Is Clementine bad luck?

edited March 2014 in The Walking Dead

Depending on the dialogue that you chose, at the dinner table (episode 1) with luke, Clem will say that a lot of people die because of her, (namely Lee and possibly even Ben- for trying to find her after running away, and Omid because he told her to keep her eye on her things and she didn't, possibly Nick and Alvin)

Is it safe to blame her for these deaths or at least the circumstances around them? Explain



  • She can't control everything, so no

  • All protagonists in the walking dead are bad luck. No one dies until they turn up

  • It's not her fault, she's just a child.

  • Clem isn't at fault, she has survivor's guilt.

  • Clem is to blame for a lot of bad things over the series, that's for sure. Luck doesn't exist, so she isn't bad luck, but she does make many decisions that have had drastically terrible outcomes (ei leaving the gun on the sink, running off to find her parents). Just because she is a child doesn't mean she isn't to blame, maybe she shouldn't be held accountable for the outcomes, but they are still via her doing and that's undeniable.

  • No, there's Vince for that. Bad Luck Vince!

  • Yeah, but she's still awesome.

    Viva-La-Lee posted: »

    Clem is to blame for a lot of bad things over the series, that's for sure. Luck doesn't exist, so she isn't bad luck, but she does make many

  • Of course! That's also undeniable :p

    I'm just saying she is, at least partly, to blame for the events. The worst part is that she knows it :(

    Yeah, but she's still awesome.

  • I'm not sure awesome is the correct word, I know i'm a fan boy but I still think the correct terminology is she is a bloody legend!

    Yeah, but she's still awesome.

  • You're getting close....

    Does a god work better?

    AusZombie posted: »

    I'm not sure awesome is the correct word, I know i'm a fan boy but I still think the correct terminology is she is a bloody legend!

  • That certainly comes close :)

    Viva-La-Lee posted: »

    You're getting close.... Does a god work better?

  • Super awesome mega legend hyper adorable badass?

    Viva-La-Lee posted: »

    You're getting close.... Does a god work better?

  • I believe the correct term is goddess

    Viva-La-Lee posted: »

    You're getting close.... Does a god work better?

  • Super awesome mega legend hyper adorable badass goddess???

    I believe the correct term is goddess

  • Not really, events writers shoehorn into the world of TWD to make their viewers feel bad are the culprit. Clementine's just the protagonist so she's in the middle of it while everyone out of frame is in bad-luck stasis.

    They just need to find more organic, less contrived ways of making horrible things happen.

  • Goddamnit, you beat me to it. I tip my hat to you, sir.

    No, there's Vince for that. Bad Luck Vince!

  • "That's not nice."-Clementine

  • edited March 2014

    Personally I blame the zombie apocalypse for all the bad luck and in fact say she was unlucky with the group she got(but not lee) they never had settled place and had ben plus happened when she was a child never her fault in fact lucky she survived.

  • edited March 2014

    I know i'm being picky but i'm not a huge fan of the word goddess in this scenario, it has an implied sexual connotation. I would say, super awesome mega legend hyper adorable badass all powerful god.

    I believe the correct term is goddess

  • Since when does goddess have sexual implications? In India goddesses are still inherent in religion and daily life. And to be honest I've never heard goddess used in a sexual way.

    AusZombie posted: »

    I know i'm being picky but i'm not a huge fan of the word goddess in this scenario, it has an implied sexual connotation. I would say, super awesome mega legend hyper adorable badass all powerful god.

  • C'mon, not everything needs to have sexual meaning!

    There's being so much creepo porn here lately and now you made it sound like im some kind of kiddy predator troll too : (

    AusZombie posted: »

    I know i'm being picky but i'm not a huge fan of the word goddess in this scenario, it has an implied sexual connotation. I would say, super awesome mega legend hyper adorable badass all powerful god.

  • BigBlindMaxBigBlindMax Banned
    edited March 2014

    Clementine doesn't see herself as a bad omen, she sees herself as a fuck-up who's dumb decisions cost people their lives. Isn't that just the saddest goddam thing imaginable? For me, the dinner table conversation was just as heartbreaking as Lee's death at the end of season one, if not more.

  • edited March 2014

    I'm sorry mate that wasn't my intention, i certainly was not implying anything! It's exactly like you said though "there's been so much creepy porn here lately" sometimes i feel like i have to be super pc. No hard feelings :)

    C'mon, not everything needs to have sexual meaning! There's being so much creepo porn here lately and now you made it sound like im some kind of kiddy predator troll too : (

  • Like Lilly killing Doug/Carley? Where the protagonist has little linking themselves to the event besides being present?

    Lemoncakes posted: »

    Not really, events writers shoehorn into the world of TWD to make their viewers feel bad are the culprit. Clementine's just the protagonist

  • Yeah I dunno, when i think goddess I just think of it in a sexual manner, maybe i'm just weird.

    Viva-La-Lee posted: »

    Since when does goddess have sexual implications? In India goddesses are still inherent in religion and daily life. And to be honest I've never heard goddess used in a sexual way.

  • edited March 2014

    Yes/No. What you're referring to in my post is unclear.

    Viva-La-Lee posted: »

    Like Lilly killing Doug/Carley? Where the protagonist has little linking themselves to the event besides being present?

  • "They just need to find more organic, less contrived ways of making horrible things happen."

