Too Popular?

edited March 2014 in The Walking Dead
                                                       Robert Kirkman Interview

***He insists, no character or actor on the series is too popular to be killed off [even Norman Reedus's Daryl]: ***
"In my opinion, I feel like characters ripen like fruit. So while I wouldn't say the more popular a character is the more likely they are to die, they do have to reach a certain level of popularity before they've 'earned' the death," Kirkman says. "No character is too popular to die. (Suck it, Reedus!)"

Yes, even Andrew Lincoln's Rick:
"ABSOLUTELY NOT," he responded (all caps are his) when asked if Rick is safe. "Although when I look in Andrew Lincoln's piercing blue eyes, I feel safe."

What do you think the Telltale writes think when they read this? I know..Everybody loves Clem but do you think their could be a time when you know...shes killed?
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  • Ding ding ding

  • They aren't going to kill Clem unless they somehow find a good way to wrap up her story in one season.

  • I try not to think about it, but still, this is The Walking Dead. Nobody is safe, Nobody.

  • And TT went bankrupt after Clems death.

    I try not to think about it, but still, this is The Walking Dead. Nobody is safe, Nobody.

  • edited March 2014

    No be honest Clem is character which made telltale famous and through her I feel part of the game as been with her the entire season see her grow up she's like everyone's child if kill her no one will want to play as what's the point all decisions and experiences to make Clem mature and survive then just kill her making game pointless all actions ever taken useless sure even replaying previous seasons knowing what happens to Clem just ruin the magic or in simple terms make more money continuing with her story for long time might hint at killing her but never will guarantee you.

  • If she does die, it'll be long after Rick is dead, in my opinion.

  • Just because they arnt safe dosnt mean everyone has to die. Just that dont think there safe, Honestly though Rick may die but Carl and Daryl are likely totally safe (hope I'm wrong though)

  • just post this again

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    Slither29 posted: »

    just post this again

  • Could be why TT is expanding into more games like TWAU, Tales from the Borderlands and Game of thrones... I can only imagine if clem dies, these threads are gonna blow up

    And TT went bankrupt after Clems death.

  • Kirkman is full of crap. He knows darn well he's not going to kill off Rick. I doubt the show would kill Daryl either. As for Clementime, I cant see her getting killed off unless and until she becomes and adult.

  • edited March 2014

    do you think their could be a time when you know...shes killed?

    Maybe. Still, people need to realize the fact that Clem's story will be over, one way or another. Bear in mind, this doesn't mean I want her to die, no I do not.

  • Don't see it happening. And I'm actually not worried about it, because telltale isn't blind enough to waste their saving grace.

  • I don't know whether Clem's death would kill the franchise. They'd be uproar from a few of the more obsessive fans, but it would depend on how well they can keep it interesting afterwards. Still it'd be a massive risk and i doubt they'd want to kill two protagonists in two seasons.

    Regardless, it is conceivable that TT may want to end TWD now they've got these new franchises. If they do then Clem's death becomes a lot more feasible.

    And TT went bankrupt after Clems death.

  • We need an edited picture of this, with him wearing bane mask.. from The Dark Knight Rises..

  • They can make 50 games if they want, none of them combined will ever bring them as much money as TWD

    X3Holy3 posted: »

    Could be why TT is expanding into more games like TWAU, Tales from the Borderlands and Game of thrones... I can only imagine if clem dies, these threads are gonna blow up

  • TWD will bring them money as long as the quality remains the same. Surely you do not want them to milk this series,right? Either way, I'm pretty sure a lot of people will stick with TT after TWD is over.

    Also, if they indeed decide to kill Clem it won't happen this season. So people can be at ease.

    They can make 50 games if they want, none of them combined will ever bring them as much money as TWD

  • The "Nobody is safe!" mantra is horseshit posturing.

    It's just like GRRM. Clem isn't going to die just like Dany isn't going to die.

