Everyone being so uncaring S2EP2
Hey y'all, this is my first thread on forums. I kind of got mad at the persons in the game while playing, and thought I had to register on the forums to ask. I've been watching the forums closely since season 1, so I known a little about how it works. My question was, did y'all notice that everyone USED Clementine? She had to do everything.
Example: Go check the cabin for food, clementine, I'll sit with my wife outside.
Example: Is it okay if I use these food for my wife that you have found, in the cabin that you have explored all on your own.
Example: Can you check the door? I'll hide.
Example: You turn the power generator off while we look around.
I can't think about more examples right now, but everyone used this poor innocent little eleven year old girl just because she has some guts. What are your opinions on it? I know that else, there wouldn't be gameplay material, but comeon. Everyone used clementine
Poor fucking Clementine she had to babysitt Sarah while the rest ran around in a forest full of walkers....
Okay, would you prefer sitting around doing nothing as Clem? Sorry if I sound passive aggressive but I really don't understand that mindset. Clementine has shown that she is just as capable (if not more) than the adults such as when she took down 3 walkers without a gun on a bridge, taking out a walker just after she stitched her arm shut, keeping her cool when talking to an extremely dangerous man, ect.
this has been asked over and over again and i always answer with "YOUR THE PROTAGONIST!" would you want to be sitting around doing nothing instead of doing other things like fight off walkers or explore places? no you wouldn't, sure it's a plot hole that everyone makes clem do everything but i'd rather it be a plot hole than sitting around doing nothing for half of the game
What about Lee. I mean Lee was the badass guy who could do everything. He didn't get used by anyone. He made his own choices and acted the way he wanted.. Clementine, on the other side, does everything what other people tells her to do
Example 1 - Alvin said he was right behind you and he joins you after you find the food.
Example 2 - He's looking after his pregnant wife and if you tell him that you are not going to lie for him he apologises.
Example 3 - If Sarah was seen by Carver, he would know where the Cabin group was hiding.
Example 4 - Carlos and Nick didn't just go ''look around'', they went to keep an eye for walkers. Kenny and Luke on the other hand went to fix the generator. Besides, it was dark and Clementine was the only one with light.
she is an 11 year old girl!!! repeat after me, SHE IS AN 11 YEAR OLD GIRL. Again, SHE IS AN 11 YEAR OLD GIRL. This isnt about being bored, this is the ZA and a bunch of stupid ass cowardly adults sending in a little kid to do their bidding.
Well, obviously Clementine had to check the door, did you miss that Carver knows Sarah and when she's under pressure she just freezes up?
But apparently sending Sarah to answer the door and get captured by Carver then used as leverage to get to Carlos would have been the smart choice.
And in the power generator scene they were actually leaving the "easiest" job for her, letting the adults take care of the walkers while she turns off the machine. Carlos does order her to get into the lodge later on so she'd be safe when things start getting uglier outside.
And don't forget that it's just how Clem is, to be brave and want to be treated like everyone else. It bothers her to be understimated, as evidenced when she's talking to Walter.
yes, exactly. I feel you. This is what I thought too. I mean here you got this grown ass man (Rebecca's husband, I forget his name, Alvin??) sending in a LITTLE GIRL to scout for food while he sits his ass down to hold his wife's hand? Really? And then he wants her to give it to him for his wife - even though they are all equally hungry and it wasnt Clem's fault bitch got pregnant in the ZA no less. And at the generator too. or at the bridge. yes Clem is the portagonist but she is still a child and these people are ASKING her to do their bidding. When they all come back at the cabin, the one guy looks at Clem and says "let's go find Nick" - like it is understood she would go with them, instead of asking "do you know where he is, mind showing us". WTF?
I mean would anyone of you behave this way towards a child? She isnt even a teenager, she is still a CHILD. 11 years old is tiny. This has got ot be the biggest group of pussies and whinos I have ever seen. They are all cowards...
Finally, someone with a brain.
Answer this question: Would you prefer playing as Clem while doing nothing? Don't get me wrong, I understand where you're coming from. But this is the reason Clem is being asked to do so many things. Also, it's not like these examples are such big deals to be honest.
