Do you think we'll see Becca?
I was just wondering about this, would Clem and Becca be friends or would they be rivals? They're just around the same age and I think it would be really interesting to see them interact. Especially if we could determine whether they're friends or not.
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I think becca is older than clem. it depends on how becca acts around clem to determine weather or not I want to be friends with her...
I think they would at least start out as rivals, but they could eventually maybe become friends.
I have a feeling that Becca will show up some time in the future. Maybe she'll be in Carver's community? Plus, if she does come back, I think both her and Sarah will become vital character foils when around Clem. Sort of like how Kenny and Lilly was to Lee, they could influence our future decisions as well. Depending on who we agree with or care about more.
Becca was already confirmed in the game code to be in episode 3.
Awesome, can't wait!
Maybe she won't be as ignorant as in 400 days and learn she needs to grow up and be more loyal. or go in a polar opposite direction and just wants to kill people now. You don't know for sure after Bonnie.
I just realized the time skip from 400 days to current is like 2 years so I'm guessing she will be taller and older probably about sarah's age but I guess she could still be buds with clem. I think we will see becca like I said before shel will probably see clem and sarah and want becca to be friends with them.
I feel there will be asort of three way split between Becca,Sarah and Clem. Clem will probably have way more in common with Becca however may feel like she has to look after Sarah. I think Clem will get along with both eventually though the'll probably never like each other.
I hope becca and sarah don't become the new Kenny and Lilly lol and you have to decide who you wanna hang out with
I think sarah will be the ' good angel ' who will always want you to do good things
whilst becca is the ' bad angel ' who will try to sway you to do evil stuff...
I predict lots of incoming Swearings.
I think it is going to be very interesting to see Clem and Becca interact.
Becca will be to Clementine what Kenny was to Lee XD
What somebody who hates you because you don't agree with them 100% of the time, but you love them anyway :P
Yeah as much as I disliked her in 400 days, she'll definitely be in S2 and I can see Clem having to take sides between Sarah and Becca (Both who I believe are 15)
she is showing up 100% someone already found her files in the game like how they found kenny's files
Becca will be older in Episode 3. I think she will act different then in 400 days DLC.
If Becca is in Episode 3, she might be a bully to Sarah because of her ignorance.
I think Becca was designed as the anti-Clem, but that doesn't neccessarily mean they don't have to get along. Like you said, it's gonna be interesting. I'd try to be friends with her as long as she not a bitch or she doesn't abuse my trust like Bonnie.
I doubt it, honestly. Sarah doesn't seem assertive or combative enough to be like Kenny, though I can sorta imagine Becca acting like Lily. I'm guessing; if Becca shows up, she will be reminiscent of Season 3 Carl from the show, not a full-on sociopath but a detached jerkass. I doubt she will hit it off with Clem right away, but will probably end up being humbled by Clementine's combat ability. Since Becca is skilled at breaking out of places, maybe she will aid with an escape plan.
I wonder if Chel will turn up...
I agree. A year and a half in the apocalypse can change a person a lot, such as Clem for example.
Becca's either become even more of a colossal bitch or she's gained more understanding about how the world is.
Clementine and Becca in a CAGE MATCH.
Clementine would be completely fine and Becca would be a puddle on the ground.
Totally this. Innocence versus survival. I can see it now.
I like the idea of seeing a dynamic between Clem, Sarah, and Becca trying to work together.
They kind of balance each other out, in how each reflects a different mindset towards survival.
I think Becca will be nice to Clem depending on what you did in 400 days. If you got Roman to kill that mexican guy at the gas station, Becca will probably think it's okay to kill intruders, and not understand killing is wrong. But if you didn't kill the guy and didn't kill stephanie, Becca would understand and not think killing is good. Becca will also have more trust in people. So yea it depends what you did to determine if Becca's nice to Clem.
that is actually a pretty good theory
I hope she returns she would be a great rival to Clem.
do you think it'll be confusing to have rebecca and becca? my guess is rebecca will probably die in childbirth. i definitely agree with becca and sarah acting as foils for clem - sarah the superego, becca the id and clem the ego.