My posts are getting cut off in The Walking Dead section. When I made a post, only the first sentence or two will sometimes show up trailing off with dots partway through. I have to click edit and then save to make it show up right.
My posts are getting cut off in The Walking Dead section. When I made a post, only the first sentence or two will sometimes show up trailing off with dots partway through. I have to click edit and then save to make it show up right.
That's been happening to me for a couple weeks now. Another solution you can use is if you just reload the page the post appears fine. No idea what causes this problem, though.
My posts are getting cut off in The Walking Dead section. When I made a post, only the first sentence or two will sometimes show up trailing o… moreff with dots partway through. I have to click edit and then save to make it show up right.
That's been happening to me for a couple weeks now. Another solution you can use is if you just reload the page the post appears fine. No idea what causes this problem, though.
There should be a way to ignore specific users, just click a button and you don't see anything they post anymore. It would really help with people who aren't necessarily breaking any rules, but are just being annoying or stupid.
Invictus suggests:
Like a block/black list.
MtnPeak suggests:
My suggestion is to put the forum design back to how it was before they ruined it last year.
No one cares about the dislikes anymore, But if they wanna get rid of the trolls they should just delete the dislike button, The trolls would feel like shit if they knew they couldn't downvote anyone anymore yet people can still get their likes, The thing with them is jealously
I reckon getting rid of both likes and dislikes would be better. Getting people to actually post their opinions would make dealing with the trolls a lot easier. You're completely anonymous if you downvote something, but if you reply to something then everyone knows it was you.
@Ohyoupokedme wrote:
I posted this in the wrong thread because... I was rushed and I wanted to get this out there. Sorry, Mods. Alright, Take 2.
Excessive dislikes has been a problem in this forum, and so far, there is no way for moderators to fix this. Disliking is useless, I get it, but people are taking advantage of Telltale's system. Newcomers will be discouraged to post on this forum because of this, and it gives people the wrong impression of others. I have seen excessive dislikes for:
A) Personal Belief (Religion, sexuality, race, fandoms, etc.)
Forum Grudges
C) I-don't-care-I-just-dislike-everyone.
It's not the fact that I am being disliked is what bothers me: it's the fact that people are taking advantage of an innocent system. It's a simple fix as well; if moderators just have the ability to see who likes or dislikes posts, they can see who is disliking excessively and handle it. Whoever is in charge of this forum and manages it, please fix this whenever you can.
End of rant.
Yeah not everyone is like us that don't give a crap about it, The new people feel discouraged when they get downvoted a lot
Exactly. It's not the average forum user that I am worried about, it's the new users; it's unfair for them. Who do I contact to get this to Telltale? Support? Do I have to just cross my fingers and hope the Forum Mastermind (whatever he/she is) notices? I'm tired of waiting; we need to fix this for the good of everyone. Less threads will be derailed as a result as well. That theory thread may not have been closed if it wasn't derailed by dislike trolls.
@Ohyoupokedme wrote:
I posted this in the wrong thread because... I was rushed and I wanted to get this out there. Sorry, Mods. Alright, Ta… moreke 2.
Excessive dislikes has been a problem in this forum, and so far, there is no way for moderators to fix this. Disliking is useless, I get it, but people are taking advantage of Telltale's system. Newcomers will be discouraged to post on this forum because of this, and it gives people the wrong impression of others. I have seen excessive dislikes for:
A) Personal Belief (Religion, sexuality, race, fandoms, etc.)
Forum Grudges
C) I-don't-care-I-just-dislike-everyone.
It's not the fact that I am being disliked is what bothers me: it's the fact that people are taking advantage of an innocent system. It's a simple fix as well; if moderators just have the ability to see who likes or dislikes posts, they can see who is disliking excessively and handle it. Whoever is in char… [view original content]
The Mods said they were working on something, I guess it was related to the dislike button If it really bothers people so much I don't see why they don't just delete so the Trollls can go away as well
Exactly. It's not the average forum user that I am worried about, it's the new users; it's unfair for them. Who do I contact to get this to … moreTelltale? Support? Do I have to just cross my fingers and hope the Forum Mastermind (whatever he/she is) notices? I'm tired of waiting; we need to fix this for the good of everyone. Less threads will be derailed as a result as well. That theory thread may not have been closed if it wasn't derailed by dislike trolls.