Poor Clementine, she didn't have to risk her life in a forest full of walkers...
Don't know about you, but I'd rather sit my ass in a cabin than risk my life in a forest if I had a choice.
I also thought it was odd that they gave her potentially dangerous jobs to do. I know Clem's the main character, and of course we'd rather be doing stuff than sitting around, but I think it would've been nice if they'd at least asked for a volunteer instead of just automatically telling her to do something. And if they asked Clem if she's sure she wants to do the task. They don't seem to be too concerned about the kid's safety lol It's lucky Clem is so tough
It's hard to detect sarcasm I guess...
Example 1: yes, Alvin joins her after she risked her life entering a new house potentially filled with zombies and found food for his stupid wife. How considerate of him,
Example 2: She was sitting on a rock, she didnt need any looking after. That was a lame excuse to begin with. She isnt owed anything becasue she is pregnant. Her choice. This is the ZA. The reason they are all in this is becasue of her anyway..
Example 3: good point about Sarah.
Example 4: they left her alone at the generator. A kid come on
Well, Carlos is always trying to keep her from the dangerous stuff.
He left her babysitting Sarah while everyone was out in the forest full of walkers, he's against sending her to the bridge, he gives her the easiest job when the walkers are attacking the ski resort, and he tells her to go hide inside when things start to get ugly outside.
I'll bet none of you guys picked the "Maybe I should stay here" option when Carlos said she was just a little girl and shouldn't go to the bridge, though.
...one of the reasons they should never had season 2 be from the viewpoint of a child. It really limits what you can do and when you DO expand on what you can do, issues like the above arise because you obviously cannot have the protagonist, the 1st person player, do nothing.
You may need a sarcasm detector. I got one for a decent price at Walmart. It's on sale right now, but they are going fast.
yes, this. They didnt seem too concerned about the kid's safety (in fact, they treat her more or less like an adult) and they just automatically TELL her to do something. I mean she is still a child...not even the ZA changes that.
Example 1: How could there be a walker when Matthew just came from the station? He lived in there for God's sake!
Example 2: She's pregnant. Nuff said. Alvin was taking care of his wife, seeing what she needed.
Example 4: First of all, she wasn't alone, Sarita was there. Second, Clementine can take care of herself, even if she was alone she had a gun with her.
I'm sorry, but i think you don't get the point of the game. Lee spent the WHOLE first season teaching her how to survive, building up to this season, she is supposed to be able to do things adults can do. What if she's small? If she has a gun in her hand that won't matter at all, it helps her so she can escape more effectively from Walkers. If she didn't learn to do things adults can do she would be dead long ago.
I disagree. In my opinion it can expand what you are doing in terms of storytelling. I would've agreed with you if the things mentioned above were different.
Check places for food or other things asked by another member of the group, you did it as Lee.
Checking doors or other places while the other person hides, you did it as Lee.
Fix this thing while we look around, you did it as Lee.
I didn't see people complain about it then. And for what? Just because Lee is an adult? Sorry, but I just don't buy it.
Clem isn't a little kid.
Quit being like Overprotective Carlos.
This is how Clem wants to be treated. Like she's a dependable adult. Like she can be counted on just as much as any of the adults around her. The cabin survivors are just responding the quiet confidence and maturity with which she carries herself. They obviously wouldn't treat just any 11-year old kid like this. Clem's special. As Chuck would say "This one's got a good spirit."
Not to mention Chuck's other good words of advice that was included in the launch trailer of Season Two:
"I don't know much about you folks, but if y'all keep going like this, that girl ain't gonna make it. You gotta consider her a living person. That's it! You're either living or you're not. You ain't little, you ain't a girl, you ain't a boy, you ain't strong or smart. You're alive."
If Lee continued to shelter her, she'd be like Sarah right now and possibly dead. We're the ones who taught her to be independent and strong, so it's only to be expected that she would follow our examples. Even the wind turbine mini puzzle made sense to me. Clem was the only one with a light source, so none of the others could see. I'd find it weird if they burdened her with the responsibility of protecting everyone instead, hence why the adults were more useful with the guns. It's not like it was that complicated anyways.
