What will happen when the game is done?
What do you think will happen to this part of the forum when they are done with the walking dead game?
Will this part of the forum be closed?
I hope not cause a lot of us has made friends here and it will be a sad to maybe loose them.
I know there is other places like the telltale talk and Twau and now tales from the borderlands but it won't be the same feel when we can't write theories and wait for the new episodes.
I hope they don't close this
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I've only recently joined myself, and from what I've seen, the community here is DEFINITELY something to be envied. I love how everyone is so respectful and nice to each other! Don't see that on a whole lot of online forums, especially when it's so easy to make fun of/insult people due to the anonymity of the internet.
I agree.
We should all come together, create our own studio and make games till the end of times.
They won't close this part of the forum.
As to what will happen, I guess it depends on how many people decided to buy TFB and GOT. Still, I wouldn't worry, there is always something to talk about.
I'm sure it won't be closed but it'll be pretty dead (no pun intended) here. Most of the current members will go away after a while.
Welcome to the forums man! Glad you liked the community.
As the company doesn't consist of mentally challenged autists who can't even write their own name, I wouldn't worry about this forum being closed anytime soon. It is TTG's most successful title in their whole history and who in their right minds would give up on something like this as long as it sells? Sure, GoT and Memelands can also be successful, but I really doubt they'd sell better than any Walking Dead game.
Different people shall continue the story in their own way. If I can get my arse in gear, I'd do a visual novel or something as a 'Season 3'. We'll see how S2 turns out.
We will "cease to function".
Forums will keep going I guess. But lets hope that season 2 ends on a cliff hanger because it's oblivious there'll be another season if that happens, they can't stop at 2.
Thinking of this makes me sad
I want TWD game to lost on forever...
agree this forum is 99% nice every now and then you will get a few trolls and dbags
im sure theres gonna be a season 3 but it wont happen for a while since tales of the borderlands and game of thrones are in development.
As popular as this series is I think it will have a season 3 but I worry what will happen to us in between the wait because it will probably take them like a year or two to get to it with GOT and borderlands being made.
ya, it makes me sad to think about it also. when it ends we all will be like:
this is me in my room after season 2 is finished
This sub-forum was kinda dead during the downtime between episode 5 and 400 Days, but livened up a bit after Gary teased there would be a DLC episode. Also, most of the S1 community here completely left the forums after episode 5. But this place won't be 'closed', as you put it.
Still waiting for season 3.
Before I lock this, just so you guys now, the forum will stay, and eventually join the other subforums as generally inactive places.