Actually not really. I just like giving credit where credit is due. Christa is far from my most liked character. There is just a lot they can do with her story.l and it could have a huge a effect on Clem.
Kenny was in full health, so he has that going for him, but we have seen more fit persons go down to a he'll of a lot less than what he was facing. He was without the benefit of zombies inerds. A gun will do little to change that other than a small splash, so comparing Lee and Kenny's encounters with the horde is laughable at best. Ben was dead before the zombies come into the situation, as is stereotypical for all zombie media the zombies always focus on the living. So to the zombies Ben was but a board on the ground. To be honest, it's more hilarious and idiotic than I make it out to be
Anyone care to explain why I'm wrong? Or should I just chalk that up to the Kenny fanboy cult?
Almost every other character in TWDG … morehas his/her own "cult". Hell, you're a certified member of the Christa sect, if I remember correctly.
As for Kenny's survival in Ben's scenario, let's keep in mind Lee managed to fight his way through a whole street full of walkers without getting bitten once, and he was already sick. If you pay attention to the left corner of the screen while Lee is struggling at the gate in the alley, you'll just be able to spot Kenny bolting to the left as the zombies bear down on Ben.
Between Ben's screams, the smell of blood distracting the walkers, Kenny being in full health, AND having a gun at his disposal (Kenny could use it as a club, even if he had no ammo left), an escape from that situation isn't as "hilarious" or "idiotic" as you're making it out to be.
I can see a lot of ways out of that situation.
* the sewers (like lee)
* a window.
* he just pushed through (again, like lee)
… more* he killed one or two walkers and their guts masked him.
and lets not forget that there was a recently dead and still fresh corpse next to him in the alleyway.
I can see a lot of ways out of that situation.
* the sewers (like lee)
* a window.
* he just pushed through (again, like lee)
… more* he killed one or two walkers and their guts masked him.
and lets not forget that there was a recently dead and still fresh corpse next to him in the alleyway.
1 there was no man hole cover
2 what window? And how/why didn't he contact his group up top?
3 haha. How did he get enough blood and gore on him to mask himself with the butt of a gun?
4 again, how?
Zombies always go for the living first
I don't buy that. He has a temper, but he has showed a few times he is quick thinking under pressure. I sure don't think he has a case of fear induced mutism.
Just on the window point, he would have been frantic yet not wanting to make too much noise, did what could to get back to them/ let them know...
Basically, scared shitless, can't yell.
Well the Christa ending is admittedly pretty ambiguous, There could have been a hundred ways out of that situation, my guess is he just ran to a door and it was a stairwell.
With Ben, there doesnt seem to be any reasonable means of escape, there wasnt any manholes, the windows were fairly high, so he couldnt just jump through, he would have had to climb through and he couldnt have climbed up anywhere without the group noticing.
So the only real plausible explanations are that he either smashed a window and climbed through, but it just seems really unlikely that none of them would see or notice that. Even if he went full beast mode and pushed his way through, you would think that the group would have noticed.
Im guessing he pushed through without fighting much, because if he did, it would probably make enough noise for the group to notice
If you have a Netflix account, I recommend it. It's a great show - but "Silence in the Library" and "Forest of the Dead" are amazing. Just... creepy whisper count the shadows...
I think Telltae intended for him to die, but they kept it vague enough to give leeway to situations like this. It's a smart strategy. Rule #1; If you don't see someone die on-screen, or suffer a death-causing injury on-screen, there's always...ALWAYS...a chance this person is alive, no matter how improbable. It's one of the laws of cinema. He ain't dead unless you say him dead.
I heard they first made it so you hear Kenny's screaming loud and clear so we hear him being eaten by walkers but they later cut the volume down a ton so they could (as they put it) "Explore Kenny's fate" in the second season. This is what I was trying to say.
I won't say 'you're wrong, my opinion is law', but I would like to state my opinion on why I think you're wrong.
I think him escaping the alleyway is about as likely as Lee pushing through a zombie hoard with melee weapons, Lee escaping an alleyway in an extremely similar situation with the help of Hilda and Molly escaping the walker hoard that attacks her in Crawford if you don't save her.
All three of those happened, but were stupidly unlikely. When you're desperate and determined, you can do some crazy things. But I think Lee escaping the alleyway with Hilda is the best comparison. He was in the same exact situation, only he had a different weapon with him. He still got lucky as well, since there was a manhole near him, so that could be what Kenny meant. Maybe he got lucky and found an open manhole or somehow managed to open one.
