telltale would kill a major character off-screen

  • what the heck is with everyone thinking Kenny killed Luke? Kenny may be different, but I don't think he's a murderer.

  • He was a minor character

    RoboSheriff posted: »

    Chuck doesn't agree.

  • Chuck wasn't that important at all...

    RoboSheriff posted: »

    Chuck doesn't agree.

  • We can never underestimate these characters

    what the heck is with everyone thinking Kenny killed Luke? Kenny may be different, but I don't think he's a murderer.

  • Luke is the deurantagonist of season 2, he cannot die off screen

    nasmadoodle posted: »

    We can never underestimate these characters

  • In my heart he was!!!

    iorek21 posted: »

    Chuck wasn't that important at all...

  • And to shoot it from the ground like a boss.

    He is the reason I have god like accuracy with a rifle

  • And to win chess in 3 moves...wait.....

    And to shoot it from the ground like a boss.

  • Hi Carver! XD

    And to win chess in 3 moves...wait.....

  • edited March 2014

    As a chess whiz, I find it impossible for that game to have ended in 3 moves, maybe 7 or 8

    Hi Carver! XD

  • Kenny isn't even seen until after the attack. If he HAD gotten the knife after Clem made it inside the lodge, he would had to have run to get the knife, get it, run back to the woods where Luke was (otherwise someone would have seen his body in the field outside the lodge) killed Luke, then made it back to the lodge just in time for everyone to be placed in the main room. He didn't have time for all of that, unless Kenny is the secret identity for the Flash. He would have to have done this all without being noticed by Carver and his mooks while they captured everyone.

    nasmadoodle posted: »

    Clem got attacked before this happened so possibly Kenny got it after the attack

  • There is no chance that Luke was killed by Kenny. Kenny wouldn't do that, and Luke would have fought back leaving visible bruises on Kenny.

    what the heck is with everyone thinking Kenny killed Luke? Kenny may be different, but I don't think he's a murderer.

  • Ha that idiot. I liked to see Clem play chess with Carver, heck maybe in Episode 3.

    As a chess whiz, I find it impossible for that game to have ended in 3 moves, maybe 7 or 8

  • Or a Machete wound at the least

    There is no chance that Luke was killed by Kenny. Kenny wouldn't do that, and Luke would have fought back leaving visible bruises on Kenny.

  • edited March 2014

    Troy, get the.....chess board

    Ha that idiot. I liked to see Clem play chess with Carver, heck maybe in Episode 3.

  • XD

    Troy, get the.....chess board

  • That knife is what you kill the walker with after Carlos saves you and run away.

  • If you lose you di....Checkmate AHH FUCK


  • Clem: Trollolololol!

    If you lose you di....Checkmate AHH FUCK

  • While I can see why people might think that Kenny offed Luke, I personally don't believe it. My faith into Kenny is too strong. Also, as was mentioned before, Telltale would never kill an important character like Luke off-screen.

  • Get her out of here

    Clem: Trollolololol!

  • okay....

    Get her out of here

  • Sir what happened? I dont wanna talk about it :(


  • Unless Kenny waited for Luke to start shooting and he attacked from the back. Unlikely, but a possibility.

    There is no chance that Luke was killed by Kenny. Kenny wouldn't do that, and Luke would have fought back leaving visible bruises on Kenny.

  • Unless he was Sonic, I doubt he could do all of that and get in position to kill Johnny

    Rafoli posted: »

    Unless Kenny waited for Luke to start shooting and he attacked from the back. Unlikely, but a possibility.

  • Good point lol

    Unless he was Sonic, I doubt he could do all of that and get in position to kill Johnny

  • edited March 2014

    Uh, they were hidden at the time of the confrontation, Kenny could have just shot Luke while everyone was firing their guns outside.

    Who would suspect another gunfire in the middle of a gunfight?

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