I think even the most positive of fans are fed up with being jerked around. Efficiency should get better as a company grows, not worst. But what do we know. We're just the paying customers. Refusing to hear the voice of the collective people is just how they roll apparently. It's okay. As soon as TWAU and TWD are done then so am I.
I think even the most positive of fans are fed up with being jerked around. Efficiency should get better as a company grows, not worst. But … morewhat do we know. We're just the paying customers. Refusing to hear the voice of the collective people is just how they roll apparently. It's okay. As soon as TWAU and TWD are done then so am I.
This is so true. I'd rather have estimated guesses, that they can change, atleast so we can have some sort of updates as to when they expect it to be out.
It's amazing how having the episodic feature gives them the opportunity to deny all delays when clearly 2 months is too long for a 1.30/2 ho… moreur episode getting released. Even the worst video game companies admit it when they're games are going to be delayed. I don't think Telltale even has a PR department because God knows what the hell they're thinking by being so silent about everything. People are considerate fans wouldn't start flaming if you actually gave them a hint about what's going on. All I want to hear is "The game will be delayed". Is that too much to ask? Instead of using Soon, super soon and creating more superlatives of the word soon maybe you could stop giving the eagerly awaiting fans false hope because it certainly ruining our experience of the game. But hey maybe I'm just blowing it out of proportion?
Ugh I'm just disappointed, you've ruined the wolf among us for me. It's pretty clear that you've killed the buzz that was … [view original content]
This is so true. I'd rather have estimated guesses, that they can change, atleast so we can have some sort of updates as to when they expect it to be out.
Ah, but if they did that, then (as you say) they'd have to keep revising the estimates and people would get pissed off at them for that.
Telltale really can't win whatever they do, can they?
What, are you their secret guinea pig or something? Sent to bring stability to the forums with this so-called 'information'? I don't believe it for a second.
People wouldn't be pissed at them if they were better at assessing their capabilities and didn't work on two games at once. It is clear by now that it is too much to handle with their current crew/work model etc. When you release game in episodes - especially one that heavily story driven - you have to deliver on time. Right now, if there is a problem with TWAU production, it looks like it hurts TWD release date as well, and vice versa. They didn't have to do it, but they took a risk, screwed up/got super unlucky and seriously tarnished their reputation and pissed off their fan base.
Now, that alone would be bad. But they respond to problems with silence. This is like trying to put down fire with gasoline. Even something very ambigous, like "there were some problems that we can't talk about for legal reasons", would be infinitely better - at least they would make minimal effort to inform their fans what's going on. When people are kept in dark, they will try to figure out what's going on, leading to wild speculation. They will also be very annoyed, because they will feel like they are ignored while many of us already payd upfront for all episodes. This gives birth to posters screaming that Telltale does not care about their customers, is only intrested in grabbing money etc. Now, I don't think it's true: you can clearly see how much work is put in their games. I believe this whole mess is very stressful for them, and that they would love to release games at faster pace. But I'm also still pissed off, beacuse I was super hyped for Wolf Among Us, I replayed first episode like 5 or 6 times and now I feel like I don't care anymore, it's not worth it to get excited about story when you have literally no idea when it will be continued, and it's not worth it to pay upfront company that, apparently, gives zero fucks about keeping their customers informed about what the hell is going on with product they already paid for.
I want to like Telltale. I really, really want to be excited about their games. But right now, all i can think about is how badly they screw up their PR, and it's making me sad.
Ah, but if they did that, then (as you say) they'd have to keep revising the estimates and people would get pissed off at them for that.
Telltale really can't win whatever they do, can they?
Things can always be worse, obviously a late game isn't the end of the world. It still doesn't excuse the fact that TTG is completely unprofessional. Are they really to lazy/stupid to just be honest with the fans/consumers?
Things can always be worse, obviously a late game isn't the end of the world. It still doesn't excuse the fact that TTG is completely unprofessional. Are they really to lazy/stupid to just be honest with the fans/consumers?
@Thewalkingcommenter wrote:
though it bears mentioning that 15 days does not constitute "sooner than you think.
About time.... So April 1st it is(I hope?).
I feel like me and every other user on this forum has been more than patient up to this point and now it's finally time for Telltale to play their part.
Just give us something, anything to reassure us that the fans that make you the company you are today actually do matter to you.
April 1st is a bit too soon if you ask me. They'll probably just release a screenshot today, then a trailer next week and release the episode on the 8th
@Thewalkingcommenter wrote:
though it bears mentioning that 15 days does not constitute "sooner than you think.
About time.... So April 1st it is(I hope?).
I feel like me and every other user on this forum has been more than patient up to this point and now it's finally time for Telltale to play… more their part.
Just give us something, anything to reassure us that the fans that make you the company you are today actually do matter to you.
