Surely though there is gonna be a season three? (heck i'd love for their to be a good 4,5 even more seasons, although that's getting ahead of myself), i'd be perfectly happy to pay double what i am now for a season two of TT the walking dead, i think a lot of other people would to. It's one of the best games (thee best story wise) iv'e ever played. It would be a real waste of writing talent if they didn't do a season 3....4.... maybe even more than that, why not? the tv series and comics are still going strong after all this time.
EDIT, just had a thought, does telltale have the licensing rights to continue on with the walking dead?/would it be easy to renew it.
Definitely! Even if I don't post anything, I'll still be creeping on you all. You all are way too awesome to just forget about or leave so I'm staying for good (which may be a bad thing).
No... I order you to keep posting so I know you're still around :P Though we are probably gonna spend the day telling the other how Awesome he/she is because there will not be a lot of things to talk about related to the game at least.
Definitely! Even if I don't post anything, I'll still be creeping on you all. You all are way too awesome to just forget about or leave so I'm staying for good (which may be a bad thing).
No... I order you to keep posting so I know you're still around :P Though we are probably gonna spend the day telling the other how Awesome he/she is because there will not be a lot of things to talk about related to the game at least.
Actually, TWAU will end before TWD so we are pretty much fucked. That of course unless you like or plan on playing any of the games they are working on right know.
Wow we only live 3 hours away from each other ? Im happy just knowing Im so close to you :P And I might get even closer Im planing on moving to Cape Coral don't know if you've heard about it.
Wow we only live 3 hours away from each other ? Im happy just knowing Im so close to you :P And I might get even closer Im planing on moving to Cape Coral don't know if you've heard about it.
I can't find words to explain how happy this makes me lol. I don't know any other people who are fans of twdg that live close to me, well except my mom. :P Friends for life! Haha, I'm starting to sound like Sarah now..
I can't find words to explain how happy this makes me lol. I don't know any other people who are fans of twdg that live close to me, well except my mom. :P Friends for life! Haha, I'm starting to sound like Sarah now..
Well you definitely aren't that kind of salty as in angry lol, you're quite the opposite. You are loved though! Goodnight I guess, it's late and I don't want to keep you up. Talk to you tomorrow Salty. :P
Well you definitely aren't that kind of salty as in angry lol, you're quite the opposite. You are loved though! Goodnight I guess, it's late and I don't want to keep you up. Talk to you tomorrow Salty. :P
Like a huge thread recapping favorite moments from both season. What we did not like in both seasons. what we liked in both seasons, what would you change about the seasons if we worked for TT. ect. trust me this forum will be exploding when season two ends. i will def be making threads because i have lots of ideas
hey guys sorry if telltale has confirmed this i haven't been on the page for a while but just think what if a season 3 isn't made at all i mean never mind waiting years i'd still be attached and ready to play XD but what will we do if its never made?!
Like a huge thread recapping favorite moments from both season. What we did not like in both seasons. what we liked in both seasons, what w… moreould you change about the seasons if we worked for TT. ect. trust me this forum will be exploding when season two ends. i will def be making threads because i have lots of ideas
it's a given is it not? I'll probably have to get S02 for PC though.
I love you SaltLick! We are bros4life!
Surely though there is gonna be a season three? (heck i'd love for their to be a good 4,5 even more seasons, although that's getting ahead of myself), i'd be perfectly happy to pay double what i am now for a season two of TT the walking dead, i think a lot of other people would to. It's one of the best games (thee best story wise) iv'e ever played. It would be a real waste of writing talent if they didn't do a season 3....4.... maybe even more than that, why not? the tv series and comics are still going strong after all this time.
EDIT, just had a thought, does telltale have the licensing rights to continue on with the walking dead?/would it be easy to renew it.
Cry. Tears for years.
The Walking Dead will be over, but not the community, so I'm cool with it.
I know. The question is what are we gonna do here in the meantime with nothing to talk about, No predictions.
Well, shit. I think we are just going to migrate to TWAU or Game of Thrones.
Not even, Remember TWAU is actually gonna end before TWD..
Well, shit ²
I'm sure that there will be a Season 3 (even 4, 5 and 6), TWD is turning into one of the major game series out there, It's a cash cow for TTG.
I just hope you're still around by then !
Even if I don't post anything, I'll still be creeping on you all. You all are way too awesome to just forget about or leave so I'm staying for good (which may be a bad thing).
No... I order you to keep posting so I know you're still around :P Though we are probably gonna spend the day telling the other how Awesome he/she is because there will not be a lot of things to talk about related to the game at least.
Who said Knicks and Heat fans couldn't like each other ? Love you brotha !
I will, don't leave me either Saltlick. :P Also, I see that you're from Florida too. High five, Floridians unite!
I'll never eveeeerr leave you Wolfie
Yeah I live In Miami Florida, And you ?
xd this gif always cracks me
Dont worry we still have The Wolf Among Us
Haha good.
I'm about 3 hours away from you then. I live in a small town in Southwest Florida. Pretty boring, nothing cool like Miami unfortunately.
Actually, TWAU will end before TWD so we are pretty much fucked. That of course unless you like or plan on playing any of the games they are working on right know.
Wow we only live 3 hours away from each other ? Im happy just knowing Im so close to you :P And I might get even closer Im planing on moving to Cape Coral don't know if you've heard about it.
YESSS. Sorry about my excitement lol.
But Cape Coral is really close to me actually, an hour or so away!
Hahaha I KNEW ITTT !!! Im moving there next month, Shit just one hour away from you ? That's incredible lol I wouldn't have imagined this.
I can't find words to explain how happy this makes me lol. I don't know any other people who are fans of twdg that live close to me, well except my mom. :P Friends for life! Haha, I'm starting to sound like Sarah now..
No.. You are much more awesome than Sarah is ! Im happy, Out of everyone it had to be you one of my favorites here
Aw shucks!
Thank you Salty. Is it okay if I call you that? lol
Anytime you want sweetie
I actually like it lol, "Salty" makes me feel loved :P
Well you definitely aren't that kind of salty as in angry lol, you're quite the opposite. You are loved though!
Goodnight I guess, it's late and I don't want to keep you up. Talk to you tomorrow Salty. :P
We'll talk tomorrow
Night Night.
Saltlick we will have things to talk about when season two end
Like what?
Like a huge thread recapping favorite moments from both season. What we did not like in both seasons. what we liked in both seasons, what would you change about the seasons if we worked for TT. ect. trust me this forum will be exploding when season two ends. i will def be making threads because i have lots of ideas
"Let's just wait it out, y'know, we can be all poetic and just lose our minds together."
Last Of Us Left Behind- Riley XD
hey guys sorry if telltale has confirmed this i haven't been on the page for a while but just think what if a season 3 isn't made at all i mean never mind waiting years i'd still be attached and ready to play XD but what will we do if its never made?!
Could work
I thought that quote was rather fitting for the topic haha!
EDIT: Double post. Sorry! I don't know why that happened. I wish we had the option to delete comments.
That whole DLC was heart breaking...
I love that game played it like 21 times XD. now they making a movie for it