OC Creation Forum
I have found some awsome OC's since I got into The Walking Dead. My dad created a character named Tony who is a lawyer, HallowShell15 on DevianArt created Liz Coaler, and I created Parker. So, I am planning on writing a FanFic on this forum on how I would have done TWD from the beginning(lots of similarities, lots of differences). To make it work, I need good OC's. If you create a good one, I will let you know and I will use it. Obviously I will give you credit. So, create a way!
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By the way, here is the format. Or you can send me a link to a FanFic, picture, etc.
Signature Weapon(s):
Additional Information:
Hmm. I was actually thinking of a short story just the other day, sort of like an addition to the 400 Days. Realistically, I prob won't have time to write for quite some time, though. I'll post the character if you want to use it.
That would be great BigBlindMax. No one needs to write, I just want to use the character(as I said I will give you credit).
Also, any additional requests(When they are introduced, relationships, death, etc.). By the way, I will not say if your OC will die or not. It will be a SUPRISE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Name: John Kozlov Age: 22 Hair: Black Eyes: Blue Race: Caucasian Signature Weapon: M9 Beretta/Swiss Army Knife Additional Info: Moderate Russian accent. Single.
i'll use him.
He will be in the story!
I'll use her.
Name: Marley Mendez
Age: 15
Hair: Dark brown
Eyes: Hazel
Race: Hispanic
Signature Weapon: A Hammer
Additional Info: Before the out break he use to be in a band and he is kinda a hippie
Name: Luke Rubyford (I know, I know...but I wrote a Fanfiction before S2 was out, and the OC's name was Luke. Change ot in Lucas if you want)
Age: 16
Hair: Dark Blonde
Eyes: Dark Green
Race: Caucasian
Signature weapon: Glock (I don't know what Glock :P)
Additional: Very cold-hearted and not easy to be convinced of other opinons than his
ooooo interesting character
EDIT: I almost forgot. I was taught to lean toward the side of excess when creating characters. Feel free to change or scrap anything you want. I also leave his life span to your discretion.
Name: Manuel Ortiz
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Race: Black/Hispanic
Build: Medium
Hair: Buzz cut (black), no facial hair
Eyes: Brown
Hometown: Monroe, Georgia
Occupation: College Student, National Guardsman (deserter)
Family: Parents, little sister (status unknown but presumed dead)
Signature Weapon: Metal, military-style Tomahawk. He (initially) has all the normal standard-issue military gear, including an M16 assault rifle. He is decently acquainted will most kinds of firearms and hand-to-hand combat.
Personality: Good-natured, empathetic and relaxed. Though his laid back attitude frequent earned the ire of his superiors, Manuel is a level-headed team player who naturally shies away from leadership and group conflict. He prefers to avoid trouble when possible, using diplomacy as his first line of defense. If worst comes to worst, he is a brutal fighter who is capable of killing other humans without hesitation, though not without remorse.
Biography: Manuel was born to working class, immigrant parents. Though an excellent student, he was forced to join the National Guard to put himself through college. After enduring a tour in Iraq, Manuel returned to Georgia and studied Literature at nearby UGA. After the outbreak, Manuel was called back into active service along with the rest of the Georgia national guard. His company was deployed to the Macon area to restore order and establish an evacuation zone. He is one of a few survivors from the failed operation in downtown Macon. Disgusted by the pointlessness of the operation and the senseless deaths of his friends, Manuel chose to desert rather than face a similar fate.
Introduce: 10-30 days after outbreak.
Relations: That depends on who else is in the group. Out of the pre-existing characters, he would probably be rather friendly with everyone. It's possible that he might know about Lee Everett and his past, since he went to UGA. One benefit is that he wouldn't try to start a power struggle. His role would likely be similar to that of Mark in the game.
I will draw my character.
Name: Lenny
Age: Early to mid 40's
Gender: Male
Hair: Black
Beard: Godlike
Occupation: Commercial fisherman
Wife: Katharina (Deceased)
Son: Lenny Jr. aka Luck
Status: Alive
Ethnicity: Caucasian-American
Characterisation: A likable, but nevertheless flawed man, Lenny acts as the de-facto leader of the group, and is a sharp, hard-working person who likes to take action and make things happen.
