Walking Dead Dreams?

Do any of you have crazy dreams about The Walking Dead? (Game, comics, or TV show) Share your crazy, funny, sad, or scary experiences here!

Just last night I had a dream where I was with Clementine and Kenny. We were alone in this big mansion when suddenly a big group of kids came and stayed with us. Ben was with them, and he had a girlfriend and they looked really cute together. We started growing vegetables for food and shared it with the nearby groups. It was like the happy ending that never will happen... :(


  • I actually had one about me living in the prison and Philip invaded the damn place XD He's my favorite character though so I let him do his thing

  • I had a dream about Lee, Clementine and Kenny on a farm and we see Lilly and she has a baby in her arms and it's revealed that she was pregnant while she was with the group. It was disturbing but it would explain a lot.

  • Yes!! I had one the other day about me being the carer of Clem, it felt soooo real.

  • I had a lot of apocalypse dreams since I started playing the game and watching the show. However very few of them are about zombies. Most of them are just scavenging and upkeep and just trying to have a normal life.

  • Shit was just going to make a thread about this...oh well

    I had dream about Christa and Nate pushing a train while Clem and Sarah sat sat on the train tracks eating some sandwich xD

  • I often dream funny TWD related things, but I knew I was in it too much when I started imagine the conversation options in real life when talking to people or when I had to response to something. Lol come to think of it is so nerdy and weird!

  • One crazy dream.

    iHeartTWD posted: »

    Shit was just going to make a thread about this...oh well I had dream about Christa and Nate pushing a train while Clem and Sarah sat sat on the train tracks eating some sandwich xD

  • I had a dream instead of Nick killing Matthew, Matthew shot Nick and Luke was pissed off and went over and starter to beat him up.

    I also had a dream everyone's faces in the game were like 10000000 times longer and all stretched out haha

  • I had a dream that I was finally going to play ep. 1 of season 2 and I turn it on and the whole episode is about Katjaa and Clem being the only ones alive and they turn into Dinosaurs and were sent back to the Jurassic age to survive the extinction. Then I got all pissed cause I was so excited then this. Of course I was happy when I woke up tho

  • I had a dream once they made a character completely inspired on me and I was even the voice actress... Clem hated my character though

  • I had 1 dream where clem beated me up because i talked bad about lee lol.

    I guess it was from the carlos showdown thread, i might've readed that too much and found the idea too cool lol

  • I had a dream that Clem, Carley, Luke, Nick, the rest of the cabin group, and Kenny were all having diner.

  • I had a dream that I was taking care of Clementine. We had found a community that even had a school. One day people were asking about a mysterious boy that stole a toy from the school so we went looking for him. Clementine and I spotted him walking towards this house, he had a recognizable sillhouette. I stayed back as I saw Clementine running towards the boy as if she knew him. When the boy turned around I realized it was Duck. She gave him the biggest hug I had ever seen, both of them had tears running down their cheeks, which caused me to just cry out loud for some reason. We all thought he was dead and there he was standing, restoring the happiness that Clementine once had.

  • i had one and i was having a conversation with clem about potatoes... dont ask.

    all of a sudden clem had an not impressed face and literally walked of, got on top of sam and ran off on his back. i have no frekin idea why i had this dream but it was funny.

  • edited March 2014

    I had a dream of Kenny finding Clementine again and her telling him, that Christa told her, that Kenny died.

  • I once had a dream where Christa and Lee were talking, and then all of the sudden, Christa grabs him and starts making out with him. When she was done, she walked off, saying, "Don't tell Omid. He will fuck you up and ruin your face."

  • edited March 2014

    I had a dream where I was hunting with Kenny and Clementine in the woods, then we come back to our camp and I find out that Lee is alive! I go like: "OMG, I'm so happy you didn't die! How--?", but all he does is getting mad at Kenny and me because we didn't ask his permission to bring Clem along. -.-

  • edited March 2014

    I had a dream i was walking with Clem, Kenny,Luke, and the Cabin group along this massive field after escaping carvers camp. Clem was crying and i kept asking her why but i couldn't get anything out of her.. Then i saw a figure in the distance sprinting towards Clem calling out her name which turned out to be Lee with a metal thing covering his chopped arm (Like merles from the show) Clem ran to him and he ran to her and they hugged and were both crying.. It felt so real and we were all so happy.. then it ended..

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    I have never had a dream about interacting with the characters but shortly before the release of A House Divided i had a dream that a friend had early access to a press copy of the game but they wouldn't let me play it or tell me anything about it and i woke up really annoyed that i couldn't play it :P

  • I had this one crazy realistic dream where there were six of us survivors, my friend Somei, myself, a random woman (who wore backpackers attire) a random guy (who wore business attire) and then I think the other two were Lee and Clementine (I didn't get a good look at them, but I heard their voices) and we were all down in a metro station. My friend Somei (who seemed to be our group's leader) ordered me and the random woman to check a public Women's bathroom. I am going to try and describe the situation as best as I can but the fear that I felt when entering that bathroom was the most powerful I've probably ever felt. The bathroom walls were brownish tan tiles, with a peach tiled floor, both were stained with a ridiculous amount of blood. The woman threw up as she checked the stalls (due to the blood) and I just kneeled, investigating the blood while I kept checking over my shoulder. I was truly afraid. I remember wrapping my fingers around my fireaxe so tightly, that I awoke with bruises on my hand. Well, while I was checking the blood I suddenly woke up. The dream was so realistic that when I woke up I ran to grab a weapon, but I stopped myself and realized it was all a dream. I don't know, it was a really badass dream, but it's the most scared I've felt in a long time.

