i cant unlock sam and max 201
yes i got this episode for free during that christmas sale and i dont know the order code or any thing else and i cant unlock it by using my log in can you help
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yes i got this episode for free during that christmas sale and i dont know the order code or any thing else and i cant unlock it by using my log in can you help
and my email is now anthonystark52@hotmail.com
You should e-mail Telltale's customer service at support@telltalegames.com and include all the information you can, especially the user name from the account you used to get the episode for free and the e-mail address linked to that account (I assume it's a different one since you say that your e-mail is NOW ...).
they say i have to use the email i used for this account and some one hacked into it. so what am i suppose to do
Please reply to that Support Email that you received and be sure to explain your exact situation, and they will be able to assist you further with your issue.
and how can you buy individual episodes for sam and max season two with out buy ing the whole season because i have 201 203 and 204 so how can i buy then individual
It's not possible to buy individual episodes at this time.
so what am i supose to do i only need 202 and 205
Currently, the only way to purchase Sam & Max 202 and 205 through the Telltale website, would be to purchase the entire Season 2.
well i got 205 off of game fly and i just need 202