Well, I don't want to take away the like/dislike system: When I get a like, I feel a sense of... pride. I know which comments I can say to please people and which ones people don't like. I feel good when I get a thousand likes, like I accomplished something on this forum.
The Mods said they were working on something, I guess it was related to the dislike button If it really bothers people so much I don't see why they don't just delete so the Trollls can go away as well
That is exactly what I think ! Leave the likes Alone Everyone loves them, Just get rid of the thumbs down button and everyone will be happy not to mention the trolls would feel like shit knowing they can't dislike people anymore but we still get likes, If they get rid of the likes too it means the trolls got what they wanted
Well, I don't want to take away the like/dislike system: When I get a like, I feel a sense of... pride. I know which comments I can say to pl… moreease people and which ones people don't like. I feel good when I get a thousand likes, like I accomplished something on this forum.
Yeah, if you're asking for a change in the site, you're shit out of luck. The mods have no say in the form or function of this site and the people who do have a say don't seem to want to make any changes. But there is a very simple solution to the whole disliking thing that wouldn't require any mod or staff input at all.
Institute a new unwritten forum rule: every time you see a post with a downvote that has not been earned, give it an upvote. It doesn't matter if you agree with it, disagree with it, or feel nothing towards the post. As soon as you find yourself asking "Why did that get a downvote?" Just upvote it. Balance the scale. The way to deal with downvote trolling is to upvote troll.
Yeah, if you're asking for a change in the site, you're shit out of luck. The mods have no say in the form or function of this site and the pe… moreople who do have a say don't seem to want to make any changes. But there is a very simple solution to the whole disliking thing that wouldn't require any mod or staff input at all.
Institute a new unwritten forum rule: every time you see a post with a downvote that has not been earned, give it an upvote. It doesn't matter if you agree with it, disagree with it, or feel nothing towards the post. As soon as you find yourself asking "Why did that get a downvote?" Just upvote it. Balance the scale. The way to deal with downvote trolling is to upvote troll.
The Mods said they were working on something, I guess it was related to the dislike button If it really bothers people so much I don't see why they don't just delete so the Trollls can go away as well
We did? I don't recall that. Even if we did, we don't exactly have a say on that.
As DomeWing333 says,
The mods have no say in the form or function of this site and the people who do have a say don't seem to want to make any changes.
The Mods said they were working on something, I guess it was related to the dislike button If it really bothers people so much I don't see why they don't just delete so the Trollls can go away as well
The Mods said they were working on something, I guess it was related to the dislike button If it really bothers people so much I don't see why… more they don't just delete so the Trollls can go away as well
We did? I don't recall that. Even if we did, we don't exactly have a say on that.
As DomeWing333 says,
The mods have no say in the form or function of this site and the people who do have a say don't seem to want to make any changes.
@Bubadoo wrote:
I know this may be the first time ever someone wants a website to add Captcha for when you make an account, but the amount of spambots is getting ridiculous. The reason Captcha excists to to make sure you aren't a robot AKA Spambot. Captcha makes sure programs just can't make accounts and spam everywhere.
Please add this. I hate all these spambots.
Your request comes at the right time since they are know Supernatural Creatures with a high IQ :P
you know,my local forum had this acute case of spambot until the admin decided to make us have to write a captcha everytime we're going to make a new post,be it thread,or comment
you know,my local forum had this acute case of spambot until the admin decided to make us have to write a captcha everytime we're going to make a new post,be it thread,or comment
you know,my local forum had this acute case of spambot until the admin decided to make us have to write a captcha everytime we're going to make a new post,be it thread,or comment
I actually agree. I hate captchas....but these spambots are getting specially designed for these forums, they have recently started making posts with topics relating to the sections they are posting in. It is getting kind of hard to determine which threads are bot-made spam threads and to navigate the forums.
Actually, one of the most common reasons for a person to troll is simply to elicit a reaction from a person or multiple people, sometimes just to feel good about their selves and/or because they find raging people funny. The disliking thing is a pretty weak form of trolling, in my opinion at least. The trolls can still annoy people directly, even though they reveal their account for a ban by doing that.
My point is that the thing with them usually or at least sometimes isn't jealousy and removing the dislike button wouldn't remove the problem.
Edit : Also, being able to dislike something allows someone to show their opinion without potentially getting into an argument over it.
No one cares about the dislikes anymore, But if they wanna get rid of the trolls they should just delete the dislike button, The trolls would … morefeel like shit if they knew they couldn't downvote anyone anymore yet people can still get their likes, The thing with them is jealously
Also, being able to dislike something allows someone to show their opinion without potentially getting into an argument over it.