I have to agree that they shouldn't have put Kenny in a spot that dire if they wanted to bring him back.
It isn't the same as Lee fighting his way down a city street with a melee weapon; Kenny was completely boxed in on both sides, wielding an unloaded pistol. He even went out of his way to lock the gate behind him in my playthrough, so yeah, I don't think the scenario's above critique.
I think.... He should have died in Savannah.
On a serious note (not that the first part wasn't really serious mind you) him escaping duri… moreng the Christa scene is definitely believable, lucky, but believable. Him escaping the Ben scene is ridiculous, preposterous, hilarious, and idiotic.
The "Lee fighting through a hoard", as badass as it is, is indeed pretty crazy to believe. However, one can deduce that his kills are silent enough that the walkers don't converge all around him, hence the walkers in the background just kinda hanging around. If he'd been using guns, the horde would have all been on top of him in no time. But he only cut his way through the ones that noticed him. I was once under the impression that walkers can smell humans, but I was told that Kirkman pointed out that they only smell as good as a human. It would seem sight and sound are more important.
There's also the possibility of Lee being bitten that confuses the walkers. I don't know if that's part of Walking Dead zombie lore, but it's something to think about.
Lee escaping the alleyway is far more plausible because he had Hilda. Remember that he tried opening it with his hands and couldn't do it. I'm quite sure there were no manholes in the alley for Kenny, but even if there was, it'd be even more insanely lucky that it was already open or loose for some reason.
As for the last scenario, unless Molly has been confirmed for the next episode, we don't actually know if she survived or not. All we know is that she survived the first few walkers and then ran around the corner. But even if she does end up surviving that, it's once again more plausible because we know there's a door leading to the nurse's station around that corner where she can get in and shut the door, keeping walkers out at least for a while while she breaks a window and escapes.
I won't say 'you're wrong, my opinion is law', but I would like to state my opinion on why I think you're wrong.
I think him escaping t… morehe alleyway is about as likely as Lee pushing through a zombie hoard with melee weapons, Lee escaping an alleyway in an extremely similar situation with the help of Hilda and Molly escaping the walker hoard that attacks her in Crawford if you don't save her.
All three of those happened, but were stupidly unlikely. When you're desperate and determined, you can do some crazy things. But I think Lee escaping the alleyway with Hilda is the best comparison. He was in the same exact situation, only he had a different weapon with him. He still got lucky as well, since there was a manhole near him, so that could be what Kenny meant. Maybe he got lucky and found an open manhole or somehow managed to open one.
What do you think?
Tyreese had his hammer, didn't he? I've heard of this moment, but haven't had a chance to actually read the comics yet, but I was under the impression he had his weapon. Also, if it was a gym, that would allow him space to move around, unless it was specifically shown that he was completely backed into a corner with no way out. Quite different from an alleyway where you got a huge amount of walkers clumped together on both sides, and two huge walls of brick on your left and right.
We've seen crazier things. Tyreese (comics) fought off an entire gym of walkers with his bare hands, by himself. All Kenny really had to do was run away really fast.
Viva-La-Lee seems to be arguing most of my points for me. I got the Ben Alleyway scene. So Unless Kenny somehow mastered the Zombie Ride skill from Dead Rising, it isn't very plausable at all. The boards in the alley are nailed down just like at the house, sewer requires an ice pick and they'd be too many zombies grabbing him.
Well, on the first scenario, I suppose you're right, other than the silent part. Lee starts yelling at the zombies during that scene lol. I don't know why they didn't all attack him at once. I think his zombie disguise just helped him out there.
Second scenario, that just proves my point. You said Kenny would have to be lucky to escape that.... I recall Kenny saying "I got lucky, real lucky".
Third, Molly is closer to confirmed than some characters. In the episode 4 slide there's quite a few character models hidden in it. Eddie's is the easiest to spot, next up are Vince's and I think Kenny's(though they don't appear on the same slide, the picture you get varies on different platforms for the game). In the back behind Clementine, you can see a hooded figure. It's not Eddie and it's very well hidden, so maybe it's Molly. Also, Molly still didn't have very good odds of getting out of the situation she was in. Of course, she's certainly a better fighter than Kenny and probably more physically fit than him and hilda did help her some, but she lost hilda and ended up fighting through the zombies with just her bare hands, quite effectively too.
