"I don't remember." Episode Two
When Carver shows up one of the dialog choices you are given is "who is he?" Which Sarah responds to with "I don't remember." How exactly could she not remember? It's hard to argue she would have forgotten the maniacal leader who's been after them. It can't have been she forgot him because they have been gone from the camp so long, since they had to have left after Rebecca got pregnant which is at most quite a few months. Even if she got pregnant after they left (how?) At most it could have only been two years if they had left right after the ZA started. The only logical reason I can think of is that she didn't want to tell Clementine who Carver was. Curious if you guys have any other thoughts in the matter.
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I assumed she was lying. Maybe Carlos told her to say that whenever Carver came up into conversation.
She started ventilating a second later so she wasnt thinking straight.
For game reasons it was so you wernt sure it was carver
This confused me as well, and I basically thought the same as Glinda. She was probably told to keep talk about him to a minimum.
Carlos mentioned in the first episode that Sarah would "cease to function" if she knew how the world truly was. In the second episode, we can see some symptoms of a possible anxiety disorder. It's a little far-fetched, but it could be possible that Sarah suffers from some type of post-traumatic amnesia over something that happened in Carver's community. I'm not sure if something like that would be enough for her to forget who he is entirely though, I'm no expert.
Not wanting to tell Clementine who Carver was also makes sense. Maybe Sarah was scared that Clem would leave the group if she knew what a monster Carver was or something.
I think it could be some form of memory loss caused by PTSD, we don't know what happened before they left Carvers camp but when she saw him it caused a panic attack so maybe she witnessed something really bad.
Makes sense. Keep Clementine in the dark about the situstion.
True but she had the wherewithal to tell Clem he couldn't see her. I don't know is an odd response even if she wasn't thinking completely straight.
The game reason makes sense, I'm just trying to see how it fits into her character/the story.
I agree, Carlos probably told Sarah not to mention Carver around Clem. Thanks
That's an interesting theory. It isn't out of the question that her subconscious would block memories of Carver from surfacing if they were terrible enough. Wonder what could have happened in the community :O (no peso talk please)
They would have to be some pretty traumatic events to completely black out the though of Carver!