My biggest disappointment of EP2 *Spoilers*
Matthew's death in my opinion.He seemed like such a nice, easy going guy much like Omid. He should have survived till the end of the episode at least. I've seen people talking about Walter a lot but Matt doesn't seem to get much attention. To me he just seemed like a kind person trying to help people out were as Walt's kindness kinda came off as creepy and to good to be true.
RIP Matt
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But then there wouldn't be any interesting conflict with Walter,
And it would also make Nick a non-determent character.
Matthew was important, despite his small amount of screentime. Killing him was a very important piece of Nick's development in Episode 2, and drove the conflict between Nick and his regrets over his mistake, and the conflict between Nick and Walter once Walter learned what happened. As cool as Matthew was, the problems that came up from shooting him ultimately helped define Nick as a character.
I liked him too, but for reasons Rock stated, he had to die.
I get the importance his death played to the story, but I feel he would have had a lot of potential. Just wished he lasted longer then one scene.
Matthew and Walter were really glorified red shirts. There main purpose in the story was to die horribly and as such they were made to be as likeable as possible in a short time.
In both cases it was meant to point out being totally trusting and nice in this world is something you just cant do. Especially Matthew. Also the cast is huge already another person would just mean less connection with the others
I don't think either of them were ever done in by being nice and trusting, especially not Matthew. Matthew died because Nick was stupid. Nothing to do with being too trusting, unless your point is that he should never have been on that bridge to begin with, which kind of relieves Nick of any responsibility in the matter. A case could probably be made for Walter, except that giving Bonnie food didn't lead to Carver finding them, because she was already doing the scouting and had seen that Clem's group was at the station, which is likely why Bonnie even offers to just walk away empty handed, because it wasn't really the food she was after. They were headed that way anyway.
Not so sure about that huge cast thing either. Including Matthew, that would be about ten people at the station before the body count started to go up, which is only one more person than the group at the Motor Inn in season 1 at the start of episode 2. All it takes is a good bit of differentiation between characters to figure out where they stand to have a different kind of connection to each of them. (ex., Carley is a nice and supportive friend, Duck is the silly kid, Katjaa's the group medic, and Larry is an old, racist asshole :P)
But yeah, as you and others have said, Matthew was a redshirt and his death was necessary to the story. It sucks, but I can live with it. Though when I first played, he was the only character since Carley that I immediately said, "No. No way. I must have done something wrong." I really should have known better. :P
It's a shame that he ended up as a plot device rather than a character
My fucking God.
Without his death...
Matthew is secretly Jesus.
Yeah, it seems nice people don't last long. Things are not looking up for Sarah...
I have a soft spot for the really nice characters. A shame they're both gone.
He died for our...
I can't help liking them, even if I get the feeling they have their days counted
To call his death a disappointment is completely exorbitant. It was necessary to develop and highlight Walter as a character, it added much dynamic to the episode and it was overall handled really well by Telltale. Sure, I would have liked to see more of him, but I think it's perfect the way it is.
I don't think he's complaining about it, at least I'm not. He's just telling what his reaction was and how he wished Matt, who seemed like a great guy, had lived longer. God know the poor bastard deserved it.
We're sick bastards aren't we?
I think that was kind of the point, i felt like telltale was trolling us a bit there. Here's our reaction - WOOHOO another Omid - likable, lovable, happy guy ready to help us and give us some food, and this time there's no way telltale is going to do the same thing and kill him off right at the start of the epi..... BANG!...................................................SON OF A BITCH!.
The scene was needed though and done well. It developed Nick a bit more - turned him more and more into ben, and soon enough were going to get another moment of "to drop or not to drop" - and it also helped bring out Walt a bit more (then he died and that helped bring out Kenny a bit more)