I don't see how EVERY government on earth fell because of this thing. In the show, they say the French were the ones who lasted longest (whi… morech is odd since Europe should have gone first), but also maybe some other countries such as Australia may have only lost of lot of it's population but it's government is fine. I'm betting on Australia being in a better state because Australia is technically a large island, and hardly anyone lives in Central Australia (it's too hot out there), so we would at least have better odds.
I think S2 might end on a slightly lighter note than S1 did. I don't think Clem will be alone, we've seen that already. I can imagine her and Kenny/Luke standing over a body, the last body of the whole S2 battle. They're in the middle of nowhere, no one else is around, and it's sunrise. Clem and Kenny/Luke stand up, sheath their weapons, turn away and begin to walk. Nowhere in particular, no destination in mind, but they're done with that portion of their lives.
Very true, she's not in good mental condition and is not as positive as Walter was, no matter what you choose for her to do or say. I do think however, that choosing the more positive dialogue options may at least help her to stay as positive as possible. It's undeniable that Clementine is not a happy person and may never return to her optimistic attitude of season 1 ("It's not good... but I think everything's going to be okay!"), but her personality is built upon Lee's guidance which was styled after the player's choices.
All of the choices are aspects of her personality, and in a way things she really feels and would really say at the moment. All you do is pi… moreck one at that moment.
You may choose not to say something negative, but that negative thought had been crossing her mind too at the point. That's what I interpret the choices in TWD to be.
Otherwise if her personality were completely determinant, we would have had plenty of Clementines back in episode one killing Rebecca at their first chance because they had a little vendetta against her. But Clem would never do that.
Same thing with players and Lee vs Larry or Lilly.
We control what they say, but they are still their own characters with their own personalities.
We're playing an estabilished character, not our own protagonist whom we have named and built backstories for from scratch.
there's a movie "28weekslater" a woman was bitten and got infected but she didn't turn to a zombie.
the cure was in her blood, there's a possibility to find a cure in this game also
it's not a cure but it can give anyone hope to survive
Q. Can anyone survive a Zombie bite?
A. Yes, while extremely difficult, it is possible to survive a bite from a zombie if many steps are taken. Amputation is the only reliable way to survive a zombie bite on an appendage, though if a zombie bite occurs on the body itself, the likelihood of survival is extremely low. The "zombie bacteria" is highly resistant to all modern antibiotics, and there is no known immunity to the Zombie Pathogen, nor the bacteria individual zombies transmit.
Being immune wouldn't even work the same in TWD's universe, since the virus only effects you once you inevitably die. If they wanted a similar effect, they'd just have to go with her having an insanely powerful immune system. But that would probably be closer to an autoimmune disease than some sort of bite immunity. Immunity to zombie bites just doesn't seem to fit with the lore of TWD. The presence of a cure would kill Kirkman's cashcow, anyways.
Nah, I don't think she is immune. Robert Kirkman would be pissed off, (He said there in no cure in the comic universe, which is canon to the… more game) Comic fans would be pissed off, and annoying TLoU fans would be pissed off for "copying" the story of an immune little girl. (Which is dumb because The Walking Dead was actually made first, 2012 while TLoU is 2013)
I honestly don't know how Telltale is going to end Season 2 and make it just as good as the ending of Season 1, but I have faith in them.
Twilight, harry potter, lord of the rings. all of this stories were ended while they were the most successful stories were ever made, and everybody were watching their movies and play their games (Twilight has some puzzle silly games),
so i don't agree with when u said "I think it will end when people dont want to play the game"
I think it will end when people dont want to play the game and quiet honestly, i can see clem as a leader growing through the apocalypse and… more one day meet carl along the road and both work side by side leading thier communities. In other words think of them as the lost adam and eve?
Like I said, island countries or small countries like Australia or Japan would at least be able to survive. They'd still take a beating from the outbreak (seeing as you Americans got your asses handed to ya lol) but they might be able to recover.
All of the choices are aspects of her personality, and in a way things she really feels and would really say at the moment. All you do is pi… moreck one at that moment.
You may choose not to say something negative, but that negative thought had been crossing her mind too at the point. That's what I interpret the choices in TWD to be.
