Please read my theory on the 400 days people
I think I may be on to something.
Ok, so lets say that in your play through Bonnie, Vince and Wyatt go with Tavia and Russ, Shel and Becca dont. After the scene where Vince burns the photos, the people who choose to stay at the camp and not go, end up going any way ( maybe to just " check it out " )
so ALL the 400 days people are at Carvers camp, they look around and see certain people being forced to do very hard work, they are mistreated by the armed guards too, Carver tells them that the people who are being forced to do hard work are " bad people " who were up to no good. ( On a side note, NATE could be one of the Criminals in captivity and thats where he comes in in season 2 )
The people who CHOOSE to go with Tavia ( Vince, Bonnie and wyatt ) dont see a problem with the criminals being treated that way but Russ, Shel and Becca do and decide to leave but get FORCED " Back to the flock " by Carver and his creepy love. ( BONNIE ALWAYS goes with Tavia, and she is clearly on Carvers side )
So when Clem and the Gang Arrive they too are treated as " criminals " and forced to do hard work and stuff, you meet all the 400 days guys, but Vince, Bonnie and Wyatt are enemys, and Russ, shel and becca ( possibly Nate ) are on your side and help you out.
I know it gives the impression that nate was either killed or left, but he could have been captured by Carver later on?
what do you think?
Agree haven't played episode 2 s2 but from reading your theories think try whole governor(carver) and his people thing imitation is both form of flattery
I don't believe that Tavia is part of Carvers group, I think she is part of the Wellington camp.
So how did Bonnie end up at Carvers? lol I think that this George guy who Alvin killed was the leader and Carver took over, Carver being super smart he somehow got Alvin to murder George by lying then blamed it all on Alvin and used them all as a scapegoat
Sorry expand see them making carver like the governor and his camp have same ignorance of what's going on till final battle with clems group 400 days characters will be taken advantage of and controlled to serve under false promises i haven't played episode 2 so don't know to much about carver or his camp so all theorie
ShaneWalsh already made a fool out of yourselve when you created the " Kenny is dead, get the fuck over it " thread. Don't make a fool out of yourself yet another time. Bonnie is the only 400days character that always goes with Tavia, no matter what you did. So the most likeable and logical scenario is that Tavia is part of Carvers group.
I remember Tavia saying to the 400 days group that criminal activity is not tolerated at her camp and as we know Bonnie is a drug addict. So maybe Tavia kicked her out of the group and she has ended up with Carver instead.
Please dont turn this thread into a flame war guys or i will report you all. This is the most likley explination for the 400 days thing, so lets just talk about that
Wellington is hundreds of miles away from Gil's Diner. Would they really have sent Tavia out with the orders "go scout out this one diner down in North Carolina and see if anyone is there". She was using a walkie talkie to communicate with her base camp. Pretty sure the range on one of those things is limited to a couple of miles at best.
Watching this video doesn't make me think she's part of Carvers group. When she's talking alone to the man on the radio they talk about rescuing survivors and how they'll be happy to be rescued, they're not saying something like "Hahaha more slaves for us!".
But like i said, Carver could have taken OVER the camp, the guy Tavia was talking to could have been George, the guy who Alvin Killed, but Carver manipulated him into killing him ( coz he is super smart ) Carlos is Super smart and figured this out, thats why they hate each other
Nice theory Though I doubt Telltale would put so much Emphasis on the Whole Staying or going with Tavia (Which is basically the point of 400 days) thing just to have everyone go there anyway, Not to mention they specifically say at the end " Stayed at the Camp". I think the people who stayed at the camp will end up helping you in some way or play a different role.
Sorry but I disagree with your theory. It seems quite a lot to speculate. I'm not saying it's bad or anything I just think it's a bit too much to assume.
Have TT not been hinting twards what im saying?
Tavia says they dont accept criminal activity
In the preview for episode 3 Carver is telling Clems people that the other people there strayed from the flock and have to " earn " there way back ( forced labour )
we see Clem doing hard work under armed guard
But no if you wanna go with " Hmmmm maybe its wellington? Deeeeeeeerp " then go ahead =]
Actually I have changed my mind, I agree with your theory 100% and I'm sorry for doubting it as you are such a smart person, it was foolish of me to not agree with you. Your theory must be the correct one! How did you work this out? It's incredible.
Another possibility is that Tavia believes in Carver. She thinks she's doing people a favor by bringing them into his loving arms. I could see Tavia being seemingly nice but beneath it a zealot.
go rub your head you bald bastud
Yaaaaaaaar me matey. Yaaaaaaaaaar
The man on the radio is Troy, one of the man's that was with Carver when they attacked the cabin group at the ski loghe. Pay attention to the credits, they both have the same voice actor!
I think the people who stayed didn't instantly go, but they were given the camp's location in case they changed their mind. Probably at some point they went to check it out and got captured.
Troy doesn't have a voice actor...
Sorry, my mistake then. It's was the other guy...Johnny!
weed jesus