Over all, these situations just show some of the times the characters have done extremely impressive things and gotten very lucky.
The "Lee fighting through a hoard", as badass as it is, is indeed pretty crazy to believe. However, one can deduce that his kills are silent… more enough that the walkers don't converge all around him, hence the walkers in the background just kinda hanging around. If he'd been using guns, the horde would have all been on top of him in no time. But he only cut his way through the ones that noticed him. I was once under the impression that walkers can smell humans, but I was told that Kirkman pointed out that they only smell as good as a human. It would seem sight and sound are more important.
There's also the possibility of Lee being bitten that confuses the walkers. I don't know if that's part of Walking Dead zombie lore, but it's something to think about.
Lee escaping the alleyway is far more plausible because he had Hilda. Remember that he tried opening it with his hands and couldn't do it. I'm quite sure there were no manholes in the alley… [view original content]
To be fair, the Christa situation is more realistic for Kenny to get out of, as we didn't know what was down there. We knew there was windows and for all we know there could've been a simple staircase or door for Kenny to go "lol no" to the walkers.
The alleyway....I don't really know. When Christa is looking down all the walkers are standing. There's no Kenny anywhere. I don't know how Kenny got out but...maybe he did just get really lucky?
I have to agree there. How Kenny survived was weird and extremely ridiculous (not that I wanted him dead - I love the boy). It's like he flew away without any logical explanation.
It should have been just better. "I got lucky" means more of "we played ridiculously" in TTG's language, maybe.
And they didn't hear or see any of that? I'm sorry there is just no logical way he could have made it out of that alley. It is by far the most unrealistically thing I've seen telltale do in twd... besides the zombies
I see dmkylan already responded to you, but I shall give my point as well.
First Lee has a sharp weapon, not a blunt one. Blood and gore wouldn't splatter in the same way and get on kenny... no matter how hard he hit them. So comparing the two scenarios in which Lee gets lucky and Kenny gets... supernatural isn't really a good comparison.
Er, oops. We're you talking about when Lee escapes down the manhole? Sorry I just woke up. There were no manhole covers in the alley in the direction Kenny ran if I remember correctly. If he did happen to find a manhole it would have been on the other side of the alley, and we would have seen him run by the gate where Lee wqs.
I won't say 'you're wrong, my opinion is law', but I would like to state my opinion on why I think you're wrong.
I think him escaping t… morehe alleyway is about as likely as Lee pushing through a zombie hoard with melee weapons, Lee escaping an alleyway in an extremely similar situation with the help of Hilda and Molly escaping the walker hoard that attacks her in Crawford if you don't save her.
All three of those happened, but were stupidly unlikely. When you're desperate and determined, you can do some crazy things. But I think Lee escaping the alleyway with Hilda is the best comparison. He was in the same exact situation, only he had a different weapon with him. He still got lucky as well, since there was a manhole near him, so that could be what Kenny meant. Maybe he got lucky and found an open manhole or somehow managed to open one.
What do you think?
I think in the alleyway scene if you noticed there's a lot of windows without covered in boards. Maybe that's why he made it out. But yeah, even he managed to escape that scene, we could probably heard Kenny smashing windows. Other than that I have no idea.
I have to agree there. How Kenny survived was weird and extremely ridiculous (not that I wanted him dead - I love the boy). It's like he fle… morew away without any logical explanation.
It should have been just better. "I got lucky" means more of "we played ridiculously" in TTG's language, maybe.
I think Telltae intended for him to die, but they kept it vague enough to give leeway to situations like this. It's a smart strategy. Rule #… more1; If you don't see someone die on-screen, or suffer a death-causing injury on-screen, there's always...ALWAYS...a chance this person is alive, no matter how improbable. It's one of the laws of cinema. He ain't dead unless you say him dead.
In the heat of the moment when surrounded by tons of walkers, desperate to survive. Kenny curled up from the walkers. But in that moment Kenny's godly mustache evolved, it became a GODLY BEARD! The epicness was so powerful, that it mad all the walkers heads explode. Kenny stood up in shock and awe. He looks around and sees a reflection of his face on a broken glass. He felt his beard. In that moment he realized; the closer he was to death, the more powerful he becomes. He is... A SUPER REDNECK!!!