Otherwise if her personality were completely determinant, we would have had plenty of Clementines back in episode one killing Rebecca at their first chance because they had a little vendetta against her. But Clem would never do that.
Same thing with players and Lee vs Larry or Lilly.
We control what they say, but they are still their own characters with their own personalities.
We're playing an estabilished character, not our own protagonist whom we have named and built backstories for from scratch.
I don't know what's been confirmed. I think it would have to be a global issue, but there could always be some random country that's closed off its borders.
If by "Clem's story," you mean the story that we'll get to see, I'm thinking that it'll end with her with a few good, dependable people around her, headed somewhere they think is safe. It won't give us full closure, but players can get a sense of security and comfort about Clem's future, while also having some feelings of doubt and uncertainty about how things are going to turn out.
If by "Clem's story," you mean her life story, then it would probably just end with her getting bitten and then having someone shoot her before turning. My hope is that she would have grown up and lead a somewhat fulfilling life by that point. At least somewhere around her mid-20s. I also don't want her to die alone in some dark dingy place. She should have someone there with her in her final moments. They'd watch the sunrise with her one last time and then end it for her, the same way she did for Lee.
Being immune wouldn't even work the same in TWD's universe, since the virus only effects you once you inevitably die. If they wanted a simil… morear effect, they'd just have to go with her having an insanely powerful immune system. But that would probably be closer to an autoimmune disease than some sort of bite immunity. Immunity to zombie bites just doesn't seem to fit with the lore of TWD. The presence of a cure would kill Kirkman's cashcow, anyways.
Totally what I think will happen. She will separate herself from people so she doesn't have have the pain and grief when they die. Maybe she will be like Molly with a not-so-friendly personality so that people don't get too close. She will be very lonely and want to be around good people but will stay her distance because she fears what she believes will always happen. Like Molly said "What always happens, the Dead always win"
I think she'll survive, but once again she'll be the last one standing; this time however, she'll be completely alone. No Omids or Christas… more for her.
Perhaps she'll start feeling like she's some sort of bad omen on other survivors, and spend the rest of her days completely alone, emotionally broken, but alive.
Like I said, island countries or small countries like Australia or Japan would at least be able to survive. They'd still take a beating from the outbreak (seeing as you Americans got your asses handed to ya lol) but they might be able to recover.
He only has it when it is appropriate. Or can you tell Clementine or Duck to fuck off?
It isn't in Lee's ->personality<- to tell little kids to fuck off., but he's equally capable of killing or sparing the St. John's brothers. He has it in him to be either vengeful or merciful. You just choose whether he acts on either aspect of his personality or not.
I see Kenny, Luke and Clementine, being the main characters in the game.
I see them sticking out together, with Luke and Clementine,( when she becomes an adult), becoming a couple and having a family together.
( I know some will disagree with Luke and Clementine eventually ending up together, but seeing as it's the apocalypse, it's not there's a variety of people to choose from).
I see the two of them having children a couple of seasons before the series ends.
Kenny, now in his 50's, has become a father figure to Luke and Clementine, and subsequently a grandpa figure to their children.
I see their children being a powerful influence on Kenny, helping him become again the man he was before the apocalypse.
Together, the three adults help raise the children to capable adults.
At the end, Kenny, now in his 70's, has become co leader with a now 60ish year old Luke, of a sizable comunity of over 50 other survivors.
With Clementine now around 40, being the primary educator in it, giving lessons to the children about how to survive in the outside world, as well as as well as giving them a secular education as well.
Under their leadership, the community thrives, leading an almost near normal life.
Granted, Walkers will always be a potential threat, but the community have made a pledge to not let that stop them from finding enjoyment in life, a spirit in which Kenny, Luke and Clementine are the head of the spear.
And thus, the rebuilding of humanity begins!
It would be nice if season 2 did end on a higher note.
However I strongly doubt that that will be the end of the game series.
I honestly wouldn't be surprised if it doesn't last for at least 4 or 6 seasons.
It would be interesting if could choose between Kenny or Luke, as to who'll survive to season 3.
But honestly, I'd rather see all three of them, Clementine, Kenny and Luke, in the 3rd season.