I disagree with this. If you can't deal with an argument then you probably shouldn't be interacting with humans in any way. If you have an opinion, you should be able to defend it. Otherwise it's not a very good opinion.
Disliking allows trolls to be anonymous so they can just dislike everything with zero accountability. If they do have accountability, they can be banned instantly and they wont be able to troll every single thread.
Actually, one of the most common reasons for a person to troll is simply to elicit a reaction from a person or multiple people, sometimes ju… morest to feel good about their selves and/or because they find raging people funny. The disliking thing is a pretty weak form of trolling, in my opinion at least. The trolls can still annoy people directly, even though they reveal their account for a ban by doing that.
My point is that the thing with them usually or at least sometimes isn't jealousy and removing the dislike button wouldn't remove the problem.
Edit : Also, being able to dislike something allows someone to show their opinion without potentially getting into an argument over it.
Of course, I'm saying that allows people to completely avoid arguments or even the beginnings of arguments. The mods have to deal with all the arguments that get out of hand, there would probably be a lot more of them if everyone had to state their opinions instead of just disliking a comment.
You can ban someone, but then they can make a new email, change their IP address and make a new account. That seems like a lot to do, but it would probably take like 5-10 minutes to do. If they really want to troll others and know how to do the things I mentioned(which are fairly easy to do), they will probably make a new account and get right back to trolling. Yes, people can anonymously dislike threads and comments, but honestly, that shouldn't be a very big deal. If you have 2 dislikes on one of your comments and 10 likes, are you really going to care much if at all at the dislikes? I wouldn't care much.
A troll wants to elicit a reaction. Why give the trolls a reaction over a couple of dislikes? Honestly, that doesn't seem like a big deal.
Also, being able to dislike something allows someone to show their opinion without potentially getting into an argument over it.
I d… moreisagree with this. If you can't deal with an argument then you probably shouldn't be interacting with humans in any way. If you have an opinion, you should be able to defend it. Otherwise it's not a very good opinion.
Disliking allows trolls to be anonymous so they can just dislike everything with zero accountability. If they do have accountability, they can be banned instantly and they wont be able to troll every single thread.
Of course, I'm saying that allows people to completely avoid arguments or even the beginnings of arguments. The mods have to deal with all … morethe arguments that get out of hand, there would probably be a lot more of them if everyone had to state their opinions instead of just disliking a comment.
You can ban someone, but then they can make a new email, change their IP address and make a new account. That seems like a lot to do, but it would probably take like 5-10 minutes to do. If they really want to troll others and know how to do the things I mentioned(which are fairly easy to do), they will probably make a new account and get right back to trolling. Yes, people can anonymously dislike threads and comments, but honestly, that shouldn't be a very big deal. If you have 2 dislikes on one of your comments and 10 likes, are you really going to care much if at all at the dislikes? I wouldn't care much.
A troll wants to elicit a reaction… [view original content]
What needs to be done is the creation of a code of conduct for mods because it's kind of the wild west and some people get banned for the smallest things while others doing worse stick around forever. It's just very odd. The whole prevalence of post deletion is also very odd.
but also this
While I like our mods, theres just a huge air of unprofessionalism and disorganisation about them. It's kinda annoying at times to witness.
Something needs to be done about the spam bots slipping through, doesn't the thing (i don't know what it's called, you have to type numbers in from a picture format, it's ment to stop S.B's) stop the spam bots - i thought that's what it's there for.
Also stop bashing on people for there grammar for heavens sakes - alot of that seems to go on in the forums. A polite pointing out of there mistake is sufficient don't you think?. It's the internet not everyone can be bothered to type properly - i have a Higher education in english (im in scotland) and look at my spelling/grammar - can i do it better, yes iv'e proven so, can i be bothered? NO!. This is a forum not a flammin' exam board.
Lets not do user verification. Our mod staff is way too small for that and it would just drive new people away to wait.
What needs to be do… morene is the creation of a code of conduct for mods because it's kind of the wild west and some people get banned for the smallest things while others doing worse stick around forever. It's just very odd. The whole prevalence of post deletion is also very odd.
While I like our mods, theres just a huge air of unprofessionalism and disorganisation about them, akin to the staff at an anime convention. It's kinda annoying at times to witness.
