What Ending would cause you the biggest rage?
April Fools day coming up so lets have biggest troll ending in ep 5 you can think of?
Which Ending and why know all are impossible but if impossible did happen?
A) Clem's wakes up in a mental institution turns out all a dream
Turns out Clem is Mexican midget named Pedro 40 years old who put on his little girl act to survive.(Impossible yes but random I like)
C) Clem turns into a zombie but in zombie state kills Carver
D) Clem survives but reveals that Ben also survived and will be main protagonist for next season
E) Clem walks outside the sun is shining all zombies are gone turns out their allergic to something.
F) Clem finds the cure(goes against all TWD rules definitely cause rage)
G) Clem completely loses her mind and runs into woods acting like wild animal for rest of her life
Which ending would cause you most rage and why plus make up ending which think would cause biggest rage for gamers and have the forum in uproar even if it's impossible lol crazier the better be more rage if I played?
Probably A. I would say B, but I don't know if I could feel genuinely angry through all of the laughter.
Logically A. Choice B is just...... Weird ?
lol yes agreed is just so weird but put it in not sure why just so random
NO 1 user Saltlick commenting on my thread so proud lol
I can't resist buddy, All your Threads are Awesome.
I actually kind of want F to happen but if A or B happens I will lose my shit.
A and B sounds crazy
H)Not having any important choice at the end
Thanks NO.1
Funny story behind F did a thread about should Clem find a cure every comment said SHUT THE F*** UP ABOUT TLOU!! just because mentioned a cure and in Walking dead universe frowned upon I seen first hand all the rage for that ending.
I have to go with A. Obviously.
But C, while it would be a devastating ending, one that I would also probably hate, it would be...fitting, one might say? A blend of the source material's hopelessness, but Telltale's little dazzle of triumph? (Not saying it's what I want to happen. I want Clem to live.)
What if... Clementine becomes a zombie at the end of the season! Then boom, cliff hanger. The next season, you play as 'Zombie Clem' and try to avoid Kenny trying to kill you with his boat load of salt licks! I think I got a reallll good theory der.
Only Joking
" Boat load of SALTLICKS". I like that part.
A then B
D would make me rage the most. I fucking hate that shitbird Ben. But A would probably be the worst for most players.
The first one would be the worst thing ever.
I'm still worried about it because the comic,show and game could all just be the main guy waking up from there accident (Rick and Lee)
all i'm gonna say is D.
i could not take that
For me it'd have to be an "Everyone dies except for one" ending again. I'd be fine with three or four people confirmed alive so long as it's at great cost (might be traumatised, maybe one person is missing an eye or a hand or something.)
Are you on drugs man?
hmmmm... in season 1, four people survived if i recall right. So it wouldn't be 'again', but would be too obvious way.
I mean if not a cure, maybe they would get up to Wellington and the walkers would be slowed down by the cold. Although something is telling me although the plan as they said would be "puppies and icecream" I have a feeling it's just going to be like the ending of season one, they think they've found an easy way out of things, people die because of it and someone gets bitten, hopefully it's not Clementine. If Clementine gets bit I will seriously through a salt lick at my xbox... once I found out where to get one of those.
lol still buy
A. That'd be god damn brutal.
"Hey, Telltale/Walking Dead fans here's an adorable little girl that you need to take care of and look she just made some cute leaf drawings and oh she just pet a cow awwwwww, hey look now she's self-reliant and strong and growing up too fast, but definitely resilient and whoops, nope she's just a psycho."
Will do.
I think I would rage at every single ending u wrote there.
But my favorit ending is xD Fuckin hilarious
I wouldn't be surprised if AMC does that... but if telltale does that with my beloved Clementine, there will be hell to pay.
lol with B just such crazy idea but said no I demand a MEXICAN MIDGET!!! any excuse to put one in
Only one of those survivors was instantly confirmed. Two of them were assumed, and the fourth was an educated guess.