He didn't necessarily have to push through the zombies. He could have gotten lucky and found some way out, like an uncovered manhole hidden somewhere or a way onto a building, a window perhaps. We might not have seen one but there was a lot of junk in the road too.
In the heat of the moment when surrounded by tons of walkers, desperate to survive. Kenny curled up from the walkers. But in that moment Ken… moreny's godly mustache evolved, it became a GODLY BEARD! The epicness was so powerful, that it mad all the walkers heads explode. Kenny stood up in shock and awe. He looks around and sees a reflection of his face on a broken glass. He felt his beard. In that moment he realized; the closer he was to death, the more powerful he becomes. He is... A SUPER REDNECK!!!
There was a lot of trash and whatnot in the alley. Remember how Lee found his manhole? He has to move a dumpster where beforehand it seemed like there was nothing there.
There could also have been a window or a way onto a building. We didn't exactly get a full perfect view of the entire alley Kenny was in, so it's hard to tell. But perhaps Telltale didn't think to add a possible escape rout for Kenny into that scene. Sadly, that would make his survival less believable, but not intentionally.
I see dmkylan already responded to you, but I shall give my point as well.
First Lee has a sharp weapon, not a blunt one. Blood and gore … morewouldn't splatter in the same way and get on kenny... no matter how hard he hit them. So comparing the two scenarios in which Lee gets lucky and Kenny gets... supernatural isn't really a good comparison.
Er, oops. We're you talking about when Lee escapes down the manhole? Sorry I just woke up. There were no manhole covers in the alley in the direction Kenny ran if I remember correctly. If he did happen to find a manhole it would have been on the other side of the alley, and we would have seen him run by the gate where Lee wqs.
There were no manhole covers on the ground. If there were on in the alley it would have had to have been on the right side (looking from the gated perspective) and we never saw Kenny run past the zombies and in fact saw him turn the opposite direction.
If there were a window then why didn't he tell to them instead of making dying noises? Why didn't we hear glass? I don't buy the window situation, too much suspension of disbelief.
He didn't necessarily have to push through the zombies. He could have gotten lucky and found some way out, like an uncovered manhole hidden… more somewhere or a way onto a building, a window perhaps. We might not have seen one but there was a lot of junk in the road too.
Actually not really. I just like giving credit where credit is due. Christa is far from my most liked character. There is just a lot they can do with her story.l and it could have a huge a effect on Clem.
Kenny was in full health, so he has that going for him, but we have seen more fit persons go down to a he'll of a lot less than what he was facing. He was without the benefit of zombies inerds. A gun will do little to change that other than a small splash, so comparing Lee and Kenny's encounters with the horde is laughable at best. Ben was dead before the zombies come into the situation, as is stereotypical for all zombie media the zombies always focus on the living. So to the zombies Ben was but a board on the ground. To be honest, it's more hilarious and idiotic than I make it out to be
1 there was no man hole cover
2 what window? And how/why didn't he contact his group up top?
3 haha. How did he get enough blood and gore on him to mask himself with the butt of a gun?
4 again, how?
Zombies always go for the living first
My guess is... He did fucking got lucky!
Just on the window point, he would have been frantic yet not wanting to make too much noise, did what could to get back to them/ let them know...
Basically, scared shitless, can't yell.
I don't buy that. He has a temper, but he has showed a few times he is quick thinking under pressure. I sure don't think he has a case of fear induced mutism.
Well the Christa ending is admittedly pretty ambiguous, There could have been a hundred ways out of that situation, my guess is he just ran to a door and it was a stairwell.
With Ben, there doesnt seem to be any reasonable means of escape, there wasnt any manholes, the windows were fairly high, so he couldnt just jump through, he would have had to climb through and he couldnt have climbed up anywhere without the group noticing.
So the only real plausible explanations are that he either smashed a window and climbed through, but it just seems really unlikely that none of them would see or notice that. Even if he went full beast mode and pushed his way through, you would think that the group would have noticed.
Im guessing he pushed through without fighting much, because if he did, it would probably make enough noise for the group to notice
If you have a Netflix account, I recommend it. It's a great show - but "Silence in the Library" and "Forest of the Dead" are amazing. Just... creepy whisper count the shadows...
He got lucky, guys... real lucky.
