However, this is all stuff I have to infer on my own and is a matter of speculation.
Exactly. Let us slow down, talk to these guys and you provide both development and justification for their actions. I don't need them spelling out why they do everything they do, but you certainty get a better idea of it once you know them better.
I can understand making nice with Rebecca. She is angry because she fears you are with Carver - and she has the most to fear from that guy.… more Her anger towards you was due to her fear that you're with Carver. When she realized it was wrong - and then that you were the only reason Carver didn't catch them - she changed her tune.
With Carlos, he only seems to trust you with Sarah because he has nothing else to do - besides leave Sarah alone and in great danger. At the very least, Carlos knows you aren't with Carver. I think the real reason they were so suspicious of you was their fear of Carver, not the bite. After you escaped the shed, sneaked into their house, befriended their weakest link (Sarah), treated your own wounds, and then killed a zombie twice your size, you pretty much proved your story. If you were with Carver, you would have escaped the shed and Carver's crew would have showed up.
So, I can indirectly infer why they tr… [view original content]
The thing is a lot of us were saying the same thing about Episode 2. "Episode 1 was no place for hubs, let's see what happens in Episode 2."
I just don't know anymore really. There were a few chances for those moments in this episode and they weren't taken. I mean there was a whole 5 day blank. Ep 1 didn't have an opportunity like that and it was forgivable there.
I reckon the next episode has a strong chance of more hub activity. Were entering a new community hence new people to meet. We know that the… morere is certainly some, probably substantial interaction with Carver and that we talk to Bonnie and Kenny. That implies a bit of free-roaming and talking to people.
The thing is a lot of us were saying the same thing about Episode 2. "Episode 1 was no place for hubs, let's see what happens in Episode 2.… more"
I just don't know anymore really. There were a few chances for those moments in this episode and they weren't taken. I mean there was a whole 5 day blank. Ep 1 didn't have an opportunity like that and it was forgivable there.
Well, we actually had plot, villain and themes introduced to us since the first episode, this season. I would call S2 more... focused on where it wants to go, what story it wants to tell. That can be great! It is the opposite of the first season, in which the goal was to simply find our way in the first months of the apocalypse and take care of this little girl.
Starved for Help was my favorite episode last season for a variety of reasons, yet some people think it the weakest or simply don't like it that much, and I can partly see why. When you get down to it, it didn't advance the plot that much. Sure, we got some great development, which is one of the things I appreciate the most, plus some creepy, one-time, surprise antagonists, but the bulk of the story was presented in "The Season One Trilogy" which starts in Long Road Ahead and ends with No Time Left.
Some people will long for S1's more "loose" storytelling, others will most certainly enjoy the more focused approach this season. Me? It's the Walking Dead, and she's Clementine, you have me either way. The time for a "filler", more character oriented episode is long gone with Carver's introduction, but I hope they at least include some of those slow hub scenes in what's left of the season. They weren't for show last time around, they were important to define the people we were surviving with.
I find S2's overall plot a lot more interesting than S1 (this isn't to say I didn't love S1) but I have to agree with most of what you said.… more Episode 2 could have easily been 30 minutes longer without even changing the overarching plot at all. I was fine with Episode 1 being shorter and not really having much pause - that was necessary due to its nature. But episode 2 was almost as short!
I'm totally okay with the initial 16 month time skip. It was needed to age Clementine to the point where the way she acts is more believable. It was also needed to bring things up to speed with 400 days.
The 5 day time skip, however, was just BAD. Fade to black, "5 days later," fade in. Did nothing at all happen during that time? Even if it was an entirely uneventful trek, why not toss a hub segment in there and maybe a short problem solving puzzle? That alone would have added significant time to the length of the episode and satiated a lot of p… [view original content]
I second the call for more character conversations in-between moments of story progression. Even if some of the environments themselves aren't that big, I want to be able to talk with everyone in them.
Let me ask Alvin about himself while we're taking a rest. Let me talk to Carlos about his feelings on losing Pete. Let me catch up with Sarah when she has to wait on the sidelines, etc. Being able to talk to the group is integral to really becoming a part of the group.
This is the heart of my problem. Can I understand what the characters are doing and why without the extra exposition? Yeah, sure, but it's all extrapolation, speculation, and encourages the whole "lots of speculation from everyone" attitude - a road that TellTale ought to avoid like the plague.
However, this is all stuff I have to infer on my own and is a matter of speculation.
Exactly. Let us slow down, talk to these guys a… morend you provide both development and justification for their actions. I don't need them spelling out why they do everything they do, but you certainty get a better idea of it once you know them better.
I reckon the next episode has a strong chance of more hub activity. Were entering a new community hence new people to meet. We know that the… morere is certainly some, probably substantial interaction with Carver and that we talk to Bonnie and Kenny. That implies a bit of free-roaming and talking to people.