I reckon getting rid of both likes and dislikes would be better. Getting people to actually post their opinions would make dealing with the trolls a lot easier. You're completely anonymous if you downvote something, but if you reply to something then everyone knows it was you.
Exactly right! The more discussion, the better. If you have an opinion, then speak out and express yourself.
And this new setup isn't as conducive to long discussions as the previous, more straightforward setup was. And it is hell to use on a smartphone. It's STILL slow, clunky and difficult to use on a small touch screen. The previous setup was much easier. This design was, overall, a step backwards.
Also stop bashing on people for there grammar for heavens sakes - alot of that seems to go on in the forums. A polite pointing out of there mistake is sufficient don't you think?. It's the internet not everyone can be bother to type properly
*their, *heaven's, *bothered.
Sorry, couldn't resist.
In all seriousness, though, I do agree. People get far too aggressive about grammatical mistakes here (it is hilarious, however, when they make a mistake while correcting others). I think a lot of users here fail to realise English is not the first language for a lot of people in this forum.
What needs to be done is the creation of a code of conduct for mods because it's kind of the wild west and some people get banned for the sm… moreallest things while others doing worse stick around forever. It's just very odd. The whole prevalence of post deletion is also very odd.
but also this
While I like our mods, theres just a huge air of unprofessionalism and disorganisation about them. It's kinda annoying at times to witness.
Something needs to be done about the spam bots slipping through, doesn't the thing (i don't know what it's called, you have to type numbers in from a picture format, it's ment to stop S.B's) stop the spam bots - i thought that's what it's there for.
Also stop bashing on people for there grammar for heavens sakes - alot of that seems to go on in the forums. A polite pointing out of there mistake is sufficient don't you think?. It's the internet not everyone can be bothered to type pro… [view original content]
My posts are getting cut off in The Walking Dead section. When I made a post, only the first sentence or two will sometimes show up trailing off with dots partway through. I have to click edit and then save to make it show up right.
That's been happening to me for a couple weeks now. Another solution you can use is if you just reload the page the post appears fine. No idea what causes this problem, though.
The cause of this particular issue is changes made in the last site update. The post is fine, it's just not displaying properly.
It's easily fixed by just refreshing the page, but I agree that it's a tad irritating.
NotablyUnstable suggests:
Invictus suggests:
MtnPeak suggests:
DomeWing333 suggests:
All of these, please.
Yeah what Dirk said
Fix the DAMNED PM system
Remove the entire like/disslike system, we don't need it, and it hasn't done anything besides being abused most of the time.
Just the dislike button
or else the whole page would be filled with "+1" or "I agree" and etc.
Ummm, my thread got downvotes for some reason (- _ -) so I suggest removing the dislike button please.
No one cares about the dislikes anymore, But if they wanna get rid of the trolls they should just delete the dislike button, The trolls would feel like shit if they knew they couldn't downvote anyone anymore yet people can still get their likes, The thing with them is jealously
I reckon getting rid of both likes and dislikes would be better. Getting people to actually post their opinions would make dealing with the trolls a lot easier. You're completely anonymous if you downvote something, but if you reply to something then everyone knows it was you.
Yeah not everyone is like us that don't give a crap about it, The new people feel discouraged when they get downvoted a lot
Exactly. It's not the average forum user that I am worried about, it's the new users; it's unfair for them. Who do I contact to get this to Telltale? Support? Do I have to just cross my fingers and hope the Forum Mastermind (whatever he/she is) notices? I'm tired of waiting; we need to fix this for the good of everyone. Less threads will be derailed as a result as well. That theory thread may not have been closed if it wasn't derailed by dislike trolls.
The Mods said they were working on something, I guess it was related to the dislike button If it really bothers people so much I don't see why they don't just delete so the Trollls can go away as well
Well, I don't want to take away the like/dislike system: When I get a like, I feel a sense of... pride. I know which comments I can say to please people and which ones people don't like. I feel good when I get a thousand likes, like I accomplished something on this forum.
That is exactly what I think ! Leave the likes Alone Everyone loves them, Just get rid of the thumbs down button and everyone will be happy not to mention the trolls would feel like shit knowing they can't dislike people anymore but we still get likes, If they get rid of the likes too it means the trolls got what they wanted
Yeah, if you're asking for a change in the site, you're shit out of luck. The mods have no say in the form or function of this site and the people who do have a say don't seem to want to make any changes. But there is a very simple solution to the whole disliking thing that wouldn't require any mod or staff input at all.
