Should Kenny and Luke Tag Team Carver?
I saw the thread about how Kenny was going to kick Carver's ass. The thing is, do you think Carver is going to foolishly get into a fight with Kenny if he knew he was going to lose? This is IF Kenny is capable of beating Carver in a fair fight. Even if he is capable, (I'll give him the benefit of the doubt since Sarita said that he got stronger) do you think that Carver's guards and community is just going to bow down and make Kenny there new leader if he beats Carver? Carver's people (from what we've seen) are loyal. They would probably hit Kenny with their rifle before he does any real damage on Carver.
My proposition is that when Luke initiates his distraction plan like for example, a walker horde of epic proportions. The community would be too busy getting to safety while the guards are too busy mowing the walkers down. It may buy the group a few minutes. Anyways, Carver realizes that this is a ruse, makes haste slowly to where they were keeping the group on lock down only to find it empty. Except, for Luke and Kenny who are ready to tag team the hell out of Carver.
Luke and Kenny could put their differences aside and show Carver who's the real boss:
This can be the beginning of a beautiful friendship. Lol I know I'm over-exaggerating, but it would make more sense than Kenny putting down Carver by himself.
From what we've seen Carver is a capable fighter and is ruthless. From what we've seen of Kenny every fight he gets in he is easily beaten unless you stand there and let him hit you.
So I really doubt Kenny has any chance in a fight, I honestly dont know if anyone does against Carver. We havnt seen an of the new group against other people yet
That's why it would make sense to do 2 on 1. The benefits of this idea:
It wouldn't make Carver look like an incompetent villain. I feel like Kenny beating up Carver single-handedly would be more of a downgrade to Carver than an upgrade to Kenny.
It would make Kenny and Luke fans happy to see there favorite character giving the bad guy a beating.
This would still make Gavin's tweet true since he hinted on Kenny putting Carver down. It would only make sense that he doesn't do it alone.
People would start to trust Luke more. Luke has kind of been a mystery, but if Luke teams up with Kenny to put Carver down and aid the group's escape. This make him a more trustworthy.
This would be an amazing way for Luke and Kenny to start there friendship.
It makes sense for the story. Carver took lives from Luke's and Kenny's group. He has made Luke's and co.'s life miserable and it seems like Carver is only getting started with Kenny's torment. It only makes sense for Luke and Kenny to settle the score together.
If its that tweet where he replied saying you might enjoy ep 3 then I really dont think he was hinting at anything. Besides voice actors cant give anything away.
That would be kind of disappointing.
"I hope Kenny puts an end to Carver"
"You might really enjoy 203
Don't you think that's a bit misleading? "You might really enjoy 203
... because Kenny is going to be abused by Carver, beg him for mercy, and is definitely not going to put Carver down." Not really something we would enjoy from the episode. It could also mean that Kenny might just get a few punches into Carver, but will not put him down. Hence the word "might enjoy." but I guess we'll find out in episode 3.
Larry was a giant made of muscle who could take practically anyone in a fight. Lee beat up Molly on my playthrough, so saying Kenny's not too tough if you just follow prompts doesn't really make a solid case.
We've never seen Carver fight. Kenny fought his way out of a zombie horde. Carver thinks he can "break" Kenny? Kenny's been through a Hell of a lot worse than anything Carver can do to him.
The Boatmaster Extreme is like a half ton of redneck crazy in a two pound bag and if there's one thing we've been shown about Kenny it's that, in the long run, he's indefatigable.
Always bet on the stache. If Luke wants to help when he's done hiking, cool.
Not to mention, that Kenny obviously became a stronger fighter and better survivor between Season1 and Season2!
Carver doesn't stand a chance!
Kenny doesn't need Luke! He can take Carver on all by himself.
I'll definitely say this would make for a HELL of a fight scene at the end of episode 3, and could result in the long-talked-about determinant choice between Kenny and Luke, with whomever Clem chooses to leave behind ultimately getting killed by Carver as the rest of the group escapes. (At the very least, it would allow Kenny or Luke the chance to sign off in epic fashion.)
I don't think either of them are going to die in the third episode. Writing a story for a minor determinant character is a nightmare. Imagine major characters like Kenny and Luke.