I think even the most positive of fans are fed up with being jerked around. Efficiency should get better as a company grows, not worst. But what do we know. We're just the paying customers. Refusing to hear the voice of the collective people is just how they roll apparently. It's okay. As soon as TWAU and TWD are done then so am I.
I try to be optimistic but Telltales lack of any communication or news is starting to get really annoying.
This is so true. I'd rather have estimated guesses, that they can change, atleast so we can have some sort of updates as to when they expect it to be out.
Ah, but if they did that, then (as you say) they'd have to keep revising the estimates and people would get pissed off at them for that.
Telltale really can't win whatever they do, can they?
i Hope that April 4 is out.
Haha wow, now when you say it, that's sort of true, now I don't know what I want anymore haha.
except for the game maybe, ofcourse.
Of course.
Telltale will release Episode 3 on 1 april and they will not release a trailer for it.
What, are you their secret guinea pig or something? Sent to bring stability to the forums with this so-called 'information'? I don't believe it for a second.
One tip:
I know episodic is a philosophy for Telltale, but if you can't do it anymore, GO FOR THE CONVENTIONAL ROUTE
Oh well. Could be worse.
Give one example
Telltale put itself in current situation.
People wouldn't be pissed at them if they were better at assessing their capabilities and didn't work on two games at once. It is clear by now that it is too much to handle with their current crew/work model etc. When you release game in episodes - especially one that heavily story driven - you have to deliver on time. Right now, if there is a problem with TWAU production, it looks like it hurts TWD release date as well, and vice versa. They didn't have to do it, but they took a risk, screwed up/got super unlucky and seriously tarnished their reputation and pissed off their fan base.
Now, that alone would be bad. But they respond to problems with silence. This is like trying to put down fire with gasoline. Even something very ambigous, like "there were some problems that we can't talk about for legal reasons", would be infinitely better - at least they would make minimal effort to inform their fans what's going on. When people are kept in dark, they will try to figure out what's going on, leading to wild speculation. They will also be very annoyed, because they will feel like they are ignored while many of us already payd upfront for all episodes. This gives birth to posters screaming that Telltale does not care about their customers, is only intrested in grabbing money etc. Now, I don't think it's true: you can clearly see how much work is put in their games. I believe this whole mess is very stressful for them, and that they would love to release games at faster pace. But I'm also still pissed off, beacuse I was super hyped for Wolf Among Us, I replayed first episode like 5 or 6 times and now I feel like I don't care anymore, it's not worth it to get excited about story when you have literally no idea when it will be continued, and it's not worth it to pay upfront company that, apparently, gives zero fucks about keeping their customers informed about what the hell is going on with product they already paid for.
I want to like Telltale. I really, really want to be excited about their games. But right now, all i can think about is how badly they screw up their PR, and it's making me sad.
Things can always be worse, obviously a late game isn't the end of the world. It still doesn't excuse the fact that TTG is completely unprofessional. Are they really to lazy/stupid to just be honest with the fans/consumers?
That's the problem, they are always late
guys a new tweet!
About time.... So April 1st it is(I hope?).
Really? That is all they can give us? It seems that they keep saying soon but in different terms.
But, will it blend?
That is the question.
At least we'll get some screens or even maybe a trailer today. That's something i guess. Hopefully, it will come out 1st of April.
I am hopeful for a trailer and release date ! April 1 st! fingers crossed
I feel like me and every other user on this forum has been more than patient up to this point and now it's finally time for Telltale to play their part.
Just give us something, anything to reassure us that the fans that make you the company you are today actually do matter to you.
at least they confirmed that there would be news today.
later today, they can't get themselves out of that one!
God dammit I was just about to create this thread but then I saw your´s. But awesome news I can´t wait to see what they have for us
By a little something, you all realize they probably mean just a screenshot or two, right? =/
I like how they got creative instead of just saying 'soon' this time though.
April 1st is a bit too soon if you ask me. They'll probably just release a screenshot today, then a trailer next week and release the episode on the 8th
Awesome, can't wait.
That made me a little more hopeful
I hope there'll be a trailer soon.
It could well come out next week, no-one has said it won't be
At least its something we're getting. You never know, they might surprise us with a trailer. I won't get too optimistic though, but fingers crossed
Really nice telltale. You tell us we will get news today after two weeks. Can we trust you or will you even delay this?
I hope that we will get a release date. If we cant get the release date today this will be really embarassing for you guys.
EDIT: Alright im gonna play some Skyrim now. See ya all later when we hopefully have a release date/window.
Oh good we'll probably have a screenshot of a shadow and Bigby's arm or something.
Good with luck it will be out only a month after the last TWD ep
"Here's a new screenshot from Episode 3: A Crooked Mile. Arriving really super ultra mega soon."
yeah probably.
All without saying 'SOON' its a bloody miracle!
Maybe they finally learned from their mistake? Who knows...
just waiting for the update now.