What are we gonna do when...

Season 2 Ends ? Will we just ride into the Sunset together and wait for Season 3 to come out ( If it ever does) to come back ? I mean we hardly know what to do around here in between the episodes so imagine when there's absolutely nothing to talk about. Let's all just get mentally ready for an emotional Goodbye :P Season 3 might take a few years unfortunately I'll miss the forum.
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your right season 3 could take years if it does happen telltale has a lot on plate but I shall still be here to talk to everyone here I love you guys
plus with Game of thrones coming out I will still be here to comment on that(if it comes to Xbox 360).
That's depressing to think about /: I've grown really attached to TWDG and all the characters, I can hardly bear the 1-2 month wait between episodes. I don't wanna have to wait over a year or two for a Season 3, if there will even be one at all.
I'd get over it after some time of course, but still.. nothing lasts forever, I guess.
Wait for season 2 DLC 800 days.
If that includes me... I love you too :P
Its okay, We'll ALL be heartbroken.
You look different. Did you get a haircut? But I'm sure there will be some amazing fanart after this season ends. So there's that.
Don't say that TWD will never end we can talk about erm things and stuff
I've been thinking about this for weeks. I guess we'll wait for a DLC (if it comes) and talk about random TWD stuff.
Its so depressing to think about that
Thank god we still have 3 more episodes to go knowing Telltale that could be the rest of the year :P
As hopeful as this sounds, I think it would be over by this summer. Which is perfect timing because I'll be on vacation.
I made some changes.. Im a handsome Old man now.
I believe we'll get season 3 in mid\late 2015. They won't abandon their best selling series and they won't just put it on ice for like two or more years. I guess the wait for S3 will be about the same as between S1 and S2. In the meantime we can enjoy GoT.
I Approve
By the summer ? Hmm I don't know man my guess is right after the summer maybe around September.
Pretty close guess to mine. i'd say mid-late August.
If they get it together and fix their schedule its possible. I hope whenever they start doing Season 3 they're not working on these many games.
Or at least work on 1-2 games at a time.
Free likes for everyone here, Saltlick has reached a new level of Awesomeness his charm is off the charts :P
I guess we fuck around here talking about things that past and things that come to pass.
And have a great time at BOOMBOX CHEETOS'S expense.
It'll be like the wait for season 2, long as hell and many different playthroughs to see every hidden dialogue option... for me at least...
Sounds good to me.
Well, the day hasn't come yet...
But I am stocking up extra apple juice and socks for the wait. Gotta be prepared, no?
I can see it already, Threads with all of us in them just about gifs, jokes, and random stuff unrelated to the game :P
Sound's like Heaven...
I watch them while waiting for the episodes, Yeah I know Im fucked..
Indeed, As long as we're here the forum is not gonna be boring
I think it's already like that.
Know what I mean?
I know man, I know... :P
Damn, the wait's gonna' be so hard without a definite season 3.
Tell me about it
At least we're still gonna have fun around here !
Always man, Always.. But we still have a lot of Walking Dead to play
Cheers! And to whatever the future of TWD may hold, I say:
God, I love this pic. Thank you @GodsFriendChuck
Well before they released episode one of Season 1, they had that final scene with Clementine's goodbye to Lee written before writing the rest of the story. I'm certain this applies to Season 2 as well.
I have no idea how this season is going to end. I don't know if Clementine is going to die or if she's going to live. If they decide not to do a third season, I just hope to God they don't end Season 2 with another cliffhanger.
Lee's was awesome and he died like a fucking champ. If Clementine's story is coming to an end, she deserves a proper farewell.
Same. If they do decide to end her story, I only ask that they masterfully execute it. Oh, no pun intended.
When I finally got over the first season and thinking it was over. Bam! Season Two comes out, and Telltale has me hooked again.
No, no, no. Thank you!
I think her story still has ways to go, If well managed.