
All of a sudden, Kenny's alone outside planning on how to get out of the predicament c/o Carver. He told Clementine that Luke ran off because he was whining about something. Then, after everybody surrendered, Carver said something like "if you hadn't followed that guy, you wouldn't be in this mess," possibly referring to Luke. He might just be talking BS here, but who knows?


So we see Luke again in Episode 3 infiltrating Carver's camp, as most people would have expected. But when he was talking to Clementine, he's stutters quite a lot. Even later during the episode when he was making a plan, there's even an option there for Clementine to say "Are you alright?", which is like saying "Wtf is up with you?" given the context of the situation.



  • I think you mean "Where is Luke?"...

  • That too. But what I'm really pointing out here is how Luke is acting strange as of late. Who is Luke? Is he a bad guy? Double-agent? A guy from another camp?

    I think you mean "Where is Luke?"...

  • I don't think so why would he be hiding if he was a double agent? He would take care of Kenny and come out when the group was at gunpoint. I think he is being smart. He knew he couldn't take on Carver (alone), so maybe he is gonna help the group in ep. 3 bust out or something. I think he is following them, I don't think he would abandon them. I like Luke, I would trust him with my life (that scares me) but I'm still watching cause it's not MY life on the line it's Clems.

    The Force posted: »

    That too. But what I'm really pointing out here is how Luke is acting strange as of late. Who is Luke? Is he a bad guy? Double-agent? A guy from another camp?

  • Still dont trust him quite yet. Still nuetral about the cabin group really

    clem_fo_eva posted: »

    I don't think so why would he be hiding if he was a double agent? He would take care of Kenny and come out when the group was at gunpoint. I

  • Here's what we know so far about Luke. He's a farm boy, worked with Nick, good with women and children, thinks killing lurkers are fun. Could Luke become like Lizzie from the show? He seems to get jealous and strict. Luke is missing,

  • If you piece together all the things said about him this last episode with the weird overly nice-guy way he acts around Clem, constantly plying her for information and testing her, it makes Luke super shady.

  • maybe he's withdrawing himself and start strategizing,and he will return in episode 3 by luring the walker into carver's place,and then coming in gun blazing with some crew,giving carver a taste of his own medicine

  • edited March 2014

    Alt text

    I hope Luke actually comes in guns blazing.

    Herodriver posted: »

    maybe he's withdrawing himself and start strategizing,and he will return in episode 3 by luring the walker into carver's place,and then coming in gun blazing with some crew,giving carver a taste of his own medicine

  • "Luke", " The Force". I can't be the only one putting two and two together?

  • He's poor lonesome cowboy.

  • get that tv show attitude bullshit outta here he is not like that fucking ben wannabe

    Here's what we know so far about Luke. He's a farm boy, worked with Nick, good with women and children, thinks killing lurkers are fun. Could Luke become like Lizzie from the show? He seems to get jealous and strict. Luke is missing,

  • ewwww rude as hell. All I was doing was answering the thread who is Luke. Carver even said Luke was a farm boy in the trailer, and luke said he was good with woman and children on episode 1. So what are you talking about!!! I asked if luke could be becoming crazy like Lizzie from the show? I didn't say luke was like lizzie. Calm down and take a chil pill sir!!!!!

    Jewfreeus posted: »

    get that tv show attitude bullshit outta here he is not like that fucking ben wannabe

  • edited March 2014

    "Carver said something like "if you hadn't followed that guy, you wouldn't be in this mess," possibly referring to Luke."

    Yeah, that line worries me a little. Still - just a little. Can't wait for Episode 3

  • Pure coincidence my friend.

    "Luke", " The Force". I can't be the only one putting two and two together?

  • Honestly Kenny said "he TOLD him to take a hike"

    And also apart from that there hasnt been much else of a major problem sign yet

  • Luke is a characters I can't really read. He's friendly enough, and good in a fight, and definitely likes dogs, but he's also really stubborn and kind of flighty and how he reacted to the Matthew situation really made me start thinking twice about him. His first instinct was to lie about it, and to urge--demand Nick and Clem to lie as well. I find that kind of telling of his personality and I feel like that moment is there for us to start questioning what else he might be willing to lie about if he feels like it will keep tensions low.

    He seems kind of pushy, too. When Nick was talking about him I got the feeling Luke pushed him into starting a business (whatever it was) that Nick didn't want to do, and is probably pushed into things by Luke a lot. If Luke led the group away from Carver, I wouldn't be surprised if he'd pushed Nick and his family into joining them.

    I'm just really not sure how I feel about Luke at this point. He's way too ambiguous. As Clem, I said I trusted him, but in truth I don't know.

  • What really bothered me was when Carver rounded them all up but didn't bother looking for Luke or even demanded to know where he is. Then he was like telling the cabin group that they finally cut him loose and that he was a danger to the group.

    Also, right before that, Kenny said that he was whining about something until he took off. There really must be something up about this guy.
    skoothz posted: »

    Luke is a characters I can't really read. He's friendly enough, and good in a fight, and definitely likes dogs, but he's also really stubbor

  • "eww rude as hell"? xD

    ewwww rude as hell. All I was doing was answering the thread who is Luke. Carver even said Luke was a farm boy in the trailer, and luke said

  • I don't knoooow.
  • Carver says some thing like "Where's Luke? Finally cut and run... Why am I not surprised. I warned you. I warned you not to follow him and look where it's led you." Which pretty much implies that Luke was the leader. I don't dislike Luke, but I don't trust him. Mainly over the telling Walter about Matthew bit. Luke tries to talk Nick out of telling Walter, but Nick does the stand up thing and wants to take responsibility for it. To me that shows a lot more for Nick's character than it does Luke's.
  • Lol, he'd be right. Clem wouldn't be in that mess, she'd be dead. If something like this gets said, I hope Clem can say that, and smack him.
  • The fact that they're such a match shows me that the two cover for each others' fuck ups.
    Midian13 posted: »

    Carver says some thing like "Where's Luke? Finally cut and run... Why am I not surprised. I warned you. I warned you not to follow him a

  • Standing by him and going with him to confront Walter seems to me a better way to support your friend. Also it's the right thing to do towards a man who has offered your group food and shelter.
    Harpadarpa posted: »

    The fact that they're such a match shows me that the two cover for each others' fuck ups.

  • Yall leave @jillValentine333 Alone... she's right about luke

    Here's what we know so far about Luke. He's a farm boy, worked with Nick, good with women and children, thinks killing lurkers are fun. Could Luke become like Lizzie from the show? He seems to get jealous and strict. Luke is missing,

  • edited May 2014
    Not support, but cover. Luke's distrusting qualities are covered by Nick's genuine goodness qualities. Nick's angering qualities are covered by Luke's calming qualities.
    Midian13 posted: »

    Standing by him and going with him to confront Walter seems to me a better way to support your friend. Also it's the right thing to do towards a man who has offered your group food and shelter.

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