  • I had another when the Episode one of Season 2 came out (definately not as long or as realistic looking as the other one) when it was me and Clem sitting on a log in the forest and she was crying. It appears the dream was around the time Lee had just died, and that being the reason Clem was crying. When I looked around I noticed Omid tending to a fire, he whispered "Say something." As I turned to look back I now saw that Lee was standing behind her, with his hand on her back (he was also missing an arm, because I chose to cut it off in my game). Right then and there I took a deep breath, and I put my hand on Clem's back, right where Lee had his and my hand just passed through his, he then nodded to me and faded. I guess I was going crazy, seeing ghosts and shit. The last thing I remember happening in the dream was me saying, "I'm so sorry Clem...I'm so sorry." I woke up and I just stared at the ceiling. I felt so sad.

  • I had a dream where i was the caretaker of Clementine, It's hard because my dream ended when a zombie grabbed onto me and Clementine smashed it's head with a saltlick.

  • Unfortunately, I haven't had any dreams about The Walking Dead, as it is extremely rare for me to dream at all.

  • I had a dream Lee & Clem's storyline took place in TWD Tv show.
    It was pretty awesome

  • Yesterday, when I woke up, I quickly found my phone and went on the Walking Dead Wiki page. Or I think I did. Before I could read some of the spoilers, I fell asleep again. I dreamed that I looked on the Walking Dead Wiki Page and how it said that Sasha and Bob has died on the season final. Then the dream shifted to where I was watching Rick, Michone and Carl receiving meat by the Terminus people.

    Then I woke up and read on what really happened on the episode.

  • I once had a dream where me and Vince were in a broom closet of some sort holding shotguns. Then for some reason we teleported outside and I got attacked by a walker. There was an old lady with a gun sitting on a park bench nearby and suddenly I realized i was in a dream and i asked her to shoot me. She didn't and I got bit and died. I had no idea why I had that dream.

  • I had a dream of where I was with Clem who just turned 11, and with Christa. It's faint now but I remember when she started crying due to the stress of survivor's guilt, and I went on my knees and hugged her while tearing up. I was calming her down and when I was about to say something.... BAM!!! Some damn construction work woke me up and I was pissed as hell.

  • I had a dream that I met Clem and in my story I was related to Ben and everyone expected me to screw things up. It kinda sucked, but I did a lot better than Ben could have ever done in one episode.

  • I hate it when you dream of something awesome that you have and when you wake up you realize it doesn't exist.

  • I once had a dream where I was talking to Lee and all the sudden, those four dialogue boxes pop up. I had no idea what to do so I just remained silent. Then Lee walked away and somehow, a bunch of flying walkers show up and try to steal Kenny's stache. Then I sadly woke up.

  • It's not about TWD, but in the night I played The Wolf Among Us episode 2, I had a dream where I invited a friend of mine to visit me, but when I got home, her head was on the stairs

  • I had a dream about In Harm's way. In Carver's community, Clem and the others are his prisoners but suddenly, Lee shows up and he has super strenght and he picked up a giant rock, threw it at a wall and smashed it and inside, Carver and Rebecca are about to get married and also there are Vince and Shel who are guards and Bonnie is praying for some reason and then Lee crashes the wedding, beats up Vince, Shel, Bonnie and Carver and the rest I don't know.

  • I had a dream a couple nights ago that Carl shoved Lori in a locker conveniently located in the boiler room right after shooting her. When Rick later came to investigate, he opened the locker, and Lori fell on top of him. It sounds hilarious, but for some reason, I was terrified of looking at her face! I guess I was watching it on TV....but was also there at the same time. One of those dreams, ya know? I guess Lori's face was pretty smashed up or something. I could only see her out of the corner of my eye, but she wasn't exactly "dead" dead. She started crawling towards me like Samara from The Ring, and I was so scared that at that point, I became lucid and pretty much forced myself to wake up. Lol. Ugh.

  • I had one where all I remember was that Kenny was screaming at me. I don't remember what he was saying. I don't think he was mad at me. But I felt that Clem was nearby and my dream brain when into awesome overload and I woke up. I couldn't see anyone. I was all hazy. OMG what if I was in Lee's point of view when they were in the meat locker :O

  • edited April 2014

    Before season 2 episode 1 got released I had a dream of clem and duck hunting in the woods with plasma guns(not kidding)

  • No not kenny's facial hair!!!

    Mauio posted: »

    I once had a dream where I was talking to Lee and all the sudden, those four dialogue boxes pop up. I had no idea what to do so I just remai

  • edited April 2014

    I had this dream where I went to Game Stop to buy All That Remains - this was months before it came out. I went up to the cashier, and said, "Excuse me, sir. Do you have The Walking Dead Video game? Season two, I mean." The cashier turns around. It was Molly.

    I wasn't phased at all. She says, "Yep! Just came in this morning!" Molly hands me the game, and for some reason, we go into the back room of the store. We put it in the TV, and there's the field scene from No Time Left.
    The people on the hill are Christa and Omid - but they're being chased by gigantic versions of Mico the raccoon from Pocahontas. Clem goes up and hugs Christa, and Omid is staring at the raccoons, who stopped chasing them.

    Omid: Chris... Why is looking at me?

    Christa: is comforting a crying Clem Just ignore them, they'll go away.

    Omid: Okay... covers his eyes, then peaks out Christa, he's still staring.


    And then I woke up and was seriously disappointed that it wasn't real.

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