I see what you did there.
Did you nick Kenny's biographical info from the wiki? Or does he have a twin?
Name: Gabe Lopez
Age: 13
Gender: Male
Race: Asian
Eyes: Dark Brown
Signature Weapon: Japanese Katana
Additiona Info l: Prefers to survive alone, but will accept to survive with a group. A cannibal (Eats zombies). Likes to befriend people, and can be trusted.
Introduced: A few months after the outbreak
(Will include adrawing)
Exactly like this ^
Age: Mystery
Hair: Green
Race: White
Eyes: Dark brown
Signature weapons; Little gadgets and hidden magic and tricks
Hometown: Ireland now America
Just use character without backstory if you want lol
I am the Joker my corrupt government killed my parents as they knew the secret corruption going on behind the scenes and were about to report them so government secretly killed them. Police never investigated as Government controlled everything.
I lost my mind so was sent to a mental institution I was convinced I was a clown hellbent on murder and revenge to make the world feel my pain in chaos of zombie apop.. I escaped.
Motives: Revenge
Personality: Full of jokes and Puns Appears trustworthy but capable of random acts of violence
Strengths: Intelligence, Battle Tactics, Manipulation, Good with weapons and has hidden blades, Unpredictable, fearless
Weaknesses: Not that physically strong, Appearance causes trust issues
Expand more if want
Carchphrase: Why So Serious, Have these morals and think there save you, HAHA I DON'T WANNA KILL YOU
Libby (Elizabeth) Franks
Age: 27
Gender: Female
Race: Caucasian
Eyes: Green (Sharp)
Hair: Auburn/Red
Signature weapon: Glock
Use her if you want I just noticed there wern't many girls. Also are you posting this on here?
It's Kenny's long lost cousin from the future obviously!
I don't care if you kill my character off or if you use him at all, but I'll do this for the hell of it.
Name: Alexander Stoneburg
Age: 46
Gender: Male
Race: Caucasian
Hair: Black (and grey from age)
Eyes: Blue
Born: Minnesota (hometown unspecified)
Personality: Tough emotionally, strictly moral, quiet, keeps to himself mostly.
Other family: Son (Tristan Stoneburg, age 13) Wife (Genevieve Stoneburg [Deceased])
Bio: Alex and his family drove down to Georgia for his grandmother's funeral a few days before the plague escalated. His family wasn't told that the funeral was canceled until they were already in the state. The next thing they knew, they were trapped in the middle of Georgia near Statesboro. When things began to get really bad, they found a group and survived together for a few weeks. It wasn't long, though, before they were attacked by bandits. His wife was killed during that raid, and he barley escaped with his own life. Now, he and his son Tristan have been trying to get by on their own for the past month, searching for some sort of solace and safety, be it a group or community or anything.
Relationships with others: When it comes to decisions, he always seems to play the devils advocate; purposefully going against what the group majority says and sees things from different angles. Although he may know it is a minority choice, he likes to see everything from a different point of view. He doesn't chit-chat much otherwise except to his son.
Damn, nice job!
Thanks. I spent twenty minutes on this to make sure I like it. I just love to make stories and characters.
Stoneburg is actually the last name of my great-great-great grandparents.
I love doing things like this! Always fun to make characters.
Name: Skye Wilson.
Age: Twenty-nine.
Hair: Mahogany brown.
Eyes: Dark green.
Race: Caucasian.
Signature Weapon(s): A pair of re-purposed blades from her ice hockey skates. She removed the blades and fitted a handle (made from duct tape) onto each blade for a better grip.
Hometown: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
Family: Father (deceased), mother (deceased).
Personality: Apart from being rather timid and shy, Skye is also fairly bad at conversation. She's often quiet, never saying a word unless it is absolutely needed.
Appearance: Skye is about five feet nine inches tall and weighs about 135 lbs. Her body is toned due to her being regularly active. She usually keeps her hair tied back in a no-hassle style, not really worried all that much about her looks.
