I, -almost publicly- shamed my friend a couple of weeks ago for not having finished s01, i believe he was on the second episode. Now, just a day ago he finished season 01 and started s02. It also helped that another close friend which i recommended the game too had declared his love for the game and the show.
UPDATE: If anyone is interested in it, he completed it and well...FEELS MAN lol yep he says its possibly the best game,e he has every played so i guess my work now is complete (although he is kinda mad that lee died still in DENIAL stage poor lee)
Damn lol I got my mom Rosetta Stone so she can learn english to experience this. Good thing The Last of Us has spanish voice overs.
Lmao I know man, this was my reaction when my friend said "No it looks bad"
Lol. xD
Let them play the first episode on an unused file of yours and they'll find out its actually good.
NO! The world must see it's amazingness!
I have given The walking dead season 1 to about 6 of my friends and all 6 now want season 2.
Give him no choice. Hold him at gun point and threaten to drop him bare-backed onto a pile of Lego bricks if he doesn't comply.
If they're the kind of people I'd imagine them to be just tell them there are lots of tits in it.
Then when they get to the end and wonder where the tits were go, "Oh right, that was the Wolf Detective game they made huh my mistake"
Then you'll get them to play both this and TWAU.
You're welcome.
I, -almost publicly- shamed my friend a couple of weeks ago for not having finished s01, i believe he was on the second episode. Now, just a day ago he finished season 01 and started s02. It also helped that another close friend which i recommended the game too had declared his love for the game and the show.
UPDATE: If anyone is interested in it, he completed it and well...FEELS MAN lol yep he says its possibly the best game,e he has every played so i guess my work now is complete (although he is kinda mad that lee died still in DENIAL stage
poor lee)