Rick at Lee's Level?
Well i honestly think that Rick has done more for Carl especially what he did in the last episode of season 4 :P, not saying Lee didnt do enough seeing as how he didnt have much screen time to show that but Rick be doin his stuff and his thangs!
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NO ONE is at Lee's level... He is THE number one Urban.. IF Rick can push through hundreds of hordes of walkers while chopping them up with one arm then he has my respect.
He did clear an entire cell block with just an axe, but he had two arms so I guess that doesn't count.
It's not really fair to compare Rick and Lee. Rick is the original Walking Dead guy, featured in the comics and the show from the beginning. Rick has existed in the Walking Dead universe for so long that it's really not fair to say that Rick has reached Lee's level, since Lee was only featured in a single game's length of time. Rick has seen many hours' worth of action in the comics and screen time on the show that one really can't compare him as a character to Lee since Lee had such a small amount of time to develop and perform in comparison. Season 1 of The Walking Dead game took me about 12 hours to finish, as opposed to however many hours it would take one to read all the Walking Dead comics and watch the entirety of the show.
maybe comic book rick but not tv show rick
Lee did the world a bigger favor by keeping Clementine alive. Rick only does stuff and thangs
Remember when Alexandria was swarmed?
CannibalCarl, you have a huge point there...
but rick is still badass
I'm giving points to Rick just because he had to deal with Lory the bitch and that lil shit of a son named Carl
Lee can strangle a guy to death with one arm while dying from a bite.. It cant get more badass than that.
That was the best part of the comic imo. AMC's low budget has me worried though I wonder how they will remaster that gigantic herd. I bet it will be a let down.
Unless they do this but with full immersion having Alexandria in the middle of all those walkers seen from afar:

The thing he did to Joe, pretty badassery material if you ask me
but im glad i didnt get hate for this though!:D
I am getting sick of every mention of the comics and the show in this forum. Not because I hate them, but because I hate the hate they receive. Everyone treats the game as so much superior that it downright annoys me to read their comments. As someone who likes all TWD medias, I just can't stand how much people differentiate them when they, in fact, aren't that much different from one another.
People in this forum would even rate a dump taken by Lee higher than Rick these days. It makes me feel like Lee is overrated even though I loved his character.
This is a TWDG forum what kind of answers did you expect? Most people here are biased.
Anyway, even though I prefer Lee, Rick has done more badass things, especially in the comics. On the other hand, Rick has been in the comics and in the show for years, Lee was in only one game.
They did it at the farm.With CGI they could likely do it. After all zombie extras are often just volunteers for the most part or on real low pay
I can accept your opinion, but I have to say that I disagree, Characters who are able to show more sides to them than just one are actually the most interesting ones. When characters start as good ones, but eventually develop a darker side due to certain events? That's what makes characters interesting. Or when a bad guy slowly starts to doubt his ways and starts being more...good. And I don't mean "suddenly he becomes superman and a real hero" but more like "he slowly starts to become good in his own way." Like Merle. Remember him? NO ONE liked him, but I loved his character. He was by no means a good man even right before his death, but heck, he realized the problem and tried to do his best right until he met his end. He went out like a boss. These are characters I find to be interesting. They seem human. If Rick had remained the same man he used to be from the beginning, I would have hated him, because he would have turned out to be inhuman and thus a character that simply isn't believable due to his unrealistic behavior.
That's also why I find most anime characters these days not likable at all. Most of them are just strictly black and white. There are no shades of grey (this is not a pun, people) in between. Especially in the shounen genre. I know that this is a bit off topic now, but I decided to mention it, since I realized that you also watch anime and thus might understand what I mean by making that example.
Rick is a badass but Lee is still better.
No one is at Lee's level. Sure Rick took care of his blood related son but Lee risked his life for a little girl he'd only known for three months. That's pure heroism.
Lee had to deal with Ben ,Duck and Lily so those points are canceled out.
Exactly, every time someone says something like "ClemXD could beat superman lolol
" it really makes me angry. Not because I dislike Clementine, that's not it, but because I like how she acts exactly like a hardened eleven year old that isn't stupid would act. This realism is what makes the game and the characters good, not Mary/Gary Sue self-inserts.
lee was cool and calm clemie will be alright
Ask that question somewhere on this forum and they will give you this answer.
Hmmm, I am not quite sure what you mean by liking his character but disliking him as a person? Do you mean the actor who portrays him? I actually like him, though I can never be bothered to remember his name.
sadly, that's true. I find all this hype quite irritating. You know how Daryl gets a lot of shit because he is liked too much for no real reason? Everyone pretty much does the same with every TWDG character. I get that there ARE reasons to like the characters, but some are quite overdoing it, even though they might not really be serious about it.
THANKYOU! XD I was waiting for the one person who doesn't just fanboy the game and acts more open-minded!
Really, anyone who says Rick hasn't done AT LEAST as much as Lee, is an idiot, or an over-defensive fanboy, which seems to be 90% of the people who disliked this topic. Obviously this IS the forum for the GAME, so i understand if people dislike, but I am more on the COMIC Rick side of things, Rick from the comics is better than Rick from the show.
Rick is past Lee's Level in the comics for sure. Now don't get me wrong I love both characters in fact I think I like Lee more but I gotta give credit where credit is due.
Tv show rick is getting more badass and even more awesome but I don't think he's quite Lee level yet
You are welcome. I like to believe I am very open minded towards a lot of things and I also like to voice my thoughts, even if I often tend to get shit for it, haha. It's always nice to see some people who agree with me, since I often end up being the odd one out.
Yeah, but the make-up has to cost quite a bit, even for walkers who are more in the background and less detailed.
There aren't many differences to me, aside from how much they have experienced so far. I mostly view them as the same characters. Their biggest difference may be that one has two hands, while the other has only one.
you are acting like Rick saying "things" would be terrible. I never even paid attention to it before this whole stuff and thangs meme started. And I dunno if I am just being stupid or something, but aren't character and personality sort of...the same? I mean...the personality is pretty much what defines a character, aside from his past and appearance which also comes into play when forming a character. Could it be that you mean you like his past and his looks, but can't stand his personality? If I am wrong, please correct me...I seem to miss something.
Please, don't compare AMC shit with this epic game. Thanks.
Hm...fair enough, I suppose. I cannot agree, but our opinions are our's to have. About Rick that is at least. It seems we share a like mindset regarding Lilly, so there is that, which is nice.
But Andrew Lincoln being such a great actor also contributes to him being great on the show aswell!
TV show Rick, was badass during the first 2 Seasons and during the most part of Season3. (exept the unnessesary " Rick goes crazy " part). But in Season4, Rick is developing into a alot less badass character.
Comic book Rick is defintelly a badass, but he still isn't as badass as Lee is! If you aren't convinced about that yet, here is something to proof my point!
Ya Andrew Lincoln is an amazing actor and the perfect Rick. The only thing that is missing is his thirst to be the leader of the group after he kills off Shane, it was a drastic change from the comic. Which was pretty weird that the TV show moved toward a "group vote"/democracy mentality. Maybe the writers moved away from the "RIck-tatorship" since it was too un-american for TV
Cutting down a number of walkers with a cleaver and a glass shard (determinant) was the second-to-last act of badassery.
To be fair, Lee was turning half zombie if you know what i mean, and he was less noticed defintely just like Rick and Glenn in the first season of the show
Seriously? You are on TWD forum where a lot of people love these characters, have a teaspoon of cement and harden up..