Trying to get people i know into the Game...
I trying to get my friend to play the game, but i can't convince him spending the £12 on steam is worth getting over some crappy Cod Mappack! He loves the AMC Walking dead, (I know the opinions of the show are very mixed across the forums, but personally i think since season 4 stated its got a bit better)
How can i persuade him to play/buy it? oh and also is it true you can get the first ep. of season 1 free?
Thanks guys
UPDATE: If anyone is interested in it, he completed it and well...FEELS MAN lol
yep he says its possibly the best game,e he has every played so i guess my work now is complete (although he is kinda mad that lee died still in DENIAL stage poor lee)
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Yeah I think you can get the first for free somehow.
Show him the games trailers and that it's one of the most famous episodic games.
Just tell him straight up that it's better than a crappy COD mappack and he'd be getting more for his money. And if he likes AMC's Walking Dead, he should like Telltale's game too. You could also show him a trailer or the first few parts of someone's Youtube LP.
probably do that thanks, but is it true i just checked online apparently A new day is free on PS3, is that with Xbox?
My friends are fucking geniuses, they said to me "No way im going to buy a game that isn't finished yet and die waiting". They told me not to buy S1 season pass back in 2012 and i suffered cause i didn't listened. Now they said the same thing and GOD IM SUFFERING... again!
I made a thread very similar to this a while ago about my sister. Try telling him it won game of the year in 2012.
this is my life-task
And that it won over 80 awards.
If after all those COD games releasing every year your friend still buys them and the map packs, then he is probably beyond saving.
Try buying it for them? If it's free he might play it.
People may not like this but....You can go on and download season one and 2 cracked...Ive said too much......
Episode 1 should be free on PSN (USA only) and XBLA (Also USA only, I think)
Not ob PC though (as you probably know)
Quick! Before the downvotes come!

Jokes aside, the game is WORTH buying, and WORTH supporting unlike some games, which really don't feel like money well spent (not that im supporting pirating or anything :P)
Well telltales or Apple was kind enough to give me season 1 episode 1 for free. Glad I jumped in to play it so I bought the rest on steam.
You should stop cracking games. If you buy the game, you're helping Telltale to continue making games.
lol reminds me about how I got my sister to play the first ep. Now she plays the hour it comes out
I was in that position as well (playing COD year after year and buying all the DLC's), and had no intentions of ever playing TWD game. Oh no, look what happened, it became my favorite game of all time!
I am trying to get my brother and friend into it but my brother think it's boring and my friends only watched it cause of PewDiePie >.<
If they don't want to play it period then don't force them to do it
Invite your friend over and let him try an episode, but don't force him. Worked with my friend.
If anyone has good tips for this shit, let me know. I've been struggling like an animal to get my closest friends to experience the same wonderful and nerve-racking feel-roller coaster that i experienced but they refuse to try it. I even bought them copies and sent them on steam but still no result. I've already told them it's the best game i have ever played.Why wont people be convinced by 80+ game of the year awards? This is ridiculous!
COD MAPPACK!!! instead rage engaged buying all these add- ons are the gamers ruining gaming saw recent youtube video showing that added on files they sell you are already on the disk data and by buying it simply unlocking it on your disc this encourages company's to take data which should already be on the disk and make you buy it as a add-on splitting up every full product you buy to take more money off you.
My nephew is Cod fanboy just skips story everytime just plays gameplay never appreciating or understanding what a good story a game can have and refused to play walking dead because of the graphics also gave him shot of tomb raider first reaction the graphics aren't as good as COD
But can't judge I was once COD fanboy thought was greatest thing ever made but then my local game shop went into debt sold off all the games for 2 euro and then realised actually pretty bad came back years later played black op 2 trade it in after mission so bored with no story and copy and paste exact same every game every time no improvements plus short campaign,24772.html
Think I'm being harsh I'll back up my point with the company itself saying not for real gamers just to make quick buck ^
But say let him play free episode
Successfully got my sister to play just told her about the game and how awesome the experience was I laterally asked her 20 times are you playing now ARE YOU!!! and can tell you she now's says was best game she ever played and asked her today what was most emotional moment in gaming for you she said ending of walking dead only game to ever make her cry never taught a game would make that happen.