    Is the part I was responding to

    Lemoncakes posted: »

    Yes/No. What you're referring to in my post is unclear.

  • Then yes.

    Viva-La-Lee posted: »

    "They just need to find more organic, less contrived ways of making horrible things happen." Is the part I was responding to

  • I don't think she is to blame for the deaths of everyone, but my Clem does blame herself and thinks she's bad luck.

  • She may blame herself but It's not all her fault, it could have happened to anyone. I don't think She's "bad luck" if you look back at S1 she has saved Lee and the old group a number of times and has gotten them out of sticky situations, getting them out of the meat locker, having Omid and Christa trust you a bit more when meeting them, Molly letting her guard down when she shows up and giving Lee her Ice pick Hilda just to name a few.

    She's even been a great help in S2, if anything she's good luck because seeing a child like Clem in the group might let others trust the group she's with even more. It's a ZA bad things are going to happen but she just has to hold on to the hope that Lee shared with her.

  • edited March 2014

    I don't think Clem was bad luck. She made some bad choices because she was young and didn't know any better.

    I think Clementine feels a lot of guilt over what her past actions caused. She was young, naive, and had no idea any of that would happen. But like Chuck said, "You ain't little, you ain't a girl, you ain't a boy, you ain't strong or smart, you're alive." That doesn't excuse her, and Clem knows that. She has a huge chip on her shoulder now, but she learned from her mistakes.

    And I mean a HUGE chip. Here's everything that I think Clem may/may not feel responsible for:

    -Lee's death (he got bit because he was looking for her)

    -indirectly causing Ben's death (he wouldn't have gotten impaled if he wasn't helping to look for her)

    -indirectly causing Kenny's (not actual) death (wouldn't have gotten in that situation if he wasn't helping to look for her)

    -indirectly causing their group and plan to fall apart (less people might have died, they might still have the boat)

    -Omid's death (if she had been keeping an eye on her stuff, he wouldn't have gotten shot)

    -Christa's mental state (Clem feels responsible for Omid's death, and Christa seems to put most of the blame on her as well, or Clem thinks
    she does)

    -Nick's death? (I personally don't think Clem feels responsible for this, since in the end it was Walter's decision, but if she did, I could see her thinking maybe she could have done something to help Nick since she promised Pete/Luke she's look out for him)

    -Alvin's death? (I also don't think she feels at fault for this, thought I could see her thinking there could have been a way to either help Alvin or stop Kenny)

  • In regards to Nick's death - that scene plays out a little odd, if you really think about it. Nick shouts for Clem to help him, and Clementine just stands there. I suppose it plays out that way so Walter can save Nick's life, but if Walter doesn't shoot the zombie it means that Clementine was just standing there watching while Nick struggled, and did absolutely nothing to help him.

    skeletori posted: »

    I don't think Clem was bad luck. She made some bad choices because she was young and didn't know any better. I think Clementine feels a l

  • edited March 2014

    I could maybe understand partially blaming her for Lee's death, but even that is pretty harsh. Whether he was trying to help Clem out or not, the guy let his guard down, and he payed for it.

    I can't even remotely blame her for what happened to Omid. Sure, she should probably have kept her gun at hand while in the bathroom, but why on Earth did Omid and Christa make a 9 year old girl go in there by herself? On top of that, they didn't even have anyone keeping a watch from outside. I think Christa and Omid are by far more to blame in that situation, they were extremely careless.

    The only death that I think she can directly be blamed for is Alvin's death (if you got him killed).

  • Take my like for the excellent examples!

    She may blame herself but It's not all her fault, it could have happened to anyone. I don't think She's "bad luck" if you look back at S1 sh

  • Spoiler

    She's not bad luck. She's a little girl who is learning to survive in a world that went to hell. How many 9 year old girls could make a choice between staying with Lee or finding her parents. Lee's death is on Lee. He should have tried to help her find her parents and been up front about it. Omid should have been more worried about the groups safety and not getting laid. Nick and Alvin survive in my playthrough and Ben died in the bell tower with me so yeah none of this is on Clem. She should learn to make better choices but she's 11 years old she will make a lot more bad choices before she makes great ones. Kenny will keep an eye on her.

  • Thanks a lot JonGon! There are many more examples where she has been a big help but too many to name haha. There are a lot of what if moments in the game as well but she shouldn't blame herself too much, it's a part of growing up and she already has it tough trying to survive in the ZA.

    JonGon posted: »

    Take my like for the excellent examples!

  • edited March 2014

    EDIT:opps wrong thread

  • Yeah I thought that was weird too. It was only one zombie. She could have done something with either the knife or the rifle she grabbed. Maybe she froze up. It was weird on Nick's part, too. Like the guy can punch his way through a horde of zombies when he's drunk, but when he's sober, he can't push one off himself?

    keylimepie posted: »

    In regards to Nick's death - that scene plays out a little odd, if you really think about it. Nick shouts for Clem to help him, and Clementi

  • let me guess you've played God of War? cuz when i think sexual goddess that game comes to mind for some reason

    AusZombie posted: »

    Yeah I dunno, when i think goddess I just think of it in a sexual manner, maybe i'm just weird.

  • I feel like they died trying to protect her because she is a child but by all means it's not het fault.

    It's not her fault, she's just a child.

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