I think Telltae intended for him to die, but they kept it vague enough to give leeway to situations like this. It's a smart strategy. Rule #1; If you don't see someone die on-screen, or suffer a death-causing injury on-screen, there's always...ALWAYS...a chance this person is alive, no matter how improbable. It's one of the laws of cinema. He ain't dead unless you say him dead.
I heard they first made it so you hear Kenny's screaming loud and clear so we hear him being eaten by walkers but they later cut the volume down a ton so they could (as they put it) "Explore Kenny's fate" in the second season. This is what I was trying to say.
Oh my.. you just made my night. Good work.
I won't say 'you're wrong, my opinion is law', but I would like to state my opinion on why I think you're wrong.
I think him escaping the alleyway is about as likely as Lee pushing through a zombie hoard with melee weapons, Lee escaping an alleyway in an extremely similar situation with the help of Hilda and Molly escaping the walker hoard that attacks her in Crawford if you don't save her.
All three of those happened, but were stupidly unlikely. When you're desperate and determined, you can do some crazy things. But I think Lee escaping the alleyway with Hilda is the best comparison. He was in the same exact situation, only he had a different weapon with him. He still got lucky as well, since there was a manhole near him, so that could be what Kenny meant. Maybe he got lucky and found an open manhole or somehow managed to open one.
What do you think?
Made it just for you! Glad you like it.
You, sir, win all of the internets. All of them.
As well as my like.
I have to agree that they shouldn't have put Kenny in a spot that dire if they wanted to bring him back.
It isn't the same as Lee fighting his way down a city street with a melee weapon; Kenny was completely boxed in on both sides, wielding an unloaded pistol. He even went out of his way to lock the gate behind him in my playthrough, so yeah, I don't think the scenario's above critique.
The "Lee fighting through a hoard", as badass as it is, is indeed pretty crazy to believe. However, one can deduce that his kills are silent enough that the walkers don't converge all around him, hence the walkers in the background just kinda hanging around. If he'd been using guns, the horde would have all been on top of him in no time. But he only cut his way through the ones that noticed him. I was once under the impression that walkers can smell humans, but I was told that Kirkman pointed out that they only smell as good as a human. It would seem sight and sound are more important.
There's also the possibility of Lee being bitten that confuses the walkers. I don't know if that's part of Walking Dead zombie lore, but it's something to think about.
Lee escaping the alleyway is far more plausible because he had Hilda. Remember that he tried opening it with his hands and couldn't do it. I'm quite sure there were no manholes in the alley for Kenny, but even if there was, it'd be even more insanely lucky that it was already open or loose for some reason.
As for the last scenario, unless Molly has been confirmed for the next episode, we don't actually know if she survived or not. All we know is that she survived the first few walkers and then ran around the corner. But even if she does end up surviving that, it's once again more plausible because we know there's a door leading to the nurse's station around that corner where she can get in and shut the door, keeping walkers out at least for a while while she breaks a window and escapes.
Tyreese had his hammer, didn't he? I've heard of this moment, but haven't had a chance to actually read the comics yet, but I was under the impression he had his weapon. Also, if it was a gym, that would allow him space to move around, unless it was specifically shown that he was completely backed into a corner with no way out. Quite different from an alleyway where you got a huge amount of walkers clumped together on both sides, and two huge walls of brick on your left and right.
Viva-La-Lee seems to be arguing most of my points for me. I got the Ben Alleyway scene. So Unless Kenny somehow mastered the Zombie Ride skill from Dead Rising, it isn't very plausable at all. The boards in the alley are nailed down just like at the house, sewer requires an ice pick and they'd be too many zombies grabbing him.
Well, on the first scenario, I suppose you're right, other than the silent part. Lee starts yelling at the zombies during that scene lol. I don't know why they didn't all attack him at once. I think his zombie disguise just helped him out there.
Second scenario, that just proves my point. You said Kenny would have to be lucky to escape that.... I recall Kenny saying "I got lucky, real lucky".
Third, Molly is closer to confirmed than some characters. In the episode 4 slide there's quite a few character models hidden in it. Eddie's is the easiest to spot, next up are Vince's and I think Kenny's(though they don't appear on the same slide, the picture you get varies on different platforms for the game). In the back behind Clementine, you can see a hooded figure. It's not Eddie and it's very well hidden, so maybe it's Molly. Also, Molly still didn't have very good odds of getting out of the situation she was in. Of course, she's certainly a better fighter than Kenny and probably more physically fit than him and hilda did help her some, but she lost hilda and ended up fighting through the zombies with just her bare hands, quite effectively too.
