Other than a cure, how do you think Clem's story would end?



  • Everyone dies.

  • Honestly, though, I feel like this is the best way for it to end. It has a neatness to it--and it doesn't necessarily have to be a happy ending. I imagine it would involve Clem dying to protect the child, the child being able to survive, as Clem could, but alone, and with the zombie apocalypse still not fully controlled. But it would have a sense of completeness and a bittersweet semblance of hope that I think the series would need and I think would leave players both heartbroken and satisfied.

    Seeing Clementine realize how Lee impacted her, not only teaching her how to survive but how to take care of others, would be such a nice ending. But this is The Walking Dead, lol, who knows what bad stuff could happen.

  • there's a movie "28weekslater" a woman was bitten and got infected but she didn't turn to a zombie.

    the cure was in her blood, there's a possibility to find a cure in this game also

    The better question is, a cure against what? Against bites? Or against reanimating? Because you can't just cure walkers.

  • edited March 2014

    yes.they do. but i hope this season ends without watching Clem's death, not as a kid at least

    Everyone dies.


    Alt text

    COOL. Ben= Piece of Chalk. Nick=Bottle of Whiskey

  • What movie was this from? It's strikingly familiar.

  • I just like spamming that around as my theory for why the season will end. But the sad part is it's probably more accurate than it's meant to be. D:

    aligaber posted: »

    yes.they do. but i hope this season ends without watching Clem's death, not as a kid at least

  • depends if season 2 is the end or not. if they are gonna doing a season 3 then she needs to live or it wouldn't make sense afterall isn't that basically what this whole series of games is all about? Caring and watching over Clementine

  • Yeah the last of us was an ok ending, even though joel said a lie at the end.
    But I guess we'll see soon.

    SKIllVA posted: »

    no she´s not gonna die its just gonna end like the last of us

  • People keeping saying that Clementine will grow up and we will see her in her teens or twenties, but unless Kirkman decides to do another timeskip, it won't happen. The game is canon with the comics, remember?

  • Not if Kenny's godlike stache has anything to say about it...

    She is going to die like everybody else does, in the end death always wins.

  • Well that's actually a point do we know how the rest of the world is? Maybe another country is doing just fine, unless this has been explained somewhere and i'm just a complete idiot.

    Mikejames posted: »

    "Oh man, Canada's great! I can't believe America's the only place that succumbed to the infection!" In all seriousness, I'd like things to end with a close group that can keep on keeping on, and not just the idea of Clem ending up alone again.

  • edited March 2014

    Alt text

    Fuck off Clukers.

    she grows old. has kids. zombies die out. word repopulates cuz she didn't give up. the end.

  • I don't think they'll kill Clementine. Lee's death was tragic but telltale isn't dumb enough to kill off Clementine... she has a really protective fan base. I do think that Clem might be immune? Or i'd like to think. I know there won't be a cure because fans of the comics and tv show would be pissed about that, considering how unlikely it is and how it doesn't ever happen in any walking dead stories.

  • edited March 2014

    i'm agree with you in a one point,everyone will be dead eventually,

    I just like spamming that around as my theory for why the season will end. But the sad part is it's probably more accurate than it's meant to be.

  • edited March 2014

    Nah, I don't think she is immune. Robert Kirkman would be pissed off, (He said there in no cure in the comic universe, which is canon to the game) Comic fans would be pissed off, and annoying TLoU fans would be pissed off for "copying" the story of an immune little girl. (Which is dumb because The Walking Dead was actually made first, 2012 while TLoU is 2013)

    I honestly don't know how Telltale is going to end Season 2 and make it just as good as the ending of Season 1, but I have faith in them.

    _Juice_Box_ posted: »

    I don't think they'll kill Clementine. Lee's death was tragic but telltale isn't dumb enough to kill off Clementine... she has a really prot

  • True. I honestly just want her to live... like forever please?

