Do ******'s lapdogs really care about him? and 400 days question.

Do Carver's lapdogs really care about him?
Like in the scene where Carver gets shot in the shoulder if you decide to shoot him, bonnie and troy really do nothing and are just standing there, not even in shock.
So let's get down to the real question, do they even care about carver? I honestly think they don't really like him and they are being used against their will, obviously. Maybe they're planning to over run him back in the camp? Maybe the people in 400 days will help you at it? including bonnie?
Also, will you be replaying 400 days because of this? I'd love to know.
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I think they have to like him to some extent. Think about it. If you give AK-47 to a few people who hate your guts, you're going to have a bad time. Carver is smarter than that. My guess is that we've only seen his bad side (which is really sinister). But think about it. Without the camp that he is running, all of those people would be out on the streets, rooming around. Not knowing if the next day will be their last. My guess is that carver is fairly good to people who side with him.
I'd like to see the next episode open with him helping an elderly person in his camp or saving someone's life. It would throw our perceptions of him on their heads.
if they wanted to overthrow carver, they could have done it right then and there. He had his back always turned towards them and was equipped with a simple revolver, while they had fucking rifles. It would have been easy.
I would say Bonnie doesn't, can't speak for Troy atm
He's bound to have more soldiers than that.
Im sure he does
Yeah, you're probably right. At least, that's what Bonnie looks like. She looks like she's forced and since she's kind of a coward she doesn't find the strenght or the power to rebel. C'mon we're talking about Carver. The man who went searching for 7 people because they left his group and he probably wants them dead. At least - some of them.
I think Bonnie and Troy are gonna be getting closer to Clem then we expected
If he wanted them dead, he would have already taken care of them. The exception to that is Luke, since we don't know where he is.
I reckon they're on a breaking point. Bonnie looked frightened of him and probably isn't a fan of Carver's work. I think maybe everyone wants to get rid of him, but they're afraid to work together to conspire against him. Maybe there's some rule in their camp like "If you believe someone is conspiring against leadership, report it." This could be further affirmed by past attempts to overthrow Carver to which he took advantage and made an example of said rebellion so it wouldn't happen again.
At the Episode 3 preview, it looked like Clementine was being put to work. She was carrying supplies like water or something. I guess it would've been like that for everyone else, so I reckon undoubtedly Carver would have a few grudges against him.
Halfway to Russia
If Bonnie had guts, she'd shoot Carver while his back and Troy's was turned to her, when they were looking at the direction of Kenny's shot.
Even more so when and if Kenny shoots Carver in the shoulder.
Carver was down, and Troy was standing there shocked with his back turned to her. She has a damn assault rifle, I don't see how she couldn't have taken Troy out and then Carver before he got up.
But no, she just lets Walter and Alvin die. If she's got people she cares about in the community, I can understand, but still. It's one helluva missed chance.
I'm guilt tripping the shit out of her in EP3 at every chance I get.
The key to any dictatorship that hopes to last: keep the army happy. As Mao said, power grows from the barrel of a gun. Never mind if he treats everyone else in the camp like garbage and they all secretly despise him, so long as he keeps enough people with assault rifles on his side.
If Bonnie and Troy are there and armed, they're likely granted privileges in Carter's camp to keep them happy. Extra rations, priority for whatever luxuries they can scavenge, the best lodging, and Carter himself probably treats them as friends and comrades. Given Carter's little cult leader speech in the Episode 3 preview, you can likely add in a large dose of ideological brainwashing and propaganda to keep them docile.
That said, I will be very surprised if Bonnie isn't wavering in her loyalty to Carver come Episode 3, given his casual murder of Walt after Walt treated her so well. Certainly if she isn't, we can write off any potential redemption on her part forever.
Not sure about Troy. He's silent the whole time, so he's either incredibly stupid, follows Carver without question (and doesn't complain all the damn time like Johnny), is afraid all the time, or Carver just wants him to be seen and not heard.
Just by looking at that constant nervous expression on his face I have a feeling Troy is kind of Carver's equivalent of Nick or Ben. I doubt many of Carver's goons accept his murderous ways, but they fear him and this means they work for him without question, afraid of the consequences.
I have a feeling that if Bonnie tries to break Clem out she'll need more than just her own knowledge of the camp. The 400 days group is a given but what if we got a choice to let Troy tag along - someone who, unlike Bonnie, we have no idea what their past is like? He could be a good guy, or he could turn round and shoot someone in the face.
He could ask to tag along - or turn around, walk back into that camp and tell Carver about the escape. Would you let him go with you?
It'd be a hell of a revelation if Lily turned out to be Carver's right-hand woman. Their combined psychosis would be enough to keep an entire regime in check.
What's making me cautious is that if Carver is swanning off on all these recon missions - then who the heck is in charge of the camp in his absence? Either Carver has a right-hand goon, or Carver is in fact someone else's right-hand man.
Put Kenny into the mix as well and you have one hell of a show.