hey guys sorry if telltale has confirmed this i haven't been on the page for a while but just think what if a season 3 isn't made at all i m… moreean never mind waiting years i'd still be attached and ready to play XD but what will we do if its never made?!
Haha, good to know I'm not the only one. Oh, and I didn't make that gif, although it is nicely made! I haven't been able to make any since I lost my Photoshop, but I found this a while ago on Google, and I decided to post it here when you quoted the scene.
On the DLC, I really wish they would have played out the whole scenario too. To be honest, I wanted to see how Ellie reacted when she didn't turn with Riley... Did she realise off the bat that she was immune? I have so many questions.
I know same here! I was looking forward (grimly) to seeing how Ellie reacted to Riley succumbing yo the fungus while she didn't, and her eventual need to end her (er, that's how I pictured it, she could have just left her).
Haha, good to know I'm not the only one. Oh, and I didn't make that gif, although it is nicely made! I haven't been able to make any since I… more lost my Photoshop, but I found this a while ago on Google, and I decided to post it here when you quoted the scene.
On the DLC, I really wish they would have played out the whole scenario too. To be honest, I wanted to see how Ellie reacted when she didn't turn with Riley... Did she realise off the bat that she was immune? I have so many questions.
That was one of my questions too. Did she end Riley, or did she leave her behind? Judging from the title of the DLC, maybe it was the latter? Perhaps the developers wanted to leave it to our imagination. Although I'm not too sure that was the best decision they could have made, since it sort of felt too "open-ended" for me. But either way, it was masterfully done, and it must of been a horrible thing for Ellie to go through. She only just got her friend back. I feel so bad for her character...
I know same here! I was looking forward (grimly) to seeing how Ellie reacted to Riley succumbing yo the fungus while she didn't, and her eventual need to end her (er, that's how I pictured it, she could have just left her).
She tells Joel that she had to put Riley down and when she met up with Marlene they noticed she had the bit and assumed she was immune. They didn't know she was immune until she told Marlene when she was bit and how. and how did you get the last of us spoiler key o.O?
That was one of my questions too. Did she end Riley, or did she leave her behind? Judging from the title of the DLC, maybe it was the latter… more? Perhaps the developers wanted to leave it to our imagination. Although I'm not too sure that was the best decision they could have made, since it sort of felt too "open-ended" for me. But either way, it was masterfully done, and it must of been a horrible thing for Ellie to go through. She only just got her friend back. I feel so bad for her character...
Oh, thank you for clearing that up. My memory of the story's details is a little hazy at this point. And there is no 'Last of Us' spoiler key, but you can make a custom one, which is what I did. All you have to do is click on the check box below your comment before posting it, click "choose category", click "other", and then the website will show a prompt for you to explain. After that, just type in what you want, and voila!
She tells Joel that she had to put Riley down and when she met up with Marlene they noticed she had the bit and assumed she was immune. They… more didn't know she was immune until she told Marlene when she was bit and how. and how did you get the last of us spoiler key o.O?
Oh, thank you for clearing that up. My memory of the story's details is a little hazy at this point. And there is no 'Last of Us' spoiler ke… morey, but you can make a custom one, which is what I did. All you have to do is click on the check box below your comment before posting it, click "choose category", click "other", and then the website will show a prompt for you to explain. After that, just type in what you want, and voila!
God, there has to be a season 3 coming out. Telltale we demand it!
As for the forum, I will still come here even if Walking Dead ends. But it wont be the same around here, that's for sure.
We'll figure something out... Sure, TWAU will end before TWD and God knows when TFB and GOT will be released. Speaking of which, you guys plan on playing these games? I surely do.
We'll figure something out... Sure, TWAU will end before TWD and God knows when TFB and GOT will be released. Speaking of which, you guys plan on playing these games? I surely do.
Well, I've played Borderlands. I thought it was pretty cool. Still, if you don't have someone to play in co-op it might get boring at times. I also know pretty much everything about GOT(at least the tv series, I didn't have the chance to read the books). I also wonder how are the gonna pull of GOT? I'm pretty confident they'll do a good job on both game regardless, and if TWD and TWAU are any indication as to how will they handle this games, I'd say we're in for a real treat.
Dang Telltale....:(
I really don't know what i will do. Maybe replay TWD all two seasons over again, along with TWAU. Cry again over lees death, not show up for work. Drop by the forums, and pray to god everyday that we receive some news on a new season. Or wait for Resident Evil 7.........ewww.
We'll figure something out... Sure, TWAU will end before TWD and God knows when TFB and GOT will be released. Speaking of which, you guys plan on playing these games? I surely do.
I recommend you should at least try the tv series. As you may have noticed, it's pretty popular. Now granted, popular doesn't mean it's good, but a lot of people feel the show is really good. Me personally, I'm pretty excited as to how TT will handle it.
*Sure, TWAU will end before TWD *
Dang Telltale....:(
I really don't know what i will do. Maybe replay TWD all two seasons over again,… more along with TWAU. Cry again over lees death, not show up for work. Drop by the forums, and pray to god everyday that we receive some news on a new season. Or wait for Resident Evil 7.........ewww.