You and me both, but again, this seems the best way to get their attention. I don't know if they read emails. I'm giving this thread one final bump before letting it die. Everyone here has said what was to be said for the time being, I think. A pleasure talking to everyone, let's see what Telltale has in store now.
I will do a very brief list of my likes and dislikes, per episode:
- That intense dog scene
- Nick almost shooting Clem
- Clem telling off Rebecca (Only if you listen to her in the bathroom about her baby)
- The River Scene
- Omid dying literally one minute in
- Christa just vanishing
- Our choices from previous season barely mattered. Even if Lee said to stay alone and not go with Omid and Christa, she still does regardless.
- Nick and Clem opening up with each other in the cellar
- The Cabin Scene with Carver
- The first homosexual couple in the series (Even though it was short lived)
- The entire lodge hostage scene was intense
- Not being able to save Walter (Dumb ass Kenny not listening to me when I said not to shoot Johnny caused it)
- Luke mysteriously just vanishing with no explanation at all
- Kenny being flung into a door in the truck ("What hit me?" LMAO)
- Being able to see another side of Bonnie
- The reggie scene on the roof
- The walkie talkie beat down moment
- Alvins heartbreaking death scene
- The troy "Penis Incident" with jane
- The escape
- Having to chop off Sarita's arm and her scream
- Underuse of 400 days characters
- They completely rewrote Tavia's personality into some cold, heartless woman, in contrast to her original 400 days self
- Carlos hitting Sarah
- Nick literally having only 6 lines
- Alvin barely appearing
- Carver being killed off so quickly
- The episode length
Personally, I liked Episode 2 the best. It was cooler, and you got to delve deeper into Nick's personality and history in the episode. Of all episodes, I didn't like the third. I hated how, despite the 400 days characters appearing, they barely had any lines. Now, thanks to the hardware store being overrun, its pretty up in the air as to if we will ever even see these characters again. As for Tavia, I REALLY liked her in 400 days, despite appearing briefly. I liked how she seemed like a nice woman and was trying to provide hope. However, the new writer completely rewrote her character and made her some heartless bitch. Again, as MANY others said, Carver was killed off WAY too soon, and Episode 3 had MANY plotholes and problems with consistency. It feels like either scenes were cut before release, or that they simply pieced together random things in a hurry. Eitherway, the entire season is pretty good. Absolutely not nearly as good as Season 1, but good. I really adore the characters, especially Nick, who is my favorite character due to his sensitive personality but with a temper. Its a shame he was underused in Episode 3, to where he literally had like 6 or 7 lines entirely.
I could go on and on, but Id rather not.
PS. I LOVE Nicks eyes. I like how he has black hair, but has bright, big, blue eyes.
Personally, one of my pet peeves is villains who far overstay their welcome. I'm perfectly content with Carver dying when and how he did.
We still haven't had a *true* pharmacy scene yet. The prison yard was almost there, but you could only talk to a few characters, and even then didn't have multiple dialogue options.
That being said, I think Episode 3 was by far my favorite of Season 2 so far. It had a different feel than most Walking Dead episodes, in my opinion. It didn't leave me going "AAAAAAAA" as most of them do, but it did leave me going "Damn, that episode was great." It also had a metric ton of awesome lines. I think if I were to make a list of all my favorite WDG quotes, this Episode would handily win in terms of numbers.
Not to mention, Kenny was a goddamn badass this episode.
Carver being killed how he was satisfied me, but there are lots of holes in the plot now. Why did they kill Roman's group? What were the disagreements between Luke and Carver? Why did Alvin kill George? Plus, we still have barely had any character interaction and background with the other characters since we have gotten no hub world and no down time to just talk to the characters.
Exactly. Let us slow down, talk to these guys and you provide both development and justification for their actions. I don't need them spelling out why they do everything they do, but you certainty get a better idea of it once you know them better.
The thing is a lot of us were saying the same thing about Episode 2. "Episode 1 was no place for hubs, let's see what happens in Episode 2."
I just don't know anymore really. There were a few chances for those moments in this episode and they weren't taken. I mean there was a whole 5 day blank. Ep 1 didn't have an opportunity like that and it was forgivable there.
Fair point. See what happens, but if people mention it enough I imagine TT will take it on board.
Well, we actually had plot, villain and themes introduced to us since the first episode, this season. I would call S2 more... focused on where it wants to go, what story it wants to tell. That can be great! It is the opposite of the first season, in which the goal was to simply find our way in the first months of the apocalypse and take care of this little girl.
