This shouldn't have so many downvotes, it is possible. Friday releases have happened before, and release dates are often only stated one day in advance.
This shouldn't have so many downvotes, it is possible. Friday releases have happened before, and release dates are often only stated one day in advance.
We shall see... if they just released the trailer to tease us till next week, they will have filled their annual cup of evil.
EDIT: It says "launch" trailer... make that two cups of evil.
Alright it's been two hours since Mr. Stauffers latest tweet. If that was and april fools day joke then he can tell us the release date already. We all laughed about his super funny joke, but this is enough...
Alright it's been two hours since Mr. Stauffers latest tweet. If that was and april fools day joke then he can tell us the release date already. We all laughed about his super funny joke, but this is enough...
For one thing, sex is far more engrossed in the italian language than in english.
For another, 'dude' was a word way before 'dudette', and the same with 'actor'. Words like 'il' and 'elle' in french have both been around for a long time.
I've seen a few people wondering if Microsoft jumped the gun on this one, but it's legit. Occasionally we release something as a timed exclusive with certain outlets or partners, which is the case here. We'll be going wide with the trailer tomorrow. So yeah... Microsoft hasn't done anything naughty.
As ever, we have to work with our partners (like Sony and Microsoft) before we're able to announce confirmed release dates... that said, I wouldn't expect it to be TOO long now.
It is still bugging me that it says "launch trailer". I thought launch trailers were put out once a game has, you know, launched? Just how early can a trailer be released before the game and still be considered a launch trailer? Not a rhetorical question, I'm really curious.
Seems like people really want it today. xD
This shouldn't have so many downvotes, it is possible. Friday releases have happened before, and release dates are often only stated one day in advance.
We shall see... if they just released the trailer to tease us till next week, they will have filled their annual cup of evil.
EDIT: It says "launch" trailer... make that two cups of evil.
Ep1 released on Friday, if i recall correctly . Some people are being really delusional if they think ep3 is releasing today
Actually, I think it was a Monday. October 14, 2013.
You sure about that?
They didnt release it dude. It was Xbox Canada. Telltale needs to be more evil now. Xbox trolled Telltale. They will be really sadistic now. xD
Dude, it was a friday (at least for some people).
I know for certain it was as my husband used to be back early on Fridays and I played it with him.
Don't you think we deserve it today after what we've been through with the Telltale Tool?
Well, as long as TT doesn't retaliate by delaying the Episode on XBOX, all is good.
Alright it's been two hours since Mr. Stauffers latest tweet. If that was and april fools day joke then he can tell us the release date already. We all laughed about his super funny joke, but this is enough...
Oh.... I have no idea where I got the 14th from.
Perhaps he was just alerting people that there were massive spoilers in the trailer.
dayum bigby's gonna cut some corpses
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This Game On PS3 .... The Best ... When It Release ?
what dafaq do u mean?
Speak Polite
finnaly I get some likes
Alright TellTale retweetet Xbox Canada's Tweet about the Episode 3 Trailer. Still no release date, Something is odd...
after seeing that awesome trailer hell yeah we want it today, TT really loves teasing us
If they said a trailer is coming this week, when we actually just got it...THEN WHEN IS THE RELEASE DATE?
"What country you from?"
"Do they speak English in What?"
for showing PULP FICTION and making me laugh u deserve a like.
And the trailer didn't contain the dreaded word,"Soon". So we can take that as a sign ?
I'm grasping at straws, I know:).
"Exclusive first look".
Nice cover up...
Phew saved. xD
Can we still expect something today? Im starting to lose hope...
If my memory serves me right, they released the last episodes of TWAU&TWD around this time,right?
Actually that was one hour ago.
Nope. it was around this time.
12 PM.
I've seen a few people wondering if Microsoft jumped the gun on this one, but it's legit. Occasionally we release something as a timed exclusive with certain outlets or partners, which is the case here. We'll be going wide with the trailer tomorrow. So yeah... Microsoft hasn't done anything naughty.
Here's the trailer for you all. FINALLY HERE:
As ever, we have to work with our partners (like Sony and Microsoft) before we're able to announce confirmed release dates... that said, I wouldn't expect it to be TOO long now.
It is still bugging me that it says "launch trailer". I thought launch trailers were put out once a game has, you know, launched? Just how early can a trailer be released before the game and still be considered a launch trailer? Not a rhetorical question, I'm really curious.
You're right. Forgot the daylight saving time.