Backstory: Starting from a very early age, Skye loved hockey. She always assumed that it was because of her father's love for the sport. They could be found on cold nights huddled up in a blanket on the couch, a fire lit in the fireplace, watching the game. When Skye was older (around fifteen or so), she joined her school's female hockey team. She eventually made it to team captain by her senior year. Her tactics on the ice were superb, allowing the team to have a near-perfect record by the end of the year. After graduating, Skye attended college, studying in physical therapy and sports injuries. This eventually landed her a job in Vancouver as a physical therapist.
A month before the ZA started, Skye's father passed away during the night. Deciding she needed to take some time off, Skye left Vancouver and made her way down to Florida. She spent a few days there surfing and enjoying the sun, but she couldn't seem to get over her father's passing. She became more and more withdrawn, only seen by others when she went out for her morning jog. After a while, Skye decided it was time to return to her hometown and try to move on.
Additional Information: Skye is in peak physical shape, having participated in many different kinds of sports and activities in and around her home town. She is very much an outdoor-type person, feeling very at home when surrounded by trees. As a little girl, Skye used to sneak outside during the night and climb up the tree in her backyard to sleep in.
Everytime i see your username, I imagine a stickman poking a rock with a stick..
I see...
It's so cool to do this. Will you link to your creation when you're finished/comfortable with it?
Are you finished taking OCs?
name: Phoenix pierce
age: 27
gender: male
hair: light brown
race: Caucasian
eyes: hazel/green
signature weapon: morning star and the bow
born: florida
facial hair: medium stubble
body: very muscular
personality: nice, but can get pissed if you mess with him. doesn't open up much, but will if trusts you and is close to you
wife: deceased
unborn child: deceased
younger sister: unknown if alive or not
had dog before apocalypse started and still has it, dog stays by his side and helps him.
dog species: Australian Shepard.
I will use him
I will use him
I'm posting this on a new thread called: The Walking Dead Season 1- A New Vision
And, I will use her
I will use him
No, even as the story is going on I'll take them. I am also doing 400 Days and a sequel to the story.
I'll ise him. However, I already have an OC that has a canine companion. Do you mid if I take that part out?
Sure. I'm starting a thread tonight!
Name: Pierce
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Race: Mixed (white and black)
Hair colour: Black
Eyes: Dark brown
Signature weapon: Sledgehammer
Personality: He tries to act tough and he can back it up because he is a good fighter, but on the inside he is actually a very warm hearted, nice guy.
Past: Because of his mixed heritage he struggles to find his identity...Hung out with the wrong crowd, Got in trouble with the cops.. Cops were Racist towards him and he ended up bashing one before getting arrested.. Was on trial before the outbreak.
Name: Richard Kuhn (Rich)
Age: 21
Hair: Down to his shoulders, blonde
Eyes: Blue
Height/Weight: 6'3" 230 lbs.
Race: German American
Signature Weapon(s): Mauser 98k, 1911, hunting knife
Personality: Honest, loyal, bad temper, trustworthy, doesn't trust easily, generally tries to do the right thing, steps up in tough situations.
Hometown: Jim Thorpe, Pennsylvania
Family: Only child. Parents moved back to Germany and left him their house upon his graduation from high-school and obtaining of a job.
Additional info: Rich's great grandparents immigrated to America after WWII. His great grandpa was a Sturmbannführer in the SS, and received a Knight's Cross medal. The Cross was passed down as a family heirloom, and Rich has worn it around his neck for years, generally hidden under the collar of his favorite button-up shirts. His relation to an SS officer has shaped his life. All throughout school he was called a Nazi, and never had many friends as a result. This caused him to have a hard time trusting people, and lead to a bad temper. After graduating high school he became a carpenter for a local business, and spends his free time hunting or going to a local gun range. He loves dogs. Loves heavy metal (Iron Maiden, Pantera, Megadeth, etc).
Edit: He isn't a Nazi, his family was during WWII, and that history has shaped his life and relationships with people.