I think S2 might end on a slightly lighter note than S1 did. I don't think Clem will be alone, we've seen that already. I can imagine her an… mored Kenny/Luke standing over a body, the last body of the whole S2 battle. They're in the middle of nowhere, no one else is around, and it's sunrise. Clem and Kenny/Luke stand up, sheath their weapons, turn away and begin to walk. Nowhere in particular, no destination in mind, but they're done with that portion of their lives.
She is going to die, everybody is going to die, and everybody who is reading this is going to die. Death can't be escaped in the long run. C… morelem WILL die, denying it just makes you stupid because it's impossible for her to survive. I mean, even if she manages to survive to old age, that'll be her death right there. She won't survive that long though, no chance.
As much as I want to believe you're joking, I'll just go ahead and say this anyway: can we stop shipping Clementine and Luke? Clem is only 11 years old while Luke is at least 24. Even if they both grow tens of years older, he will always be more than 10 years older than her. So can we just let this go and accept that it will never happen? Not only because it's pretty inappropriate, but also because it's extremely unlikely that they will both live that long. Alright? Alright.
I see Kenny, Luke and Clementine, being the main characters in the game.
I see them sticking out together, with Luke and Clementine,( when… more she becomes an adult), becoming a couple and having a family together.
( I know some will disagree with Luke and Clementine eventually ending up together, but seeing as it's the apocalypse, it's not there's a variety of people to choose from).
I see the two of them having children a couple of seasons before the series ends.
Kenny, now in his 50's, has become a father figure to Luke and Clementine, and subsequently a grandpa figure to their children.
I see their children being a powerful influence on Kenny, helping him become again the man he was before the apocalypse.
Together, the three adults help raise the children to capable adults.
At the end, Kenny, now in his 70's, has become co leader with a now 60ish year old Luke, of a sizable comunity of over 50 other survivors.
With Clementine now … [view original content]
Respectfully, ten years between two people who are dating isn't inappropriate, provided they are both of legal age or older.
And the only reason I envisioned the whole Luke/Clementine deal, is because even in hard times, people will still try to cling to normal activities and rituals of life.
Plus, it is so unreasonable to think that both Luke and Clementine wouldn't try to find a partner, perhaps not each other, in an apocalyptic world?
Case and point, Kenny and Sarita.
Even though Kenny is living in the apocalypse, that hasn't stopped him from hooking up with Sarita, after his wife died.
Also, how about Glenn and Maggie on the show?
Still the zombie apocalypse, yet they hooked up!
My point simply is, even though the shit hits the fan, that's not necessarily gonna stop people from hooking up.
And also, as I explained above, it is the apocalypse, so it's not like there would be a whole lot of people to choose from.
And the idea about neither of them living that long, well think of Herschel.
Herschel looked to be in his late 60's to early 70's.
So you might reasonably think, cause of his age, he wouldn't last very long.
And yet, look how long he lasted in the apocalypse!
Herschel was a tough guy, and the only reason he died was because of the Governor.
If it hadn't been for the Governor, Herschel would probably still be alive, in spite of only having one leg!
I'm just using simple logical thinking, in making my theory.
Nothing more.
You know,your post gave me an idea. This game should chronicle Clementine's life.
Season 1,she was a child. Season 2,she's almost a teenager. Maybe,season 3,she'll be a young adult,season 4 she'll be middle-aged,and ten it ends at season 5 with her as an old lady.
It's perfectly reasonable indeed that Clementine and Luke would prefer to find love over being alone, but I don't think there is any legitimate reason to believe that they would find romantic interest in each other. Kenny and Sarita seem to be of much closer age to each other than Clementine and Luke, and it makes sense that Kenny would fall for her since she is reminiscent of Katjaa. Clementine and Luke really don't have much common ground at all, they just help each other through hard times.
I haven't seen the show, but again, it makes sense that a couple like Glenn and Maggie would happen because it is a likely partnership that has reason to it. True, there are not many options for the survivors in terms of a lover, but Clementine is still only 11 years old. If she lives to become an adult, she could meet much more compatible people by then, or maybe even meet an adolescent boy like herself while she is still young.
I wasn't trying to be pessimistic in saying that Clementine and Luke may not live long enough to make a decision so crucial as to have children, I was merely being realistic. They are both obviously very capable survivors, but so was Lee. Lee got very unlucky in getting ambushed by the walker in Savannah. Luck plays a large part in survivability, and it's a miracle that Clementine is still alive at all. We can't count on any survivor lasting longer than a day. No one can say what will happen. One tragedy is just as likely as another, and making it through another day is a good roll of the dice.