I recommend you should at least try the tv series. As you may have noticed, it's pretty popular. Now granted, popular doesn't mean it's good… more, but a lot of people feel the show is really good. Me personally, I'm pretty excited as to how TT will handle it.
It didn't post correctly!
it will happen if the game makes lots of money. im guessing 2016 season 3 due to other games being made right now
Whoops, I fixed it! Also, the website glitched and made me post the same thing twice as well. Sorry about that.
Haha happened to me earlier today also. Nice gif!
Really wish they would have played out that entire scenario in the dlc though
Haha, good to know I'm not the only one. Oh, and I didn't make that gif, although it is nicely made! I haven't been able to make any since I lost my Photoshop, but I found this a while ago on Google, and I decided to post it here when you quoted the scene.
On the DLC, I really wish they would have played out the whole scenario too. To be honest, I wanted to see how Ellie reacted when she didn't turn with Riley... Did she realise off the bat that she was immune? I have so many questions.
I know same here! I was looking forward (grimly) to seeing how Ellie reacted to Riley succumbing yo the fungus while she didn't, and her eventual need to end her (er, that's how I pictured it, she could have just left her).
That was one of my questions too. Did she end Riley, or did she leave her behind? Judging from the title of the DLC, maybe it was the latter? Perhaps the developers wanted to leave it to our imagination. Although I'm not too sure that was the best decision they could have made, since it sort of felt too "open-ended" for me. But either way, it was masterfully done, and it must of been a horrible thing for Ellie to go through. She only just got her friend back. I feel so bad for her character...
We'll just sit around having the same Kenny v. Lily and "What race is Clementine?" arguments til the next TWD thing comes along.
She tells Joel that she had to put Riley down and when she met up with Marlene they noticed she had the bit and assumed she was immune. They didn't know she was immune until she told Marlene when she was bit and how. and how did you get the last of us spoiler key o.O?
Oh, thank you for clearing that up. My memory of the story's details is a little hazy at this point. And there is no 'Last of Us' spoiler key, but you can make a custom one, which is what I did. All you have to do is click on the check box below your comment before posting it, click "choose category", click "other", and then the website will show a prompt for you to explain. After that, just type in what you want, and voila!
God, there has to be a season 3 coming out. Telltale we demand it!
As for the forum, I will still come here even if Walking Dead ends. But it wont be the same around here, that's for sure.
your welcome and thnaks
I know I was sooo disappointed when I heard they were going to make a game movie cross over with the last of us. Still disappointed as hell >:/
I sure hope so
And remember we got plenty of trolls to make fun of !
...and they get to downvote everything for fun as well! XD
Yeah downvotes are their most powerful weapon, And they hurt sooo much.
ye I'm just so fricken excited and all i can talk about at school is the game but all my friends are like: what the hell r u talking about?!
i know there has to be a season 3 telltale wouldnt just leave their best game would they?
man i luv all u guys ur just sooo friendly!
Not everyone, But yeah this place has awesome people ! You seem cool too.
We'll figure something out... Sure, TWAU will end before TWD and God knows when TFB and GOT will be released. Speaking of which, you guys plan on playing these games? I surely do.
Those are really not my type of games, But if its from Telltale Inc. I sure as hell gotta give it a try !
Well, I've played Borderlands. I thought it was pretty cool. Still, if you don't have someone to play in co-op it might get boring at times. I also know pretty much everything about GOT(at least the tv series, I didn't have the chance to read the books). I also wonder how are the gonna pull of GOT? I'm pretty confident they'll do a good job on both game regardless, and if TWD and TWAU are any indication as to how will they handle this games, I'd say we're in for a real treat.
*Sure, TWAU will end before TWD *

Dang Telltale....:(
I really don't know what i will do. Maybe replay TWD all two seasons over again, along with TWAU. Cry again over lees death, not show up for work. Drop by the forums, and pray to god everyday that we receive some news on a new season. Or wait for Resident Evil 7.........ewww.
thanks and yeah your right not everyone is what i would call friendly btw i am sorta new with the forums
Yeah I can see ! Don't worry you'll like it here just ignore the usual Troll that you will come across every once in a while.
TFB, hell yes, GOT i dont think so. I might but i need to at least start looking at the tv series.
Had to love her reaction to Kenny's "death" back before Season 2 came out. I got the other scene, but her reaction was practically a mirror of my own.
I don't think it'll end happy. There's never a happ end in the walking dead.
is it that noticeable that i'm new
I recommend you should at least try the tv series. As you may have noticed, it's pretty popular. Now granted, popular doesn't mean it's good, but a lot of people feel the show is really good. Me personally, I'm pretty excited as to how TT will handle it.
What is her channel name, I am at school right now, I am done, but not everyone else is and i don't want to distract them, with noise from a video.
I know exactly how you feel man i've finished season 1 7 times now and every time its the same thing. Water works
I have seen the first episode it did not really stick but i guess ill give it another shot.
Most people I know don't play this game, so I feel your pain
A bit :P Nah I went to your profile.
Her channel's name is "TheGirlFromAus".