Let's not. I want you all to be happy, don't just stop because of 2 downvoters! Let them downvote all they want. I don't even care while you all are here :P
Let's not. I want you all to be happy, don't just stop because of 2 downvoters! Let them downvote all they want. I don't even care while you all are here :P
You have always been there for me Azlyn. Always had my back when it mattered. What kind of a friend would i be if i wasn't there for you now… more? People offending you or not, i am with you to the end. You can count on me!
Thank you.
Like, Captain Picard, from Star Trek, he's the guy in red ;p
I dunno, guess im just bored lol.
In a good way i hope :P
I'm glad you're all here!
Aww, you're the queen of awesomeness. You're one amazing person!

I HATE EVERYONE IN HERE, UUGHH! I'm kidding, you guys are awesome. Out of every other website, I visit this one the most
I wonder who's the monster that's disliking your comments? (*cough * *cough * i think i know who it is *cough *)
Oh ,right. I once watched Star Trek, but i stopped... I wanna watch it again...
I know you are
Wow, i'm anything BUT a queen. You should see me when i'm eating XD
Just kidding, but i AM kinda boyish. And i don't mind. But thank youuuuuu!
Let's all cry for a bit
Me too
Azlyn, I present to you another Awesome gal ! ^
Yeah, being good is good, despite the circumstances.
I know, Ned.
FYI, i did the quizz and i'm 97% Stark and 80% Targaryen XD
I love my life.
Looks like some people didn't finish reading my post, lol. Or just trolls.
Let's not. I want you all to be happy, don't just stop because of 2 downvoters! Let them downvote all they want. I don't even care while you all are here :P
I'm getting this feeling that the only reason this thread hasn't been taken down is because the mods thought it was a character appreciation thread
I can't help it
Downvotes break my heart I always break down momentarily.
I feel like i should translate this, in honor of the first Romanian troll:
"I am the captain, money comes from me and next year, i'm making the law, not the enemy."
R.I.P. Sense. You will be missed.
I know ;-;
*cries *
*hugs the shizzle outta you *
Best comment ever.
Please dont be sad they
re just jealous. You
re awesome Azlyn.Let's all sit around the camp fire and roast marshmallows!
That..That was beautiful. Brings manly tears to my eyes
Azlyn, I like you, you're a stand up gal, but... "Faith in humanity restored"? LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL.
sonaive #suchmisanthropy #killthehumans #notallhumanstho #ilikehashtags #ialsolikeoreos #plzhelpimrunningoutoforeos
Mods reaction to reading this ^
No one mentions the Mods just like to say there doing a quality job and do contribute with odd funny meme thank you mods
nice to meet you too
They're downvoting you take cover!
So it looks like your thread represents the nation of the forum
This thread deserves a soundtrack:
Really? Huh. Maybe they just let it live because i said "please".
It's a magic word :P