Was successful in making her in 2 week complete Heavy Rain, Beyond Two Souls and walking dead which said was her favorite then I got to ambitious and tried make her play The Last Of Us said was to hard mission failed on the last one.
TWD game is worth the money, if you live in western world it would probably cost you less that some big pizza or something for whole season pass, which is 5 episodes of 1,5h - 2h long, totally around 10h fun probably with great replay value.
Ok well if anyone is interested, i got friend to play first episode (Free on ps3) and he says it was great! Now he just needs to play the 2nd episode, which i think is gunna happen!
I used to be like your friend. I didn't even play season one until just a little over a month ago. I didn't believe the hype and thought I would be wasting my time.
Then my brother bought it so I ended up playing it... and yeah, I have never been more wrong about a game in my life. It's one of the best games I have ever played. Your friend is really missing out by not playing.
The best you can do is to gift them tebfirst episode if it isnot free. Otherwise it is their loss.
First ones free on Xbox 360. Perhaps get him "into" the comics (i think the first issue is free, regardless the old ones are pretty cheap now, if you hunt around you can even get free internet copies of the first few issues). The comics are really good and maybe it will turn him around. If he's not a reader, well your best bet is the free ep for xbox 360, or if he has a birthday coming up or something you could always buy it for him? lol
EDIT NVM just saw your update post, nice work lets hope he continues to enjoy TWD with ep 2
Wow, you bought them copies and they still didn't give it a try? Hey man just tell them to at least try the game once, it may be slow in the beginning and a little hard to get used to depending on what they played so far but later on tell them to keep playing and they might eventually come to love it like all the other fans in this community. Even I was skeptical at first but when I heard that it was getting so many GOTY awards I gave it a try and loved it! They have to at least give the game a chance I mean you bought it for them, what type of friends would they be if they don't give it a try once.
I tried to get my cousin to play it but he stopped because he hated the art style...I happen to LOVE the style.
I agree, better than most
Stop trying, maybe they will figure it out later. You did however give them the game as a gift. Who the hell refuses a gift like that?
I know, and 2 out of 4 people so far tried it, HOWEVER. They barely made it to the fucking drugstore before they said nah, "i don't wanna play it anymore" or "it was kinda boring". And when i proceed to tell them that the beginning is slow like it is in absolutely everything they just deny it. When i keep on trying to tell that this is the best game that i personally have ever played and ask them nicely to just try it out atleast 2-3 episodes they keep saying "nah i've tried it, didn't like it." That's like saying you watched a top rated movie for less than a quarter and like "Nah, it was kinda boring" "watched some of it, didn't like it". Damn, the logic with these people. Why can't people share the same visions as i do? ;_;
I know, also it's like getting a copy of a top rated movie on IMDB and say: Nah, seems boring.
"nah i've tried it, didn't like it." When they only played a little bit of the first episode...
I managed to get one friend to try it and he loved it as well but when I told another friend to give it a try he said "No it looks bad" I was like really man? Mind you he buys some of the dumbest things ever and only plays them once. You can't judge a book by it's cover, but some people are just ignorant. If they can't even try something new then oh well it's their loss, they'll just be missing out on a game that has made people love the characters and story unlike any other.
THANK YOU. This is basically exactly what i'm thinking. Like, nah dude, i wont read that book, i mean the cover looks like crap and the introduction is slow. Also the text on the back seems meh.
tell him you will give him 10 bucks if he plays it
Meh, their loss my friend. Just don't try to convince them anymore if they can't see this awesome series for what it is.
Heh, I got my sister, my friend and my parents to play it.
Wow, reading these stories pissed me off, lol.