Who would you pick?

edited March 2014 in The Walking Dead

It's likely to happen, at some point you'll have to pick between Kenny and luke. Out of your current state of mind who would you pick and why?


  • kenny, hes mah boi

  • TeamMoustache...ehhm i mean TeamHoboBeard to the end!!!

  • Luke, but I have reasons. Kenny hasn't saved Clementine and even though they are old friends, Luke has saved Clem alot

  • edited March 2014

    Kenny. Luke seems borderline pedo with how much he tries to butter Clem up and also seems like a flake and doofus.

  • Kenny. We barely know Luke, he could be anyone, but I can trust Kenny and we know that his intentions are good, even though he can fuck up sometimes.

  • Kenny because we currently know nothing about Luke's intentions. Even if Kenny is a little "off" at the moment, he still shows genuine concern for Clementine's safety.

  • edited March 2014

    Wow... He's nice to her so he must be a pedo!
    She lost her parents, she lost her friends, dog bite her for a can of food, that walker from a shack almost eaten her alive, she killed bitten Lee and witnessed Pete's sacrifice. STILL, Luke shouldn't care about her, nah he should not be nice to her at all! What a pedo! [Yeah that's an obvious sarcasm]

    Lemoncakes posted: »

    Kenny. Luke seems borderline pedo with how much he tries to butter Clem up and also seems like a flake and doofus.

  • Calm down, Luke basically looked like a jealous boyfriend when I made Clem not sit with him at dinner. If Luke honestly cared about her well-being he wouldn't be dragging her along to have her alone with him at all times despite endangering her life or sending her up a dangerous ladder so he could stare at her butt.

    Regardless the way people like Nick and Carver talk about him this episode Luke seems shady as shit.

    gd3232 posted: »

    Wow... He's nice to her so he must be a pedo! She lost her parents, she lost her friends, dog bite her for a can of food, that walker fr

  • id pick Luke. Kenny has just changed so much Its like I don't know him anymore. I think I trust Luke more. so I would go with Luke.

  • true

    Kenny because we currently know nothing about Luke's intentions. Even if Kenny is a little "off" at the moment, he still shows genuine concern for Clementine's safety.

  • Kenny, because I don't really know much of Luke.

  • edited March 2014

    It... Depends. In a life or death situation? Luke. Yeah, downvote me. Kenny has been seen to be a determined character, one who's, when has an idea, sticks to it - EVEN when someone's life is at stake, such as Walters and Alvins. And while he would do anything to protect his loved ones, such as Sarita and Clementine, and while he does have a history he just struggles to concede defeat, whether it be petty or life changing issues. I still think he's a cool guy and Lee's best bro, but... Yeah. Plus I think after he lost the ski lodge he might go back to being angry and depressed, like at the end of episode 3. Which I do not like. Luke is more freethinking and knows how capable Clementine is. Plus they've shown to have a laugh together. Which is a rare thing so far. Although I would like to know why the hell he ran off for. If he's a coward that runs away at the sight of Carver then I might pick Kenny, but I don't think that's him.

    But to be honest, I like them both. Kenny and Luke would take priority over any other decisions. They're my favourite characters at the moment. Hell, if I had a choice to sacrifice everyone in favour of just them two I think I'd choose Luke & Kenny.

  • Kenny. He is the last thing who reminds me Lee. I'm gonna stay with him.

  • I 100 percent agree with you!

    Davissons posted: »

    It... Depends. In a life or death situation? Luke. Yeah, downvote me. Kenny has been seen to be a determined character, one who's, when has

  • Luke all the way. That bastard Kenny. Why can't he stay dead? I'm gonna kill him the first chance i get. I'd rather bringing back Ben than Kenny.

  • Why thank you kind sir.

    morgank27 posted: »

    I 100 percent agree with you!

  • Luke. I mean, I get that he lost his family and everything, and I know how you never truly get over that, but so has everyone else in the apocalypse. You have to let it go in a sense and keep finding something to fight for. I don't think Kenny has gotten to that point, and I don't know if he ever will. And if he is looking at her as a replacement for Duck, he's going to underestimate Clem all the time or be over-bearingly protective. Also, Luke seems more reasonable, and we know with Kenny you're either with him or against him. He has things he needs to fix before I choose him over Luke. In the end, as selfish as it sounds, I'd rather go with the person I need than the person that needs me.

  • *ma'am hahaha

    Davissons posted: »

    Why thank you kind sir.

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