Trying Everything - Walking Dead S1 & S2

edited March 2014 in Game Support

Ok, after so many tries and failures in the past month or so, I found this. First a little reminder of what's going on. I already had Walking Dead season 1 played through. Season 2 came out and I bought the entire season. Played episode 1 just fine (choices from season 1 and 400 days carried over I assume). I get the email saying episode 2 of season 2 was available. Go into the game and it still says coming soon. I do everything that was told of me and nothing worked it still said coming soon. I walked away from it for a few weeks and today uninstalled everything again. (saving my saved games to a folder on the desktop then allowing it to uninstall everything including saves.) I figured if I had to play season 1 over again then so be it. I install season 1 again and decided to try and bring it up. I can't bring it up. The exe crashes immediately, over and over each time I try. So I found the TWD support tool and ran through the steps. Here is the link the thread told me to post.
Please help. What am I supposed to do now? I have payed for both games and can't even play the first now.


  • Sooo, nothing? Not even a we're working on it?

  • TelltaleMikeTelltaleMike Former Telltale Staff

    I apologize for the inconvenience. Below are a few possible solutions:

    1) Ensure you have the latest drivers

    2) Restart your system

    3) Unplug your gamepad (and all other USB devices other than keyboard/mouse) and plug in headphones to the audio out jack.

    4) Verify your cache if you purchased through Steam (

    5) Run the game as admin

    6) Run the game in compatibility mode (We recommend Windows 98/ME)

    7) Reinstall the game

    8) Make sure that the Steam application is not set to a compatibility mode (right click on steam and click properties, then check compatibility, and make sure that it is not checked to play in a different OS)

    I also noticed that you do not have any save files in the proper save directory. (C: \Users\Documents\Telltale Games\The Walking Dead)

    You may need to reinstall the game, and make sure that you have your save files and prefs.prop file in the proper folder.

    Rashnu posted: »

    Sooo, nothing? Not even a we're working on it?

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