Daryl in the game.......
Ok, let's not have another "Survival Instinct" mess. Yes, the game and TV show are in different universes, however the Comic and game are one in the same. Daryl does not appear in the comics. How awesome would it be to see Clem and Daryl hanging out!!??
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Daryl would probably start calling her "Lil' Ass-Kicker".
Please no, They've finally started to make him a real character again but he's still overated.....
NOPENOPENOPENOPENOPENOPE I will kick a bitch if he comes into the game!
I want them to keep the TV series and game as separate as possible.
NO! Make it stop!!! Just the thought is painful...
Just thought id point out that there is in fact a Daryl type character in the comics. His name is Dwight
All this hate is really making me sad...I agree that he may have too many fans who like him for too stupid reasons, but he isn't a bad character...I actually like all characters in the show except for Carol.
Don't get me wrong, I LOVE Daryl. But him in the game? I think I'll pass.
listen I love daryl and the tv show but I would rather the game and tv show stay as seprerate as possible. I love both the game and tv show but I feel like mixing them together wouldn't bode well together.
I do like Daryl as a character, but I don't think he belongs in the game. Its kind of like taking an idea from one writer's mind and placing it in that of another. Their perceptions are going to be different. They may change the original idea to better fit their plans for it and/or the story. I feel that the way Daryl's personality is, he just wouldn't be compatible with TellTale's story.