The Walking Dead Season 4 Episode Finale-ish My review
First I want to say this was a great episode, but a finale is usually longer XD, but it was great.
Great story very intense
Scary moments
The Walking Dead
Great characters
Bloody corpses everywhere
Looks like an Walking Dead Game Season 1 Starved For Help Situation, especially at the end
Flashbacks to previous episodes ruined most of the finale. They could have left them out, but I understand why. Hershel represented Wisdom and hope in the group. The flashbacks also represent how strong of a group they are together XD
Not long enough
Cliffhanger XD
Didn't seem like a finale just a regular episode
I'm not saying this episode was bad at all I enjoyed it very much, it's just it was another flashback to the past and cliffhanger to the all out war. I was expecting to learn more about Mary, and Andrew Lincoln said someone still alive in the comics would die, but didn't lol. The flashbacks could have waited till season 5 to remember Hershel and the group. Social media is so misleading XD putting who will die? They also said this will be the most talked about episode.
Only thing to talk about are:
Why are they locked in the train?
Who is Gareth?
Who is Mary?
Why do they lure people into Terminus?
Where is Beth?
Was that human meat Mary was cooking?
Will Carol and Tyreese find Terminus and save the group?
Is Beth Dead?
Why did the hunter Sexually assault Carl?
What's with the room with the candles?
Why did Joe say he's a reasonable man when he was going to kill Rick either way?
Was that Beth's corpse in the scene before Rick's group go into the room with candles?
Would Daryl help Rick's group if he would have been brainwashed by the Hunter cult? Meaning like if the hunters Joe's group would have totally made Daryl evil like them would he have saved Rick?
Who will die in season 501?
Who will survive season 501?
All in All this episode was satisfying and intense. This episode was too hyped up by social media, and yes apparently there are plenty of unanswered questions to answer. I like this episode but too many flashbacks. One good flashback would have been fine, so it wouldn't have to take the intense action away lol. Was expecting to learn more about Mary, but ole well season 501 we will learn. Damn everything happened to Carl in this episode damn. I was scared I didn't want him to get shot even though he can be stupid sometimes. Misleading and nobody important died except the hunter's Joe's group and 4 zombies XD. Also Joe the hunter would be a great Carver if there was ever a movie or spin-off
9/10 For me
Awesome Finale-ish
I don't watch the show, but i gave you a like because this thread is really well done.
Thank you
Awww, I liked the flashbacks! Made me realize how far Rick has come. From "no killing" in season to failed Ricktatorship to peaceful farmer Rick to this badass survivor. He is ready to kick some ass and I'm glad he has FINALLY reached that point!
I loved learning more about a michonne. And I don't get all the hate for Carl. I want him to meet Clementine and become best friends with her and kill zombies and bad guys tbh.
The fact that no one died was kind of anticlimactic to me after all this hype but I was really glad. No deaths in the finale might just mean that there will be deaths in the first episode. I wonder who will get Dale'd. Or Mark'd.
I honestly liked the flashbacks. They tell us how much things have changed since those times. though, the episode itself could've been extended to another half hour. I'm guessing you were following their Facebook posts too? Yeah, I was expecting someone major to die because of all the "WHO WILL SURVIVE/ARRIVE?" pictures all week. I'm not saying I want anyone to die, but was that really necessary? xD
This thread is awesome and well thought out and i gotta agree with everything you said i hated that cliffhanger too lol
Will the real finale please stand up?
lol love that song
Everyone who thought this season finale was boring clearly fails to realize what TWD is about. It's not about scarcly clothed attractive females slaughtering/get slaughtered by zombies or flashy action scenes 80% of the screen time, but the people and how they change in such an environment. Just look at Rick, look at Michonne. Daryl. Carol. Remember back from the days of the first episode of season 1 and compare those characters with what they are now at the end of season 4. Would Rick have had the balls to even consider speaking out these words he spoke at the end of S4? Would Daryl even have looked over the shadow of his brother and considered Rick his friend, let alone brother? What about Michone? She fucking speaks more than one sentence in a row. She fucking smiles! And Carol? Do I even need to go there?
This season was epic. Way better than S3 was. I am eagerly awaiting October.
Same here. Its definitely been the best season so far. Sure, it wasn't perfect by any means, but it certainly got me watching every week.
Thanks guys I really enjoyed it, but the social media was misleading and so was Andrew Lincoln saying someone alive in comic will die XD. All we were left with is another Prison like attack/ Walking Dead Game season 1 episode 2 freezer escape cliffhanger . Where's Lee when you need him, so he can say IT'S PEOPLE!!! These people are sick in the head!!!
Lol I never said I hated this season XD. It was intense, and I liked it . I should do a review on season 4 maybe? Will I get introuble for talking about season 4?
I never implied you did. I just saw some guys raging on it for being "slow" and "a filler season" on other sides and was just voicing my disapproval here.
lol oh
All I can say is Rick was really stupid. He spotted all the clues and chose the wrong course of action. What did he think was going to happen when he just attacks someone right in the middle of everything? He needed to play along for a while until there was a chance to escape.
I argued against it before, but unfortunately the evidence is piling up that the Terminus people are the cannibals. I was really hoping the show wasn't going to be quite THAT predictable. Ah well... still a decent episode.
Too many flash backs, a few would have been a nice reminder of how far they've come. but they felt like half the episode.
I didn't see it coming that Daryl's new group was going to take the place of the highway bandits.
Cliff-hanger not that cliff-hangery because cannibal plot was too predictable.
Not a bad episode, but not one of the best.
Thanks guys took like 10 minutes to make XD. I watch the episodes online. Made this exactly after watching the episode.
Yea very misleading lol. Kirkman trolled us. Think he's teasing us that someone will die in 501
cough Beth Cough
The only thing i didn't like was not seeing a part of Carol, Tyreese and Judiths story... i wanted to see where they were at that point. But i suppose they played it well because it has kept me intrigued to see the next ep in october!
Other than that, great ep.
I feel a lot of it was the new show runner cleaning up season 3's mess, All the characters are so much more developed. I mean I even care about Beth.... BETH!?!
I mean lest face it the mid season finale was the supposed season 3 finale done better.
I loved this season Gimple did a good job cleaning up mazzara's mess i'm not saying the season was perfect but I thought this was the best season yet.
Well either Season 4 or Season 1.
and I think this Gareth is gonna be a great villain probably better than the governor(tv version sucked). but I think rick and the group will take care of them quickly. I am shocked thought Kirkman said someone in the comics still was gonna die this season maybe he meant season 5 opener.
Beth Stew anyone?