Regardless, I can't help but feel like your "theory" is based off of personal fantasy. If you didn't have a thing for Clementine and Luke being together, I don't think that you'd try so hard to rationalize such an unlikely scenario.
Respectfully, ten years between two people who are dating isn't inappropriate, provided they are both of legal age or older.
And the only r… moreeason I envisioned the whole Luke/Clementine deal, is because even in hard times, people will still try to cling to normal activities and rituals of life.
Plus, it is so unreasonable to think that both Luke and Clementine wouldn't try to find a partner, perhaps not each other, in an apocalyptic world?
Case and point, Kenny and Sarita.
Even though Kenny is living in the apocalypse, that hasn't stopped him from hooking up with Sarita, after his wife died.
Also, how about Glenn and Maggie on the show?
Still the zombie apocalypse, yet they hooked up!
My point simply is, even though the shit hits the fan, that's not necessarily gonna stop people from hooking up.
And also, as I explained above, it is the apocalypse, so it's not like there would be a whole lot of people to choose from.
And the idea… [view original content]
Honestly I don't 2 shits if Luke and Clementine get together or not.
I really don't!
The only reason I even considered Luke, even though I will admit he is a remote possibility, is merely cause he seems like a decent enough guy.
It's a simple as that.
It's perfectly reasonable indeed that Clementine and Luke would prefer to find love over being alone, but I don't think there is any legitim… moreate reason to believe that they would find romantic interest in each other. Kenny and Sarita seem to be of much closer age to each other than Clementine and Luke, and it makes sense that Kenny would fall for her since she is reminiscent of Katjaa. Clementine and Luke really don't have much common ground at all, they just help each other through hard times.
I haven't seen the show, but again, it makes sense that a couple like Glenn and Maggie would happen because it is a likely partnership that has reason to it. True, there are not many options for the survivors in terms of a lover, but Clementine is still only 11 years old. If she lives to become an adult, she could meet much more compatible people by then, or maybe even meet an adolescent boy like herself while she is still young.
I wasn't trying t… [view original content]
Fair enough. As far as Clementine's current group goes, Luke is pretty much the best of the bunch. Let's not forget though, that he disappeared in the end of episode 2. Who knows if we'll ever even see him again? Carver says Luke "finally cut and run" and that he led them into his hands. Best case scenario; Luke saw what was happening at the lodge from a distance and decided the smartest thing to do was stay out of sight until he had an opportunity. We'll just have to find out, won't we?
Honestly I don't 2 shits if Luke and Clementine get together or not.
I really don't!
The only reason I even considered Luke, even though I… more will admit he is a remote possibility, is merely cause he seems like a decent enough guy.
It's a simple as that.
Fair enough. As far as Clementine's current group goes, Luke is pretty much the best of the bunch. Let's not forget though, that he disappea… morered in the end of episode 2. Who knows if we'll ever even see him again? Carver says Luke "finally cut and run" and that he led them into his hands. Best case scenario; Luke saw what was happening at the lodge from a distance and decided the smartest thing to do was stay out of sight until he had an opportunity. We'll just have to find out, won't we?
Hopefully that will be a dialogue option. I'm holding on to the hopes that I'll be able to explain to Kenny why I didn't sit next to him in the lodge. I'm sure that confounds you and your love for Kenny, and I love the man too, but I thought it made more sense to sit next to Nick and Luke so that I could tell everyone that Kenny is cool and they can trust him. I just wanted to establish the friendship, make sure we're all good with each other. But damn did I feel bad seeing Kenny pout over my choice.
I sat with Kenny, mainly cause I was happy to see him again and I wanted to hang out with him.
The other reason is, since I knew him and he trusts me, I figured he should know about Luke and Nick.
If he knows that I trust them, he'll be more likely to trust them too.
To tell you the truth, I wish Kenny had not gotten antagonistic with Luke and Nick, when he started talking about Wellington.
Admittedly, Nick's response to Kenny's idea, saying that it was bullshit, was very disrespectful!
I can understand Nick's doubts, but he still could've acted with a little more class then he did.
