Guess The Walking Dead Character From Dialogue



  • Power to the upvote!

    Zyphon posted: »

    Yep, you got all of them. For your reward you get... Nothing. Just kidding, have a like.

  • "News flash, kid. I have experience talking to girls who don't like talking to me."

  • Luke?

    Conduit42 posted: »

    "News flash, kid. I have experience talking to girls who don't like talking to me."

  • Last one is Nate, that's all I know.

    Juice-Box posted: »

    * "Careful Lee, you could grow to enjoy being a killer..." * "You're better off than having to starve to death with the rest of us!" * "Then stay you shall" * "This is pretty fuckin' uncomfortable, ain't it?"

  • Quote.

    You really wanna pull that trigger again, son?

  • YES! Funny when he say's it.

    Conduit42 posted: »

    Lee to Andy before beating the hell out of him.

  • Isn't that Bigby Wolf? oh wait... wrong game

    Toitle_John posted: »

    4/5! Number 3 is actually Dr.Logan, the guy on the video tapes in episode 4.

  • How many times did you play TWD lol

    Conduit42 posted: »

    The officer that was driving Lee to prison in Episode 1?

  • Danny.

    ShaneWalsh posted: »

    Quote. You really wanna pull that trigger again, son?

  • "She'll die a little girl if you treat her like one. You gotta consider her a living person. That's it. You're either living or you're not. You ain't little, you ain't a girl, you ain't a boy, you ain't strong or smart. You're alive."

    R.I.P. to this person :)

  • Walter is like a Season 2 Charles.. (Chuck), God Dayum Literature

    Aiko33 posted: »

    Random fact: Chuck is quoting from "Meditation 17" by John Donne. (Yay for literature class! xD) Edit: Just remembered that "Meditation 1

  • "F**k Wall Street!"

  • "Can it Carley."

  • Rebecca... but who would appeal to her anyway?

    Nick or Rebecca

  • Kenny

    rtu2d2 posted: »

    "Can it Carley."

  • Vince, Justin, and Danny

    rtu2d2 posted: »

    "F**k Wall Street!"

  • Chuck

    rtu2d2 posted: »

    "She'll die a little girl if you treat her like one. You gotta consider her a living person. That's it. You're either living or you're not.

  • "Pointy"

  • Lee

    SomGuye posted: »


  • "She's not my...she's a survivor"

  • Lee ..

    poplee posted: »

    "She's not my...she's a survivor"

  • ''Are you fucking Nuts ? ''

  • "That little girl's in my care! We've been through more together than you can imagine. Anyone who tries to get between me and her - ANYONE! - is gonna wind up dead! You hear me?!"

  • I don't remember this :D When was it? I really hope it was an optional thing cause then I can say I haven't heard it but if Lee always says it I is very sad.

    poplee posted: »

    "She's not my...she's a survivor"

  • I think that's Ben.

    Just kidding.


    JeraFlow posted: »

    "That little girl's in my care! We've been through more together than you can imagine. Anyone who tries to get between me and her - ANYONE! - is gonna wind up dead! You hear me?!"

  • On the train when chuck says that how 3 adults took care of three kids then said how Lee and his daughter survived with only 5 .
    Lee will have the option to say we were more or she's not my daughter which i chose the second.

    I don't remember this When was it? I really hope it was an optional thing cause then I can say I haven't heard it but if Lee always says it I is very sad.

  • edited March 2014

    "You know kid I'm an expert at talking to girls who don't want to talk to me."

  • Luke, just after you've met :)

  • A character says this from S1 when you choose nothing from a dialogue which does not have the silence option:

    "My name is (bleep) and I'm fucking sorry!"

  • Larry.

    Gengar posted: »

    A character says this from S1 when you choose nothing from a dialogue which does not have the silence option: "My name is (bleep) and I'm fucking sorry!"

  • Correct

    Alt text


  • edited March 2014


    Vernon and his cancer survivor group took the boat out to sea, and safetyCarley, does indeed keep quiet about Lee's secret. It is Lilly that reveals it to the group later in the season. The characters that have more than 1 canon death are: Doug, Carley, Ben, and Kenny. Doug and Carley are both either eaten by walkers at the drugstore or shot and killed by Lilly in the middle of a road. Ben either falls to his doom at a bell tower, or falls to his doom at a balcony. Kenny is either killed putting Ben out of his misery at the balcony (if you saved Ben in Episode 4) or Kenny is killed saving Christa's life from walkers in a dark building. Vernon and his group do take the boat, but do not necessarily make it to the docks and out of Savannah. It is possible they were killed trying to do so.


    I thought this was fiting in here! "The Walking Dead Game": Episode 5 Quotes...there is a quiz like this for all episodes!

  • "That's not a very nice thing to say, Lee."

  • " I know what side your bread is buttered on "

  • Brenda?

    Rafoli posted: »

    "That's not a very nice thing to say, Lee."

  • Dee

    TWD-Lover posted: »

    " I know what side your bread is buttered on "

  • "Can't have said all that shit...and not do something now"

  • that was Brenda

    "We outnumber you" -Lee

    Rafoli posted: »

    "That's not a very nice thing to say, Lee."

  • Kenny.

    "Can't have said all that shit...and not do something now"

  • "That's fucking stupid, Ben."

    "Our cat's gonna be pissed."

    "I AM CALM!"

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