Over all, these situations just show some of the times the characters have done extremely impressive things and gotten very lucky.
It's not impossible, just highly improbable. He would have had to have gotten very VERY lucky, which he claims he did.
To be fair, the Christa situation is more realistic for Kenny to get out of, as we didn't know what was down there. We knew there was windows and for all we know there could've been a simple staircase or door for Kenny to go "lol no" to the walkers.
The alleyway....I don't really know. When Christa is looking down all the walkers are standing. There's no Kenny anywhere. I don't know how Kenny got out but...maybe he did just get really lucky?
I have to agree there. How Kenny survived was weird and extremely ridiculous (not that I wanted him dead - I love the boy). It's like he flew away without any logical explanation.
It should have been just better. "I got lucky" means more of "we played ridiculously" in TTG's language, maybe.
I see dmkylan already responded to you, but I shall give my point as well.
First Lee has a sharp weapon, not a blunt one. Blood and gore wouldn't splatter in the same way and get on kenny... no matter how hard he hit them. So comparing the two scenarios in which Lee gets lucky and Kenny gets... supernatural isn't really a good comparison.
Er, oops. We're you talking about when Lee escapes down the manhole? Sorry I just woke up. There were no manhole covers in the alley in the direction Kenny ran if I remember correctly. If he did happen to find a manhole it would have been on the other side of the alley, and we would have seen him run by the gate where Lee wqs.
Not really. There are some things that just don't make sense. Pushing your way through 20 walkers with an empty gun is at the top of that list.
I think in the alleyway scene if you noticed there's a lot of windows without covered in boards. Maybe that's why he made it out. But yeah, even he managed to escape that scene, we could probably heard Kenny smashing windows. Other than that I have no idea.
He got lucky. Real lucky.
Jk
To be 'realistic', it was possible for him to make it out
There were many man-sized windows in the alley, and they weren't that high
Maybe he found a way in the sewers?
Or he just let all of his rage out, walkers are dumb as a bag of hammers, he just needed to throw some of them on others and would have had a passage
And, to be fair, there weren't THAT many walkers in the alley.
Look at Tyreese's rage mode in the comics and in the show, there were way more walkers and in the comics, he didn't even have a way out of the gym
So, Kenny always had a chance of living through it
"I got lucky"
TellTale: Alright that bought us some time! How do we patch up this hole is the story??
Employee: Uhhhh, uh... let's kill a character.

Sorry I've never heard that word before and as I was reading that sentence I thought you intentionally did a thing.
He squeezed through zombies and entered in one of the buildings
In the heat of the moment when surrounded by tons of walkers, desperate to survive. Kenny curled up from the walkers. But in that moment Kenny's godly mustache evolved, it became a GODLY BEARD! The epicness was so powerful, that it mad all the walkers heads explode. Kenny stood up in shock and awe. He looks around and sees a reflection of his face on a broken glass. He felt his beard. In that moment he realized; the closer he was to death, the more powerful he becomes. He is... A SUPER REDNECK!!!
He didn't necessarily have to push through the zombies. He could have gotten lucky and found some way out, like an uncovered manhole hidden somewhere or a way onto a building, a window perhaps. We might not have seen one but there was a lot of junk in the road too.
"the closer he was to death,the more powerful he becomes"You took that from kill la kill ep 24
There was a lot of trash and whatnot in the alley. Remember how Lee found his manhole? He has to move a dumpster where beforehand it seemed like there was nothing there.
There could also have been a window or a way onto a building. We didn't exactly get a full perfect view of the entire alley Kenny was in, so it's hard to tell. But perhaps Telltale didn't think to add a possible escape rout for Kenny into that scene. Sadly, that would make his survival less believable, but not intentionally.
There were no manhole covers on the ground. If there were on in the alley it would have had to have been on the right side (looking from the gated perspective) and we never saw Kenny run past the zombies and in fact saw him turn the opposite direction.
If there were a window then why didn't he tell to them instead of making dying noises? Why didn't we hear glass? I don't buy the window situation, too much suspension of disbelief.
Which was taken from Dragon Ball Z. ROFL
ah,damn.I thought I had that one
I hate that guy
lol WTF this is epic why did only see now why are there tears in my eyes just beautiful