Instead of just cutting Kenny's idea down just like that, Nick could have asked him questions about how Kenny heard about Wellington, how they planned to get there, and what they would do once they arrived.
And if he had any doubts about the answers he was getting, to express them in a tactful and respectful way, after Kenny was through explaining his plan.
Instead just blurting out that he thought the whole idea was bullshit.
But even so, Kenny didn't have to respond the same way towards Nick and Luke.
Kenny should be old enough to know that just because someone else behaves like an asshole, doesn't mean you have to.
And like Walt said: "Gentlemen, ( and I'm sure he was using that term loosely), there's no need for this."
I can understand why Kenny got defensive, after Nick's disrespectful remark.
However, Kenny sarcastically asking Nick if he had a hearing problem, before Nick said what he did, was uncalled for.
So yes, both share blame for what happened.
But I just have this feeling that if Nick hadn't just blurted out what he did, I think the whole conversation would've gone very nicely.
Hopefully that will be a dialogue option. I'm holding on to the hopes that I'll be able to explain to Kenny why I didn't sit next to him in … morethe lodge. I'm sure that confounds you and your love for Kenny, and I love the man too, but I thought it made more sense to sit next to Nick and Luke so that I could tell everyone that Kenny is cool and they can trust him. I just wanted to establish the friendship, make sure we're all good with each other. But damn did I feel bad seeing Kenny pout over my choice.
Exactly there has to have been places where it was controlled and safe, or at least safer
I think S2 might end on a slightly lighter note than S1 did. I don't think Clem will be alone, we've seen that already. I can imagine her and Kenny/Luke standing over a body, the last body of the whole S2 battle. They're in the middle of nowhere, no one else is around, and it's sunrise. Clem and Kenny/Luke stand up, sheath their weapons, turn away and begin to walk. Nowhere in particular, no destination in mind, but they're done with that portion of their lives.
Very true, she's not in good mental condition and is not as positive as Walter was, no matter what you choose for her to do or say. I do think however, that choosing the more positive dialogue options may at least help her to stay as positive as possible. It's undeniable that Clementine is not a happy person and may never return to her optimistic attitude of season 1 ("It's not good... but I think everything's going to be okay!"), but her personality is built upon Lee's guidance which was styled after the player's choices.
Kirkman basically nixed that though.
great, but there's something i found in this link http://walkingdead.wikia.com/wiki/Zombies
it's not a cure but it can give anyone hope to survive
Being immune wouldn't even work the same in TWD's universe, since the virus only effects you once you inevitably die. If they wanted a similar effect, they'd just have to go with her having an insanely powerful immune system. But that would probably be closer to an autoimmune disease than some sort of bite immunity. Immunity to zombie bites just doesn't seem to fit with the lore of TWD. The presence of a cure would kill Kirkman's cashcow, anyways.
Twilight, harry potter, lord of the rings. all of this stories were ended while they were the most successful stories were ever made, and everybody were watching their movies and play their games (Twilight has some puzzle silly games),
so i don't agree with when u said "I think it will end when people dont want to play the game"
Like I said, island countries or small countries like Australia or Japan would at least be able to survive. They'd still take a beating from the outbreak (seeing as you Americans got your asses handed to ya lol) but they might be able to recover.
Lee has the option to tell everyone to fuck off, does that mean it's his personality? nope.
North Korea's probably doing just fine. Well, except for the fascism.
If by "Clem's story," you mean the story that we'll get to see, I'm thinking that it'll end with her with a few good, dependable people around her, headed somewhere they think is safe. It won't give us full closure, but players can get a sense of security and comfort about Clem's future, while also having some feelings of doubt and uncertainty about how things are going to turn out.
If by "Clem's story," you mean her life story, then it would probably just end with her getting bitten and then having someone shoot her before turning. My hope is that she would have grown up and lead a somewhat fulfilling life by that point. At least somewhere around her mid-20s. I also don't want her to die alone in some dark dingy place. She should have someone there with her in her final moments. They'd watch the sunrise with her one last time and then end it for her, the same way she did for Lee.
Thank you! I was thinking this while reading through this thread. If Clem was immune, she'd have to die before we found out... and fuck that!
You Are Now Entering True Korea-
"..You two sure do look like a match!"