Exactly. She doesn't want to be regarded as a helpless little girl, and quite honestly, she's far from being one.
It's like the people complaining don't know her at all.
I don't get you guys...Yeah she's a child, so what? Clem voluntered to turn off the machine, Luke wanted her to come to the bridge as a backup and Carlos did NOT agree for her to go because of you're same argument. Say what you will, but i'd rather have Clementine on my back then Nick and his ''dead eye''.
Because Clem is the only one truly capable of managing on her own, bar Luke, maybe.
There's some situations that only she'd be able to do. For example, could you imagine Luke and Nick doing the whole bridge scene? Could you have imagined how messy the Carver scene where he showed up at the house would be if Carlos was there? Carver had a revolver there. One person wouldn't have gotten out of there in one piece.
One thing I do agree with is that they shouldn't be over reliant on her yet still treat her like a child. cough Carlos cough . Even Rebecca said that no one would survive on their own, with her even having to rely on everyone else.
So much win in this comment
No one said she's owed anything. However, her health and general well-being is easily the one that's most subject to change out of the entire group as a result of her condition, from getting more exhausted, needing to eat more, emotions, you name it. No one else is going through that. And yes, you're right, this is the zombie apocalypse, a.k.a, the most dangerous environment imaginable for a pregnant woman.
And no, it is not because of her they are in this mess. Luke was the one who apparently got them all out of the camp to begin with, and if it was just Rebecca that Carver was after, he'd have killed them all. He wanted everyone back. And it sure is nice that you blame the victim in this case, by the way. Because, you know, the psycho who's chasing them for miles, beating people up, murdering them, torturing them, and just being a sick bastard in general, doesn't at all carry the entire goddamn brunt of the blame. We all know sick bastards aren't in control of their own emotions or actions. Nope, it's the evil wimminz that drive 'em crazy, right?
knowing to do things and having adults send you in to do them for them are two different things. Yes Clem knows how to protect herself but she is physically still a child. She does not have the strength to fight anyone really She is always dodging zombies or scratching and biting people to get away. She is not fighting anyone directly. She is not an adult or has the experiences of one or the physical strength. I found these guys to be such gigantic pussies for sending her in, and so naturally too.
But see that's what happens when you make a child the protagonist. You limit what she can realistically do...
lee didnt spend most of his time opening doors and figuring out how to turn on shit. There were many key scenes where he had to physically fight a walker or physically fight his way out of a situation. Something Clem cannot do becuse she is smaller and not as strong. As an adult, the kind of conversations Lee could have were different. People dont listen to kids or consult them when making major decisions about something. In fact they send them away. Sure, Clem knows how to use the gun and is toughened for a 11 yuear old but the group would never sit down and consult her opinion as they did with Lee. She is 11. Clem cannot enforce anything. She is just a kid. So I disagree that she is just doing the things Lee did because she isn't. In the end it really is about trying to fit a child into an adult story. The world looks different when you are a kid. People treat you differently, ZA or not. She is still an 11 year old.
I'm surprised so many of the cabin group have survived the apocalypse up to now as by now it's all about the SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST.
As for Clem doing most of the jobs, well she is the character you play as so you're always going to be busy.
Are we seriously having this conversation after so much time?
Neither did Clem. As a matter of fact, Lee in the first two episodes had a lot more to do than Clem, and without having to fight walkers: Finding a way to get into the pharmacy back in ep 1, trying to open the barn door back in ep 2... Why people didn't bother to complain about it then?
Tell me one instance where that happened. Cause I seem to remember Carlos trying to convince Luke that Clem should stay with the group back at the bridge on the same premise that she's just a little girl. It's not really a great example, but what you said hasn't happened yet.
And that's what makes it unique and interesting in my opinion.
Clem's last name is Ramirez.
I remember where you have the option of saying to Walter about everyone underestimating her. I believe that's so true.
Sometimes I wonder if they're Hogwarts employees.
Well Clem is smart for her age. She has more guts then I do