    Difference being Dany can't die because she has stupid amounts of plot armor and Clem can't die because it would render the overarching narratives meaningless.

  • i dont know. this is the game not the TV show. even Lee could die. that means theres no fences above to die

  • Technically, a random shot at Clementine would be fitting the theme of TWD. Kind of like Abraham was shot out of nowhere.

  • edited March 2014

    The quality will never drop as long as they work on 1 game at a time. I'm ok with "milking" it but only if they focus mainly on it for the entire year. I want them to finish Clem's story at some point though, maybe season 4 or 5

    TWD will bring them money as long as the quality remains the same. Surely you do not want them to milk this series,right? Either way, I'm pr

  • No I'm willing to bet Clementine WILL survive this season once again even if everyone else doesn't make it. She has become just as great a protagonist as Lee or Rick was or is respectively. Clementine is like the Rick Grimes of the video game series. They won't kill her off because she is just as important and valuable to the games as Rick and Carl is to the comics. In my opinion Tell Tale will kill of Clem when they are absolutely done making these games. Clem is the heart and soul of the video game series and when she goes out then so does this particular TT game series. Unless (highly unlikely) they find another character just as popular and more developed than Clementine but it doesn't look like it as of now. & I don't know which fan base is strongest the Kenny fanbase or the Clementine fanbase. But I don't see them using Kenny as a main character for some reason as much as I wish they would use him at some point.

  • The quality will never drop as long as they work on 1 game at a time.

    Now we both know that's not true. We've seen this happen before and TWD is no exception. Granted, it hasn't happened yet and there are no signs of it happening anytime soon. Still, the game is set in a zombie apocalypse, there is only so much they can do before things start to get predictable(the comics are a perfect example for that, even though the last 2-3 issues have been a little better). Do I want them to continue this series? Hell yes! But that doesn't mean I'll ignore the quality of the past seasons just for the sake of playing another one.

    And from the looks of things we do have a long wait ahead of us before S3 comes out. They still have 2 other games coming up and also there is the comics issue(Although it's implied some sort of time skip might happen). Here's hoping this game maintains his quality and has a long and good run.

    The quality will never drop as long as they work on 1 game at a time. I'm ok with "milking" it but only if they focus mainly on it for the entire year. I want them to finish Clem's story at some point though, maybe season 4 or 5

  • Now we both know that's not true. We've seen this happen before and TWD is no exception.

    That's because most companies of today are shit.

    Still, the game is set in a zombie apocalypse, there is only so much they can do before things start to get predictable

    Kirkman sucks and lacks originality.

    The quality will never drop as long as they work on 1 game at a time. Now we both know that's not true. We've seen this happen befor

  • edited March 2014

    Did Kirkman say that in his Bane voice?

    This is going to sound a little strange, but I feel like killing her off at the end of the series would be a little too predictable. I'm guessing something like another big tragedy leaves her alone and you see her walking off alone, implying the same sort of things are just going to happen again.

  • edited March 2014

    I think that's one of my issues with the idea of a series like this having no real ending planned.

    After a while it stops being about a group of characters and a satisfying story arc for each of them, and it starts to become a question of who's been on-screen for a long or short enough amount of time to warrant filling the regular death quota.

  • Just stop worrying because of something he said. Kirkman doesn't make the decisions for the game.

  • edited March 2014

    Kirkman isn't writing with the Telltale team, only consulting and giving them feedback. He mentioned in an interview that he would be less involved with Season 2 than Season 1. So I don't think Kirkman has much weigh on the story but who knows what Telltale are going to do. I personally would be devastate if they killed Clementine and I don't think I would cope very well. But I don't think they will as that maybe too predictable or kind of the same as Season 1's ending.

  • edited March 2014

    Kirman is a troll, telltale don't have a reason to kill Clem. What is the expression? Don't bite the hand that feeds you?

    Season 1 was about Lee's redemption for his mistakes and his death was a part of his redemption. Clem on the other hand is still an innocent.

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