Totally what I think will happen. She will separate herself from people so she doesn't have have the pain and grief when they die. Maybe she will be like Molly with a not-so-friendly personality so that people don't get too close. She will be very lonely and want to be around good people but will stay her distance because she fears what she believes will always happen. Like Molly said "What always happens, the Dead always win"
I doubt they'd be able to make a full recovery but have it somewhat stable and by the way I ain't american
Oddly enough, North Korea has reported a 100% turn-out in Zombie voting, each one voting for Kim Jung-un. Now that's patriotism!
I wasn't saying that to you. I was saying it to all the Americans. Sorry for the misunderstanding and if that seems offensive to anyone.
Uh, no he doesn't.
He only has it when it is appropriate. Or can you tell Clementine or Duck to fuck off?
It isn't in Lee's ->personality<- to tell little kids to fuck off., but he's equally capable of killing or sparing the St. John's brothers. He has it in him to be either vengeful or merciful. You just choose whether he acts on either aspect of his personality or not.
I see Kenny, Luke and Clementine, being the main characters in the game.
I see them sticking out together, with Luke and Clementine,( when she becomes an adult), becoming a couple and having a family together.
( I know some will disagree with Luke and Clementine eventually ending up together, but seeing as it's the apocalypse, it's not there's a variety of people to choose from).
I see the two of them having children a couple of seasons before the series ends.
Kenny, now in his 50's, has become a father figure to Luke and Clementine, and subsequently a grandpa figure to their children.
I see their children being a powerful influence on Kenny, helping him become again the man he was before the apocalypse.
Together, the three adults help raise the children to capable adults.
At the end, Kenny, now in his 70's, has become co leader with a now 60ish year old Luke, of a sizable comunity of over 50 other survivors.
With Clementine now around 40, being the primary educator in it, giving lessons to the children about how to survive in the outside world, as well as as well as giving them a secular education as well.
Under their leadership, the community thrives, leading an almost near normal life.
Granted, Walkers will always be a potential threat, but the community have made a pledge to not let that stop them from finding enjoyment in life, a spirit in which Kenny, Luke and Clementine are the head of the spear.
And thus, the rebuilding of humanity begins!
It would be nice if season 2 did end on a higher note.
However I strongly doubt that that will be the end of the game series.
I honestly wouldn't be surprised if it doesn't last for at least 4 or 6 seasons.
It would be interesting if could choose between Kenny or Luke, as to who'll survive to season 3.
But honestly, I'd rather see all three of them, Clementine, Kenny and Luke, in the 3rd season.
Not at all, my fault sorry
As much as I want to believe you're joking, I'll just go ahead and say this anyway: can we stop shipping Clementine and Luke? Clem is only 11 years old while Luke is at least 24. Even if they both grow tens of years older, he will always be more than 10 years older than her. So can we just let this go and accept that it will never happen? Not only because it's pretty inappropriate, but also because it's extremely unlikely that they will both live that long. Alright? Alright.
Respectfully, ten years between two people who are dating isn't inappropriate, provided they are both of legal age or older.
And the only reason I envisioned the whole Luke/Clementine deal, is because even in hard times, people will still try to cling to normal activities and rituals of life.
Plus, it is so unreasonable to think that both Luke and Clementine wouldn't try to find a partner, perhaps not each other, in an apocalyptic world?
Case and point, Kenny and Sarita.
Even though Kenny is living in the apocalypse, that hasn't stopped him from hooking up with Sarita, after his wife died.
Also, how about Glenn and Maggie on the show?
Still the zombie apocalypse, yet they hooked up!
My point simply is, even though the shit hits the fan, that's not necessarily gonna stop people from hooking up.
And also, as I explained above, it is the apocalypse, so it's not like there would be a whole lot of people to choose from.
And the idea about neither of them living that long, well think of Herschel.
Herschel looked to be in his late 60's to early 70's.
So you might reasonably think, cause of his age, he wouldn't last very long.
And yet, look how long he lasted in the apocalypse!
Herschel was a tough guy, and the only reason he died was because of the Governor.
If it hadn't been for the Governor, Herschel would probably still be alive, in spite of only having one leg!
I'm just using simple logical thinking, in making my theory.
Nothing more.
You know,your post gave me an idea. This game should chronicle Clementine's life.