    Dragonleaf posted: »

    Nah, I don't think she is immune. Robert Kirkman would be pissed off, (He said there in no cure in the comic universe, which is canon to the

  • Clem grows up and settles down in a human settlement, eventually developing a liking for a kid named Ellie. They grow together, and Naughty Dog makes a sequel to The Last of Us where Clementine comes back and kicks ass.

  • edited March 2014

    may be this game has a lot of places and characters are taken from the comics, but i think this doesn't mean they can't do another timeskip.
    if they will make season 3 and they will put Clem in the next season, they will do another timeskip,because they want to do something new and interesting for a new season.
    3 years skip will not effect too much on the story or the others characters either.

    Dragonleaf posted: »

    People keeping saying that Clementine will grow up and we will see her in her teens or twenties, but unless Kirkman decides to do another timeskip, it won't happen. The game is canon with the comics, remember?

  • Clem dying for this kid would make me cry from Lee and Clem feelings. Clementine would be this kid's Lee. Man that would be perfect.

    skoothz posted: »

    Honestly, though, I feel like this is the best way for it to end. It has a neatness to it--and it doesn't necessarily have to be a happy end

  • As long as she survives longer than Daryl and The Walking Dead might of released first but you have to take into account that TLOU was probably 4-6 years in development or more

    Dragonleaf posted: »

    Nah, I don't think she is immune. Robert Kirkman would be pissed off, (He said there in no cure in the comic universe, which is canon to the

  • I think its going to end with Clem coping with all her loses and trying to move on.

  • edited March 2014

    I thought of that, and this may not relate, but in the game "Dead Rising", there's a girl named Katey. She was bitten by a zombie at the age of 4 and had to take a dose of a medicine everyday to keep herself from turning. She goes from a cute innocent 7-year-old little girl Alt text

    To a 17-year-old takes-no-shit teenage girl (but also has a strong belief in not giving up on family regardless of what it takes) Alt text

    And after so long, she finally receives a cure to her infection and no longer has to take her daily medication, thanks to Nick. (DR3 protagonist) Knowing this actually gives me hope that Clementine will survive and grow up to live a full life.

  • She is going to die, everybody is going to die, and everybody who is reading this is going to die. Death can't be escaped in the long run. Clem WILL die, denying it just makes you stupid because it's impossible for her to survive. I mean, even if she manages to survive to old age, that'll be her death right there. She won't survive that long though, no chance.

  • I don't know what's been confirmed. I think it would have to be a global issue, but there could always be some random country that's closed off its borders.

    tinypave posted: »

    Well that's actually a point do we know how the rest of the world is? Maybe another country is doing just fine, unless this has been explained somewhere and i'm just a complete idiot.

  • edited March 2014

    theres always a chance, whether she dies is up to telltale.

    Rigtail posted: »

    She is going to die, everybody is going to die, and everybody who is reading this is going to die. Death can't be escaped in the long run. C

  • edited March 2014

    i think they are not talking about that Clem will live forever, they mean she will not die in the end of the season.and also if she died as a kid it will be very horrible.another thing, i will give u an example to show u another point, harry potter series has ended without showing u harry's death we just saw him and his friends killing voldemort and then happy ending. this what people here want. however i'm not sure we will see a cure or something to end this infection but there's a possibility to get a happy ending for this story with one way or another

    Rigtail posted: »

    She is going to die, everybody is going to die, and everybody who is reading this is going to die. Death can't be escaped in the long run. C

  • I think it be pretty awesome if she died or got bit and just sat in a corner accepting her fate while thinking of lee.

  • Of course everyone's going to die. Even outside the brutal Walking Dead universe, no one is immortal. But it's stupid to say "she won't survive that long though, no chance". How do you know that? Clementine's strategy to "stick to good people and not do anything dumb" has gotten her this far, and she only becomes a better survivalist as she continues to defy death. It's just plain pessimism to say that Clementine won't at least reach adulthood. Even if it is more likely that Clementine will die before then, her survival up to age 11 is a miracle she's already been granted. Her luck is just as likely to persevere as it is to run out.

