PSA: How to block THOSE images [Updated 4/19, No Longer That Useful]



  • Clementine exposed and nude:the secret story behind her leaked images online by time magazine

    ( Perverts)

    Apparently people posted that f'ed up photo

  • I'm so lucky that I'm never here when this happens :)

  • Lol

    Viva-La-Lee posted: »

    Exactly! haha

  • JenniferJennifer Moderator

    Luckily, the mods are from all over the world, so we're all from different time zones. Because of that, one of us (or a member of Telltale staff) always has managed to pop in to the forums and get rid of them pretty quickly when they start posting that junk.

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    I'm so lucky that I'm never here when this happens

  • Thanks for the thread, man! I hope it works.
    I think it also works with NoScript but I'm not sure.
    I feel much safer right now. :)

  • I got SO lucky. I was surfing the fanart thread when all of a sudden without even thinking about it i stopped to read a random comment, then i looked below the comment and relized i had stopped scrolling like a pixel from seeing THAT. i feel so bad for the people who were...less fortunate, and that night i had a dream were i hunted down and beat the shit out of the creators of those pics.

  • Step 7: Repeat Steps 5-6 with "rule34", "fanofthedead", and "hentai"

    Let's not get too crazy now.

  • Heh, yeah I didn't include that one originally because I figured there might be some objections...


    [Disclaimer] The steps above are only recommendations and may be amended as you see fit.

    Step 7: Repeat Steps 5-6 with "rule34", "fanofthedead", and "hentai" Let's not get too crazy now.

  • Okay, yeah, this method isn't really practical anymore. Not unless you want to just block all images hosted on imgur and Sorry guys.

  • Happy Easter, everyone!

  • "I died on the cross for THIS?!"

    Giraffehat posted: »

    Happy Easter, everyone!

  • Thank god.

  • Happy easter, bro!

    Giraffehat posted: »

    Happy Easter, everyone!

This discussion has been closed.