PSA: How to block THOSE images [Updated 4/19, No Longer That Useful]
For any of you who wish to avoid seeing nasty troll pics now and in the future, please follow these steps (Note, these directions are for Google Chrome and might vary based on what browser you use):
Step 1: Get AdBlock
Step 2: Click on the AdBlock button (it should look like a hand on a stop sign) and go to "Options"
Step 3: Go to the "Customize" tab
Step 4: Click on "Block an ad by its URL"
Step 5: Under "Block URLs containing this text," copy and paste this: ""
Step 6: Click "Block it"
Step 7: Repeat Steps 5-6 with "rule34", "fanofthedead", and "hentai"...and now "showmeyou0" and "imgur" and "minus" I guess. Fuck.
Step 8: You can now browse the internets a little more safely...or not. Probably not.
This discussion has been closed.
Thank you Dome. Hopefully I and a few others can browse with less paranoia now
It actually worked I'm pretty sure. At least for me.
Thank you so much for making this thread. Helps a lot. :P
Much thanks.
Dammit! I will never forget the shit I have seen today!
Thank you so much for the tip! I have AdBlock, but I didn't know I could block things like this.
I just wish I saw this before one of those... posts... Jesus, I've only been online for a few minutes. What happened?
I hope to God this works.
Well... Back to original timetable. Bitching about Ep3s release date, or lack of it. Seems like good old days after this nightmare
You have single handedly saved these forums, for this I thank you.
We're safe..
For now...................................
But what if we aint?
Wait, what did i miss? What happened here? R34 on this forum?
Someone posted hentai pics/gifs of in every damn topic on this forum.
Yea... every discussion had a bomb of r34 dropped on it
Oh noes, not here. Sitting on an archive on a dark site, fine, but not here...
Trolls these days...
no standards....
George Clooney and Mr. Bean dissaprove.
What happened Exactly? From what i understand a Troll posted some Naughty pics of Clementine...How long did it take for a mod to close it?
I don't like using adblock (cuz I know how much people like small youtubers depend on that revenue) but if it protects me from those images...
The troll put a decent helping of them on nearly every forum thread. You're lucky you weren't here, that was some despicable stuff.
Certainly the lesser of two evils.
Apparently people posted that f'ed up photo
I think you can whitelist some domains so that ads will still show up on youtube if you want them to.
Think It's important that I bump this thread.
Make sure to also block;
0hYouPokedMe (with a zero)
Yeah, bump for relevance.
Also block 'hentai'.
That won't stop it, they'll just create new accounts with different emails and such.
Did another troll attack happened while I was away? How bad was it this time? And yeah, you can keep adding any blockers you want as long as you know the image domains that you're trying to block. The ones I posted above work for the troll images that have previously been posted here, but there are unfortunate many other sites out there for that kind of thing.
A fraud troll was posting Rule 34 of Clem all over. Including making troll threads with that shit. It was not pretty.
That is absolutely disgusting, man!
Personally, I'm not worried at all. A little bummed I missed the big troll outbreaks while a lot of other people didn't though, I feel left out. ;-;
Umm. Ok? I guess. Not sure why you would be bummed about missing pornography of Clem, but to each their own..... I guess.
Woah woah what the hell!? I haven't been on the forums for a couple of days now I'm hearing about people posting dirty pics of Clem?! WTF people are sick!
Not about missing the porn, if I wanted to see that I could just look it up. But I don't. To be clear, I don't.
I'm just sad I missed an event on the site. Does that make sense?
Haha yeah it does. But it's like not being present for a wildfire or a tornado... consider yourself lucky, not left out
....I don't want to be present for a tornado though.
Tornadoes kill people and eat houses.
Yeah. Thankfully I was around to snip it in the bud relatively quick. One of the two accounts only got two posts in before I got to them.
Exactly! haha
Boom Headshot!