Season 1,she was a child. Season 2,she's almost a teenager. Maybe,season 3,she'll be a young adult,season 4 she'll be middle-aged,and ten it ends at season 5 with her as an old lady.
It's perfectly reasonable indeed that Clementine and Luke would prefer to find love over being alone, but I don't think there is any legitimate reason to believe that they would find romantic interest in each other. Kenny and Sarita seem to be of much closer age to each other than Clementine and Luke, and it makes sense that Kenny would fall for her since she is reminiscent of Katjaa. Clementine and Luke really don't have much common ground at all, they just help each other through hard times.
I haven't seen the show, but again, it makes sense that a couple like Glenn and Maggie would happen because it is a likely partnership that has reason to it. True, there are not many options for the survivors in terms of a lover, but Clementine is still only 11 years old. If she lives to become an adult, she could meet much more compatible people by then, or maybe even meet an adolescent boy like herself while she is still young.
I wasn't trying to be pessimistic in saying that Clementine and Luke may not live long enough to make a decision so crucial as to have children, I was merely being realistic. They are both obviously very capable survivors, but so was Lee. Lee got very unlucky in getting ambushed by the walker in Savannah. Luck plays a large part in survivability, and it's a miracle that Clementine is still alive at all. We can't count on any survivor lasting longer than a day. No one can say what will happen. One tragedy is just as likely as another, and making it through another day is a good roll of the dice.
Regardless, I can't help but feel like your "theory" is based off of personal fantasy. If you didn't have a thing for Clementine and Luke being together, I don't think that you'd try so hard to rationalize such an unlikely scenario.
Honestly I don't 2 shits if Luke and Clementine get together or not.
I really don't!
The only reason I even considered Luke, even though I will admit he is a remote possibility, is merely cause he seems like a decent enough guy.
It's a simple as that.
Fair enough. As far as Clementine's current group goes, Luke is pretty much the best of the bunch. Let's not forget though, that he disappeared in the end of episode 2. Who knows if we'll ever even see him again? Carver says Luke "finally cut and run" and that he led them into his hands. Best case scenario; Luke saw what was happening at the lodge from a distance and decided the smartest thing to do was stay out of sight until he had an opportunity. We'll just have to find out, won't we?
Oh thank god for that
I know if I see Luke, I'm gonna ask him what the hell happened to him when he was needed most.
Hopefully that will be a dialogue option. I'm holding on to the hopes that I'll be able to explain to Kenny why I didn't sit next to him in the lodge. I'm sure that confounds you and your love for Kenny, and I love the man too, but I thought it made more sense to sit next to Nick and Luke so that I could tell everyone that Kenny is cool and they can trust him. I just wanted to establish the friendship, make sure we're all good with each other. But damn did I feel bad seeing Kenny pout over my choice.
I sat with Kenny, mainly cause I was happy to see him again and I wanted to hang out with him.
The other reason is, since I knew him and he trusts me, I figured he should know about Luke and Nick.
If he knows that I trust them, he'll be more likely to trust them too.
To tell you the truth, I wish Kenny had not gotten antagonistic with Luke and Nick, when he started talking about Wellington.
Admittedly, Nick's response to Kenny's idea, saying that it was bullshit, was very disrespectful!
I can understand Nick's doubts, but he still could've acted with a little more class then he did.
Instead of just cutting Kenny's idea down just like that, Nick could have asked him questions about how Kenny heard about Wellington, how they planned to get there, and what they would do once they arrived.
And if he had any doubts about the answers he was getting, to express them in a tactful and respectful way, after Kenny was through explaining his plan.
Instead just blurting out that he thought the whole idea was bullshit.
But even so, Kenny didn't have to respond the same way towards Nick and Luke.
Kenny should be old enough to know that just because someone else behaves like an asshole, doesn't mean you have to.
And like Walt said: "Gentlemen, ( and I'm sure he was using that term loosely), there's no need for this."
I can understand why Kenny got defensive, after Nick's disrespectful remark.
However, Kenny sarcastically asking Nick if he had a hearing problem, before Nick said what he did, was uncalled for.
So yes, both share blame for what happened.
But I just have this feeling that if Nick hadn't just blurted out what he did, I think the whole conversation would've gone very nicely.