    Rigtail posted: »

    She is going to die, everybody is going to die, and everybody who is reading this is going to die. Death can't be escaped in the long run. C

  • half baked

    What movie was this from? It's strikingly familiar.

  • It would have a perfect completeness and in the end I think that's what Lee would want, for Clem to become a mature, capable survivor and to find a goodness in someone else that's worth fighting for, just as he did.

    Clem dying for this kid would make me cry from Lee and Clem feelings. Clementine would be this kid's Lee. Man that would be perfect.

  • I don't see how EVERY government on earth fell because of this thing. In the show, they say the French were the ones who lasted longest (which is odd since Europe should have gone first), but also maybe some other countries such as Australia may have only lost of lot of it's population but it's government is fine. I'm betting on Australia being in a better state because Australia is technically a large island, and hardly anyone lives in Central Australia (it's too hot out there), so we would at least have better odds.

    tinypave posted: »

    Well that's actually a point do we know how the rest of the world is? Maybe another country is doing just fine, unless this has been explained somewhere and i'm just a complete idiot.

  • rape?

    Mudora posted: »

    Clem losing her hat is a lot more sad than watching her dying. It's the worst thing can happen to Clem now. She won't die physically but mentally

  • I think it will end when people dont want to play the game and quiet honestly, i can see clem as a leader growing through the apocalypse and one day meet carl along the road and both work side by side leading thier communities. In other words think of them as the lost adam and eve?

  • edited March 2014

    I doubt she will literally die, just a bit on the inside.

    I think she's gonna start losing herself. She's already showing signs of struggling with an immense emotional turmoil.

    "I ran away...I was stupid...He died trying to get me back. Sometimes people die because of me" - to Luke

    "I got him killed...it was my fault." - to Kenny

    "...Everything went wrong...like it always does." - to Kenny

    "It's never going to get better." - to Walter

    Our sweet Clem will begin heading towards a darker path. In a sense , Season 1's innocent and hopeful Clem will have died.

  • That's determinant. Clementine didn't say any of those things in my playthrough. Not to say that she's the epitome of mental health and positive attitude, but she's only that negative if you choose those dialogue options.

    Pride posted: »

    I doubt she will literally die, just a bit on the inside. I think she's gonna start losing herself. She's already showing signs of strugg

  • edited March 2014

    All of the choices are aspects of her personality, and in a way things she really feels and would really say at the moment. All you do is pick one at that moment.

    You may choose not to say something negative, but that negative thought had been crossing her mind too at the point. That's what I interpret the choices in TWD to be.

    Otherwise if her personality were completely determinant, we would have had plenty of Clementines back in episode one killing Rebecca at their first chance because they had a little vendetta against her. But Clem would never do that.

    Same thing with players and Lee vs Larry or Lilly.

    We control what they say, but they are still their own characters with their own personalities.
    We're playing an estabilished character, not our own protagonist whom we have named and built backstories for from scratch.

    That's determinant. Clementine didn't say any of those things in my playthrough. Not to say that she's the epitome of mental health and positive attitude, but she's only that negative if you choose those dialogue options.

  • edited March 2014

    not her personality it's up to the player's personality, yeah we can't kill rebecca, why?, the game is depends on player choices , but this choices is limted, means the player has 4 choices for example to choose from for every situation,or instead i would go back to season 1 and make sure lee will not be bitten.
    there's a situations can prove that it's up to the player, when u was have to choose take kenny or lily side, choose to save ben or not , choose to go to pete or nick , save carly or........ i can do this all day.

    but there's some situations u can't change, it's up to Lee like taking care of Clem, saying to the group they are eating human(S1E2), and just like u said Clem didn't kill rebecca because it's something up to her

    Pride posted: »

    All of the choices are aspects of her personality, and in a way things she really feels and would really say at the moment. All you do is pi

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