Institute a new unwritten forum rule: every time you see a post with a downvote that has not been earned, give it an upvote. It doesn't matter if you agree with it, disagree with it, or feel nothing towards the post. As soon as you find yourself asking "Why did that get a downvote?" Just upvote it. Balance the scale. The way to deal with downvote trolling is to upvote troll.
Upvote for you for such an awesome Idea !
We did? I don't recall that. Even if we did, we don't exactly have a say on that.
As DomeWing333 says,
Does the site developers even know about some of the problems with the forum?
I believe fixes are in the works for the technical problems of the site [cough PMs].
I am unaware of any changes coming in terms of features such as downvoting.
Your request comes at the right time since they are know Supernatural Creatures with a high IQ :P
you know,my local forum had this acute case of spambot until the admin decided to make us have to write a captcha everytime we're going to make a new post,be it thread,or comment
Thats completely unnecessary, It should just be applied to when you are making the account !
… at which point everybody left, spambots included.
I know,right? I just can't understand the admin's logic,so I just left the forum
I actually agree. I hate captchas....but these spambots are getting specially designed for these forums, they have recently started making posts with topics relating to the sections they are posting in. It is getting kind of hard to determine which threads are bot-made spam threads and to navigate the forums.
Actually, one of the most common reasons for a person to troll is simply to elicit a reaction from a person or multiple people, sometimes just to feel good about their selves and/or because they find raging people funny. The disliking thing is a pretty weak form of trolling, in my opinion at least. The trolls can still annoy people directly, even though they reveal their account for a ban by doing that.
My point is that the thing with them usually or at least sometimes isn't jealousy and removing the dislike button wouldn't remove the problem.
Edit : Also, being able to dislike something allows someone to show their opinion without potentially getting into an argument over it.
I disagree with this. If you can't deal with an argument then you probably shouldn't be interacting with humans in any way. If you have an opinion, you should be able to defend it. Otherwise it's not a very good opinion.
Disliking allows trolls to be anonymous so they can just dislike everything with zero accountability. If they do have accountability, they can be banned instantly and they wont be able to troll every single thread.
Of course, I'm saying that allows people to completely avoid arguments or even the beginnings of arguments. The mods have to deal with all the arguments that get out of hand, there would probably be a lot more of them if everyone had to state their opinions instead of just disliking a comment.
You can ban someone, but then they can make a new email, change their IP address and make a new account. That seems like a lot to do, but it would probably take like 5-10 minutes to do. If they really want to troll others and know how to do the things I mentioned(which are fairly easy to do), they will probably make a new account and get right back to trolling. Yes, people can anonymously dislike threads and comments, but honestly, that shouldn't be a very big deal. If you have 2 dislikes on one of your comments and 10 likes, are you really going to care much if at all at the dislikes? I wouldn't care much.
A troll wants to elicit a reaction. Why give the trolls a reaction over a couple of dislikes? Honestly, that doesn't seem like a big deal.
You make an excellent point. When you put it that way I'll admit your idea sounds better.
Thank you.
Hahaha, that made my night
Happened to me a while ago lol.
but also this
Something needs to be done about the spam bots slipping through, doesn't the thing (i don't know what it's called, you have to type numbers in from a picture format, it's ment to stop S.B's) stop the spam bots - i thought that's what it's there for.
Also stop bashing on people for there grammar for heavens sakes - alot of that seems to go on in the forums. A polite pointing out of there mistake is sufficient don't you think?. It's the internet not everyone can be bothered to type properly - i have a Higher education in english (im in scotland) and look at my spelling/grammar - can i do it better, yes iv'e proven so, can i be bothered? NO!. This is a forum not a flammin' exam board.
Trolltale is at it again.
Exactly right! The more discussion, the better. If you have an opinion, then speak out and express yourself.
And this new setup isn't as conducive to long discussions as the previous, more straightforward setup was. And it is hell to use on a smartphone. It's STILL slow, clunky and difficult to use on a small touch screen. The previous setup was much easier. This design was, overall, a step backwards.
*their, *heaven's, *bothered.
Sorry, couldn't resist.
In all seriousness, though, I do agree. People get far too aggressive about grammatical mistakes here (it is hilarious, however, when they make a mistake while correcting others). I think a lot of users here fail to realise English is not the first language for a lot of people in this forum.
OMG @stevean2 is a time traveller!
time travel