Starved for Help was my favorite episode last season for a variety of reasons, yet some people think it the weakest or simply don't like it that much, and I can partly see why. When you get down to it, it didn't advance the plot that much. Sure, we got some great development, which is one of the things I appreciate the most, plus some creepy, one-time, surprise antagonists, but the bulk of the story was presented in "The Season One Trilogy" which starts in Long Road Ahead and ends with No Time Left.
Some people will long for S1's more "loose" storytelling, others will most certainly enjoy the more focused approach this season. Me? It's the Walking Dead, and she's Clementine, you have me either way. The time for a "filler", more character oriented episode is long gone with Carver's introduction, but I hope they at least include some of those slow hub scenes in what's left of the season. They weren't for show last time around, they were important to define the people we were surviving with.
I second the call for more character conversations in-between moments of story progression. Even if some of the environments themselves aren't that big, I want to be able to talk with everyone in them.
Let me ask Alvin about himself while we're taking a rest. Let me talk to Carlos about his feelings on losing Pete. Let me catch up with Sarah when she has to wait on the sidelines, etc. Being able to talk to the group is integral to really becoming a part of the group.
That's what I'm hoping for.
This is the heart of my problem. Can I understand what the characters are doing and why without the extra exposition? Yeah, sure, but it's all extrapolation, speculation, and encourages the whole "lots of speculation from everyone" attitude - a road that TellTale ought to avoid like the plague.
I don't want to "hope." We've been saying that since Episode 2 of Season 1...
You and me both, but again, this seems the best way to get their attention. I don't know if they read emails. I'm giving this thread one final bump before letting it die. Everyone here has said what was to be said for the time being, I think. A pleasure talking to everyone, let's see what Telltale has in store now.
How have things not changed, huh? Many of us thought *In Harm's Way would be the perfect episode to bring some of this stuff back but it did not.
- That intense dog scene
- Nick almost shooting Clem
- Clem telling off Rebecca (Only if you listen to her in the bathroom about her baby)
- The River Scene
- Omid dying literally one minute in
- Christa just vanishing
- Our choices from previous season barely mattered. Even if Lee said to stay alone and not go with Omid and Christa, she still does regardless.
- Nick and Clem opening up with each other in the cellar
- The Cabin Scene with Carver
- The first homosexual couple in the series (Even though it was short lived)
- The entire lodge hostage scene was intense
- Not being able to save Walter (Dumb ass Kenny not listening to me when I said not to shoot Johnny caused it)
- Luke mysteriously just vanishing with no explanation at all
- Kenny being flung into a door in the truck ("What hit me?" LMAO)
- Being able to see another side of Bonnie
- The reggie scene on the roof
- The walkie talkie beat down moment
- Alvins heartbreaking death scene
- The troy "Penis Incident" with jane
- The escape
- Having to chop off Sarita's arm and her scream
- Underuse of 400 days characters
- They completely rewrote Tavia's personality into some cold, heartless woman, in contrast to her original 400 days self
- Carlos hitting Sarah
- Nick literally having only 6 lines
- Alvin barely appearing
- Carver being killed off so quickly
- The episode length
Personally, I liked Episode 2 the best. It was cooler, and you got to delve deeper into Nick's personality and history in the episode. Of all episodes, I didn't like the third. I hated how, despite the 400 days characters appearing, they barely had any lines. Now, thanks to the hardware store being overrun, its pretty up in the air as to if we will ever even see these characters again. As for Tavia, I REALLY liked her in 400 days, despite appearing briefly. I liked how she seemed like a nice woman and was trying to provide hope. However, the new writer completely rewrote her character and made her some heartless bitch. Again, as MANY others said, Carver was killed off WAY too soon, and Episode 3 had MANY plotholes and problems with consistency. It feels like either scenes were cut before release, or that they simply pieced together random things in a hurry. Eitherway, the entire season is pretty good. Absolutely not nearly as good as Season 1, but good. I really adore the characters, especially Nick, who is my favorite character due to his sensitive personality but with a temper. Its a shame he was underused in Episode 3, to where he literally had like 6 or 7 lines entirely.
I could go on and on, but Id rather not.
PS. I LOVE Nicks eyes. I like how he has black hair, but has bright, big, blue eyes.
We still haven't had a *true* pharmacy scene yet. The prison yard was almost there, but you could only talk to a few characters, and even then didn't have multiple dialogue options.
That being said, I think Episode 3 was by far my favorite of Season 2 so far. It had a different feel than most Walking Dead episodes, in my opinion. It didn't leave me going "AAAAAAAA" as most of them do, but it did leave me going "Damn, that episode was great." It also had a metric ton of awesome lines. I think if I were to make a list of all my favorite WDG quotes, this Episode would handily win in terms of numbers.
Not to mention, Kenny was a goddamn badass this episode.